To see blogs listed under relevant headings, please click the menu options
2022 Dec 31 Indranee The Magician Explains The Reserves Conundrum
2022 Dec 23 What I Want For Christmas From My Government
2022 Dec 22 Is Klaus Schwab The Head Of The Singapore Government?
2022 Dec 19 President Sukarno : "Tell Me, Why Did They Kill Kennedy?"
2022 Dec 14 The Government Has A Short Money - Long Money Problem
2022 Dec 13 GIF Is Poised To Be The 3rd Largest SWF In The World
2022 Dec   9 No Intergenerational Equity in PAP Fiscal Policies
2022 Dec   8 Water Water Everywhere But Not A Single Dime To Spare
2022 Dec   7 Mexican Standoff Between Biden & SCOTUS May-Devastate Democrats
2022 Dec   4 Weakileaks Data Dump - Why Did Democrats Turn Progressive
2022 Nov 25 MAS-Nugan Hand Licence, FTX, Elon-Musk-Twitter All Truman Shows
2022 Nov 24 So You Thought GIC, Temasek Investments & MAS Forex Reserves Are Our Reserves
2022 Nov 22 The S$30b Singapore Fiscal Surplus Dispute
2022 Nov 18 Temasek's Scholars Conned By An Overgrown Kid In Shorts
2022 Nov 14 Are Singaporeans Satisfied Pigs Or Fools, Or Dissatisfied Socrates?
2022 Nov   2 My Fellow Singaporeans, I told You So
2022 Oct 28 Lee Kuan Yew Did Not Lie That Value Of HDB Flats Will Not Drop
2022 Oct 23 HDB Housing Punditry - An Outside The Box View With Stuff No One Told You Before
2022 Oct 19 Cancel Culture - Who Let The Dogs Out, Does Temasek Have A Hand In This, And Thank Goodness For Trump
2022 Oct   7 Operation Spectrum, Klaus Schwab, Liberation Theology - Nothing Is What It Seems
2022 Aug 14 Of Headless Beings And Ghosts Of National Service Past
2022 Aug 12 The Broken Windows Of Singapore
2022 Aug   7 Does The Government Have Sufficient Assets To Meet Its Purpose
2022 Aug   5 You Need To Understand Government Accounting Before You Can Analyse Their Financials
2022 Jul 30 Three Big Lies About The National Reserves That You Should Know About
2022 Jul 27 Increase of S$170B In Government Assets Is Not An Increase In Reserves
2022 Jul 22 In Defence of MAS S$7.4b Losses - All Central Bank Have Nowhere To Run.
2022 Jul 19 Bongbong Marcos' SONA Has Economic Numbers That Is An Indictment of Duterte
2022 Jul 14 The Debacle Of USD Or Yuan As World Reserve Currency
2022 Jul 10 Are Sigapore & China Guilty Of Currency Manipulation (Part II)
2022 Jul   9 Are Sigapore & China Guilty Of Currency Manipulation (Part I)
2022 Jul   4 The Sanction On Russia Is A Faux Pas Which May Turn Out Costly For Sigapore
2022 Jun 29 Roe V Wade - Cacophony of Liberals Vs Silent Screams of Unborn Babies
2022 Jun 27 How A Bankrupt Federal Reserve Bank Cheats With Creative Accounting
2022 Jun 25 Why The US Will Never Go Bankrupt
2022 Jun 22 May I Have A Cup Of Teh-O-Kosong?
2022 Jun 18 The Search For The Covid Racketeering Snake - Companies Of Interest
2022 Jun 12 Who Is This Celebrity? What Ails Him?
2022 Jun   6 Breaking News - Novel Vaccines Cause And/Or Accelerate Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
2022 Jun   1 Leaked Audio Of China's Taiwan Plan Is A Case Of Too Many Keyboard Generals
2022 May 31 Excess Deaths In Singapore In 2021
2022 May 26 Inflation, Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, International Trade - What The Heck Is Going On
2022 May 20 Government Doing Nothing To Mitigate High Electricity Prices
2022 May 16 The Collapse Of Stablecoin UST, LUNA Token, Anchor Defi Explained
2022 May   7 Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars
2022 Apr 25 Why You Can't Buy Cheaper Solar Energy From Retailers?
2022 Apr 22 Why MAS S$75B Excess Foreign Reserves Cannot Be Spent On Singaporeans
2022 Apr 12 The Enigma Of Singapore National Reserves At GIC
2022 Apr   9 Singapore Sanctions Russia - A Betrayal Of First Principles In Foreign Relations
2022 Mar 26 The Village Idiot Who Approves Of PAP Operating "Prabus"
2022 Mar 21 Singapore Too Trigger Happy To Sanction Russia For Goose-Stepping Into Ukraine
2022 Mar   4 The Greatest 'Grand Jury In Human History (Day 2)
2022 Feb 16 The Greatest 'Grand Jury' In Human History (Day 1)
2022 Jan 21 A Review Of NMP Leong's Parliament Speech On MAS Amendment Bill
2022 Jan 18 MAS Amendment Bill will make Singapore hold highest public debt in the world
2022 Jan 11 Singapore Freemasonry According To M. Ravi
2022 Jan   7 The Hobgoblin of the Singaporean psyche
2022 Jan   4 Will PAP Let The People Eat Cake?

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