To see blogs listed under relevant headings, please click the menu options
2021 Dec 21 Energy Price Shock Pt II - Is Shrinking Supply Cushion And Price Fixing TheReal Problem?
2021 Dec 11 Energy Price Shock Shock Pt I - Who Wins Who Looses?
2021 Dec 11 Amidst Electricity Market Turmoil, Retailers Exit To Cut Cash Losses But Sit On A Pile of Futures Profits
2021 Dec   6 It's so difficult To Say I'm Not Vaccinated
2021 Nov 24 High Incidence Of Stillbirths Reported - What's Happening?
2021 Nov 19 Covid Cases High In Highly Vaccinated, And Low in Lowly Vaccinated Countries!
2021 Nov 15 Pfizer Employs Deceit In Vaccine For Children You Probably Are'nt Even Aware Of
2021 Nov   8 New In Vitro Study Finds mRNA Vaccine Places DNA In Great Jeopardy
2021 Nov   4 Safety Of mRNA Vaccine For Pregnant Women Based On Study With Wrong Premise - New Study Says Risk Extremely High
2021 Oct 31 Pandemic Blunders And Blinders As Singapore Suffers A Surge In Infection
2021 Oct 27 Covid-Safe Country Index (Update 27 Oct 2021)
2021 Oct 24 The Horror Behind Vaccines That You Probably Don't Know">
2021 Oct 16 Did MPs Mislead Parliament In Denying NCMP Leong's Appeal For Tariff Reduction?
2021 Oct 15 Open Letter To MTF To Adopt The Uttar Pradesh Model To Stop Pandemic
2021 Oct 14 You May Be A Walking Antenna - The Secret Materials Inside You
2021 Sep 30 Covid Clusterfuck And The Schodinger Cat
2021 Sep 25 Proof Of SAR-Cov-2 Engineered At Wuhan Lab And Singapore May Be Involved
2021 Sep   9 The Safe Country Index -- Safest Country To Be During The Coronavirus Pandemic
2021 Sep   9 CECA And The Delusion Of Indian HR Exceptionalism - Episode 1
2021 Sep   2 Did PM Lee Hsien Loong Just Encouraged Singaporeans To Gamble With Bitcoin?
2021 Aug 31 FDA Approved Pfizer Vaccine For Covid-19 - Did Science Cave-in To Politics?
2021 Aug 28 Don't be fooled by Cryptocurrency Market Capitalisation And Volumes - they mean absolutely nothing
2021 Aug 18 Singapore Cryptocurrency Market - Tharman Got It Wrong About The Size
2021 Aug 12 Dover Forest Public Housing Project And The 10 Million Population Target
2021 Aug 13 Did The Bible Warn Us Of Vaccination?
2021 Aug 10 Critical Spectator says Dover Forest development a good one, Singaporeans should suck it up
2021 Aug   6 Singaporeans Are Disrespecting The National Flag
2021 Aug   3 Three Wise Men of MAS - The Good, The Bad And The .... Rogue?
2021 Jul 30 Government Thinks Singaporeans Are Too Stupid For Lots Of Jobs
2021 Jul 28 The Truth About National Reserves of SIngapore
2021 Jul 27 What Is Bitcoin? Is It A Scam? Will It Be World Currency?
2021 Jul 26 Again, did Singapore grow richer by S$235b during the pandemic?
2021 Jul 26 Again, did Singapore grow richer by S$235b during the pandemic?
2021 Jul 17 Tiktok video brags Singapore grew richer by more than S$200B during pandemic. It's hogwash and here's why.
2021 Jul   8 Government Does Not Want You To Know MAS Is Printing Money For Covid-19 Aid Package
2021 Jul   5 Electricity Tariff Q3 - Did SP Take A Bullet For Ruling Party?
2021 Jul   3 Look What The Election Brought - Electricity Tariff Down 15%
2021 Jul   2 About Beeple's US$69.3m Digital Art - Is It Art Or Art Of The Scam?
2021 Jun 21 The Answer To "Were Is Singapore Government Borrowing S$22B From?"
2021 May 31 In The Matter of BLM Flag IN US Embassies
2021 Feb 22 The vaccination dilemma - sticks and carrots and what else !
2021 Jan 18 Dictatorship of Relativism And Difference Of Left And Conservative
2021 Jan 14 New Hawker Programme And How Government & Elites Failed Singaporeans

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