The Olympics opening ceremony at Paris had an enactment which seemed to most people was an apparent mockery of The Last Supper, a scene of great sacred esteem to Christians. The organisers have apologised and explained the scene was actually a play on 'Feast of the Gods', a celebration in a manner how ancient Greeks did during their Olympiads. No matter the explanation, Christians were outraged at the imagery that left no doubt as to intent. So too many non-Christians must have been incensed at what a Pride Parade of gays and drag queens has to do with the Olympics.
Across Europe, there were many peaceful demonstrations by Christians angered at this indignation. Over social media, I see many comments by non-religious persons poking what they viewed as un-intellectual Christians' inability to appreciate art. Rather than adding more coal to fire, I thought it a wondrous occasion to show clearly to the world how Christians reacted. See here a picture of thousands gathered in Paris for prayer and to keep vigil. There were no hysterical violent protests all over the Christian world, the kind we see all the time in another religion. There is no Charlie Hebdo type retaliation. The difference in values is outstanding. To all Christians, be proud of this value. It is this value that dark forces in Paris try to undermine.
For those who do not understand what the organisers meant when they refer to the "Feast of the Gods", this is a painting by Giovanni Bellini in 1514 (Titian added the background after Bellini died). It is a gathering of Roman pagan gods in festive mood in a verdant setting. The more prominent gods are Jupiter (Zeus), Neptune (Poseidon), Mercury (Herme), Venus (Aphrodite) and Apollo. Of special mention are Bacchus (Dionysus) and Faunus (Pan). This was a painting during the Renaissance, a time of great interest in humanist ideals and a revival of Greco-Roman antiquity. Thus the subject matter of Roman (Greek) pagan gods. Note that this painting bears no resemblance to the Last Supper and Bacchus (Dionysus) is not prominently displayed.
More than a hundred years after Bellini, Jan Harmensz van Bijlert painted his version of "Feast of the Gods". The subject matter remains the same Greco-Roman pagan gods. The genre of painting of the 17th century is no longer Renaissance, but Baroque. Amongst the distinctive features of Baroque style is the use of light to create a focal point and subjects in dynamic poses as to depict a scene of movement and energy.
In Bijlert's painting, there is now a banquet table and Bacchus (Dionysus) is in the foreground. Bacchus, God of Wine, is always holding grapes in his hand. This painting has a fair resemblance to the Olympics enactment. Let's take Olympics Chairperson Anne Chamber at her words that this was what they were trying to depict.- ancient Greco-Roman pagan gods celebrating before their Olympiad Games. However, in this regards, there were a few technical errors.
The painting is of Roman pagan gods, although derived from Greek equivalents. The Olympiads were held in honour of Zeus, the uno numero of the Grecian pantheon of gods, but he is not present in the "Feast". Dionysus is usually depicted in purple, green or gold, never in blue. As to why he was painted blue, I explain later. Although Dionysus was shown in his accoutrements of leaves and flowers and fruits which are in line with his association with nature, but missing are the thyrsus and the grapes he is always seen with. After all, he is the God of Wine. Lastly, Dionysus often has a crown of ivy and thorns. Those flowers on that silly blue man's head aren't the blooms of ivy. Some say the skit alluded to paedophilia as seen in the child at the table with those drag queens. That kid represents Cupid (Eros), the god of desire, erotic love and romance.
With the pride parade a centre piece of the act, it is too bad Hermaphroditus is not at the "Feast". He is the son of Herme and Aphrodite. As a very handsome young boy, the nymph Salmacis fell in love with him. Her love was rejected and she asked for help of the gods that she be forever with him. The gods fused the bodies of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus into one BFF. Thus Hermaphroditus is depicted as a female with male genitalia and is considered the God of Androgyny. In current days, his pronouns would be He/She. In the crazy cultural ethos of our times in Western society, the woke crowd should cancel the Olympics organiser for failure to invite Hermaphroditus to the feast.
Barbara Butch is that XXL drag queen sitting right in the middle of the table. No, she was not representing Jesus. She was Apollo in the "Feast" painting. Apollo is the god of many domains, the Sun is one of them. Thus Barbara Butch has that funny dome with spike on her head depicting the rays of the sun. It was Barbara who posted on X this montage of the "Feast" banquet and the Last Supper table with the caption "New Gay Testament". She has since taken down that post. There is no doubt she was making a mockery of the Last Supper. The same need not necessarily be so for the organiser as the evidence shows. It is a question of intent and since we cannot get into their minds, we should leave it at that.
Ever the contrarian, and as a Catholic, I posit the enactment at the Olympics ceremony is not about the Last Supper, however unfortunate the imagery may be. Let's simmer down. Even if it were a mockery, I say let our love prevail.
However, I call upon Christians and non-Christians with common sense alike, to rage into the night at this event, but for an entirely differently reason.
At this juncture, here's my take on why Dionysus was painted in blue. It is all about ribaldry or blue comedy. Dionysus was painted blue for people who could not see the blue comedy. Ribaldry are skits or sketches that are absolutely bawdy, indelicate, indecent, sexually explicit. The openly perverse display is often meant to conceal a purpose of breaking conventional values of the time. Proponents do it as taboo-breakers and hence their subject matter is always controversial. It is in fact subversive. The Pride Month movers, of course work against the conservatism of Christianity, a bastion of values diametrically opposed to their ideals of hedonistic individualism.
