To see blogs listed under relevant headings, please click the menu options
2024 Sep 11 Riding The Pandemic Tiger In A Polycrisis
2024 Aug 16 The Math In TOTO Lottery And A Good Tip
2024 Aug 10 Singapore Toto Produces Jackpot Winners Belies Probability Theory
2024 Aug 9 Pro Se Litigation And A Singaporean's Mission To Seek Justice
2024 Aug 6 The Hullabaloo Of The Sale Of NTUC Income
2024 Aug 3 Singapore's Economic Standing - Where Statistics Do Not Jive With Reality
​2024 Aug 1 Paris Olympics Did Not Mock Last Supper But What They Did Was Actually Worse
2024 Jul 28 Statism Is The Winning Ideology For Economic Success Of Singapore, Japan China, S. Korea, Taiwan
2024 Jul 21 Failed Trump Assassination - Conspiracy Of More Than One Shooter
2024 Jul 20 Failed Trump Assassination - The Shorting Of Trumps Companies
2024 Jul 13 RGS Exam Question On The Ethics Of Harm Is Not So Easy
2024 Jul 13 Dedollarisation What Will BRICS Do?
2024 Jul 11 Dedollarisation Geopolitics And Macroeconomics Of Reserves
2024 Jul   8 Dedollarisation - What Is The Motivation?
2024 Jul   7 So You Think The Central Provident Fund Is Bad
2024 Jul   4 Politics In Singapore - What Needs To Change
2024 Jun 29 Does Hebrew Bible Prophecise Jesus?
2024 Jun 25 I Was Right About The Trump Hush Money Trial
2024 Jun 21 Betrayal Of The Intelligentsia
2024 Jun 17 Those That God Blesses And Those That God Curses
2024 Jun 13 On Judgement Day Account Quran And Hadith Point ToJesus As God
2024 Jun 10 OPEC Production Increase: How Leftist Media Disinforms By Lies And Omissions
2024 Jun   7 Singaore Election And Ideologies Of Political Parties
2024 Jun   2 Democrats' Gotcha Moment In Rigged Trial Of Trump In New York
2024 May 28 Temasek To Recoup FTX Losses? Not So Fast
2024 May 24 Singapore Is World's Top Start Up Country By VC Funding Per Capita
2024 May 20 Death Of Buddha, Christ And Mohammud
2024 May 13 Who Is Behind Trump?
2024 May   7 How Governments Print Money
2024 Apr 26 Creation According To Bible And Quran
2024 Apr 19 Anachronism In Quran: Brothers Sold Joseph
2024 Apr   1 The Israeli Embassys FaceBook Post: Looking Beyond The Street Light
2024 Feb  5 SimplyGo Fiasco: Big Data Ambitions And $40m Dilemma Exlained
2024 Jan 30 Measuring Temasek Against 20 Red Flags For Next Wirecard Crash
2024 Jan 24 Is SimplyGo A Case Of Putting Lipsticks On A Pig
2024 Jan 13 1% GST Increase Is A Double Salami Attack On Singaoreans
2024 Jan 10 What The Fuss About A Mere 1% Increase In GST
2024 Jan   6 What Happens When A Singapore Bank's Head Office Country Is Invaded

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