Ever since the Enlightment, there has been a battle of minds for centuries to this day. Some calls it Dogma vs Reason, to some it's Theos (God) vs anti-theologists (atheists or agnostics), and to others a spiritual war between the divine and Satan, of good vs evil. A bunch of people including the Pride Monthers, try to persuade minds to abandon faith. They do so by insults, not by the logic of their ways. The concept of God, or at least in the Judeo-Christian way, sets a unity of standards of morality to strive for. New atheists contend the pursuit of God is full of dogma crab and should be replaced by cool-headed empiricism. The idea seems that if we get rid of dogma, everybody will become scientists. When minds are empty of faith, according to leading psychologist Jordan Petersen, two things replace it. The pursuit of God will be replaced either by pursuit of power, or pursuit of untrammeled hedonism. Those who have been out house-hunting may have heard of some old folks' advice. Avoid houses which have been left unoccupied too long. Chances are some spirits may have moved in. What Petersen said has already manifested in the Western world. It makes for a deeper and stimulating blog, but here, I shall relate only to the "Feast".
With freedom from the oppressive moral standards of God, gratification of the flesh is no longer restrained by conscience. It is amoral, so have a good time. Those that seek the pleasure of the flesh has an acceptable God in Dionysus. He is the Greek god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre. You want a no-holds barred perverted party, the MC to call upon is Dionysus. His is a party of intoxification and sexual perversion. Dionysus' retinue is a collection of satyrs and maenads. Satyrs are nature spirits often depicted naked, with bestial face, a tail, feet of horses, and prancing around with an exaggerated erect phallus. They are rapists of forest nymphs and mortal women. A satyr is seen in the second "Feast" portrait, prancing in the foreground. Maenads are female followers of Dionysus. The word in Greek means “to rave, to be mad; to rage, to be angry”. Maenads mean the one with raving madness. If you have seen those folks suffering from TDS (Trump Delusion Syndrome), you get the idea of raving madness.
In ancient times, Dionysian cults grew in Greece, and in Rome, cults of Bacchus proliferated. Bacchanalia was the ancient festival of Bacchus. Their rites to worship the God of Wine involved loud music, maniacal dancing, whirling, screaming, inciting one another to greater heights of ecstacy. All the frenzied dancing and intoxification was to reach a height of delirium where they believe they can communicate with their divine idol. I am thinking those ancient folks did not know about LSD, (lysergic acid diethylamide) the psychedelic drug also known as "acid" or "Lucy". The "Woodstock" generation had an easier way to achieve the Nirvana by popping LSD. Dionysus cultists had to twist, jump, gyrate and scream for hours.
The secretive nature of the rites, which could lead to political conspiracies and moral corruption, criminal behavior, including violence and sexual misconduct during the rites, fueled the concerns of Romans who banned the cults in 186 AD. The Catholic Church too deemed it demonic and in 691 AD the Quinisext Council held in Constantinople, banned several pre-Christian and pagan practices, including those related to transvestism during Dionysian wine-making rituals.
Those who have been attentive and observed the developing cultural chaos in Western countries in the last two decades, should have a sense the ancient gods are back. The rise of progressive liberalism in the Western world has pushed back the boundaries of Judeo-Christian values. As church attendance falls, wokeism raises its ugly head. The Dionysus cults are back and they have been trying to normalise the amoral culture for years and in so many ways and places. In Western countries dominated by socialist leftist leadership, mostly in the guise of parties under a "Democrat" banner, governments allow icons of conservatism and Christianity to fall and chaos and confusion to normalise.
For all their hatred of dogma and their professing for Baconian mindset, Western cults are deep into symbolism. This is why the "Feast" event at Paris Olympics has a much darker purpose. The "Feast" is not an accidental choice, but a calibrated move in their bigger scheme of things. Recall the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony and we wondered what was that giant Black Death and those hospital beds all about. Ten years later it's all understood. Olympic opening ceremonies have traditionally been for host country to showcase to the world what they want millions of viewers all over the world to know about them. The Beijing Olympics we saw Chinese technological prowess. The Moscow Olympics we saw history of Russia. What in the world is hospital beds and pagan gods at a sumptious feast all about? Put this together with the Gottard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland 2016 and their bizzare displays of pagan idolism and sexual innuendos, then the pattern is obvious. They are trying to normalise a new amoral Godless culture.
So very often with movements, there are always levels of understanding. For example there are three degrees of Freemasonry, the Apprenticeship level members will all tell you it is a harmless gathering of well-to-do folks pursuing some social work. Top echelon leadership hints of secretive dark objectives. Likewise in this anti-God movement. The mass who are into this are the "useful idiots". The Pride Monthers", the "Pronouncers", the pedophiles, the drag queens, etc they are all in the hedonist joyride in defiance of moralists. Psychologist Jordan Petersen describes this lot being taken over with untrammeled hedonism in search of pleasures of the flesh.
Those at the top, the global elites, WEF alumnus, those that get invited to the Bohemian Grove, belong to what Petersen said are people who pursue power. They understand things at the intellectual level. Dionysus is a unique and multifaceted deity who represents both the joy and the potential chaos inherent in life. The ecstasy and madness of Dionysus is simply the embodiment of the concept of divine ecstasy and the breakdown of conventional boundaries and order. For a new order to rise, the existing order must collapse. In the Judeo-Christian world, all these mad power grabbers understand Christianity stands in the way. Intellectuals like Karl Marx and those sold on his ideology of socialism knew Christianity is their enemy number one.
The "Feast" enactment at the Olympics is a statement by the organisers of their abandonment of, a defiant clenched fist against, Christian values, a shot across the bow of what is to come. For this reason, all who stand for decency and a sense of moral righteousness, must rage against.

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