"A coincidence is a small miracle when God chooses to remain anonymous"I have made comments and written a bit on Pope Francis that annoyed quite a few Catholics. It has even driven some to leave my social chat groups. For perspective, I am Catholic, and it pains me to dwell on negativities of the largest religious organisation in the world. But I rather face brutal facts for the Truth sets us free. There is nothing uncivilised in the way I convey my views. It has always been personal critical assessments based on factual events and acts of Bergolio. Coming from the Jesuit line, one had hopes for the opportunity to cleanse the Vatican swamp. Alas I am persuaded he has proven himself to be a progressive liberal pope, fallen in with the very axis of power in the Vatican that forced Benedict to resign. It is regrettable my social media 'friends' prefer an unexamined life. They have confused the holiness of the seat of St Peter with the man sitting on the chair. My challenge to these 'friends' is to read this account of a miracle and determine for self whether it is pure coincidence or a message or warning from God or Mother Mary.
Albert Einstein
Last December, an extremely crazy natural event occurred in Argentina that the faithful has to decide for self if it was a fluke of nature or something supernatural.
Before going into the miracle, I give this example of a typical view of mine that shows no malice but a careful analysis of what I observe. Many have questioned quite a few acts of Bergolio which did not seem to be in line with tenets of Catholic doctrines. This is but one such incident.
In an inflight interview during the recent apostolic tour of Indonesia, PNG, East Timor and Singapore, Bergolio was asked for his views on the US election. He said both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump promote policies that take lives. Harris' pro-abortion stand Bergolio likens to 'killing' which is stating the obvious. He equated Trump's anti-illegal immigration stand as similar to 'taking lives' when he turns away poor immigrants. However, Trump is only against illegal immigrants, a fundamental law strictly enforced in every country in the world except many Western countries that have the insane open borders policy. Here, Bergolio is obviously making a political alignment with the globalist elites and neglects the catastrophe of the downside of mass illegal migration that is playing out in Europe and US. Bergolio condemns Trump's stand as a 'divine sin'. In Christianity, a divine sin is a sin against God, which covers blesphamy, pride, idolatory, disobedience and rebellion. To Christians, divine sin results in separation with God. By comparison, in his silence, Harris' killing of unborn is a venial sin. Quite clearly, to his mind, Trump's divine sin is the greater evil. Disregarding the Ten Commandments, Bergolio made a moral equivalency of the two by asking voters to chose the lesser evil.
On 17th December 2023, lightning struck a statue of St Peter. What was micraculous was the statue proper was left intact but only 3 specific parts were destroyed - the halo around the head of St. Peter, the key he held in his right hand, and the right hand itself. The statue was left standing, even the metal staff that conducts electricity, was not affected. You can see the before and after state of the statue in the feature image above. What is the significance of these 3 parts that were destroyed?
"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."... Matthew 16:18-19St. Peter is the foundational rock of the Chatholic Church. The papacy is an apostalic continuation of the seat of St. Peter that is considered holy. That holiness is conferred to the person who sits on that seat. The halo often found in images of St. Peter, and in this statue, represents that holiness. Is the destruction of the halo meant to indicate holiness is rescinded for the current pope?
The "Keys of Heaven" are a traditional symbol of the papal office, representing the authority given to St Peter by Jesus according to Christian tradition. This symbolism is often depicted in art and the Vatican's coat of arms, where two keys are crossed, one gold and one silver, bound together by a red cord. In ceremonial events, the pope might carry or be associated with a key as a symbol of his spiritual authority and role as the successor to St Peter. However, there’s no physical key that every pope actually carries. Is the destruction of the key a sign that Bergolio no longer has this spiritual authority?
Catholic tradition holds that the right hand is associated with favours, blessings and authority. The pope gives blessings with his right hand to make the sign of the cross over the congregation or individuals. Is the destruction of the statue's right hand a sign that Pope Francis no longer has authority to give blessings?
To those who say well lighting strucks all the time, just a coincidence. Take a look at the picture below. The statue is on the right of the building on a raised platform (circled red). It is not touching bare Earth, hence little conductivity. The building has all the necessary lightning protection system. Why did it not strike the taller part of the structure which has all the lightning rods to ground a lightning strike? Seems strange.
We know Pope Francis sits on the seat of St Peter, but are there other signs the lightning strike has deference to Bergolio.?
Well that statue of St. Peter is in Buenos Aires Province of Argentina. It is the home dioscese of Archibishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio before he became Pope Francis. Of all the statues of St. Peter to be struck by lightning, it was the one in Bergoglio's home diocese. If that does not catch your attention, the lightning had to strike on 17 December, which is Bergolio's birthday. He was born 17 December 1936.
The lightning struck on 17 December 2023, one day before Pope France made the declaration "Fiducia Supplicans" which opens up the pandora box of blessings for gay couples.
Was the lightning strike a message for Pope Francis, or a warning for Catholics about Bergolio?
To top if off, the statue is at the chapel known as The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolás in the city of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. It has a huge history of Marian apparition.
On 25 Sep 1983, Gladys Quiroga de Motta, a middle-aged housewife with 2 daughters, in the city of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina, began having apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Her vision started one day when she noticed her rosary turned shining brilliantly, which was witnessed by her village friends. The apparition she saw was Mary carrying baby Jesus in her arms. In time, Gladys recognised a wooden carving of Mary carrying baby Jesus was the vision she had seen. That carving was consecrated to the Cathedral in the Cathedral of St Nicolas de Bari which was built in 1884. The carving had gone decrepit and slightly damaged and had been stored away in the bell tower for decades. It has since been restored.

Our Lady of Rosary of San Nicolas
Gladys received her visions from 25 Sep 1983 till 11 Feb 1990. It was only on the 7th vision on 13 Oct 1983 that Mother Mary first spoke to Gladys. 13 Oct 1983 was the 3rd anniversary of the Fatima miracles. In all, Gladys received more than a thousand messages, mostly from Mother Mary, and some from Jesus. She recorded the messages as best she could. Although she had very little education, somehow she managed to record the messages well. Basically, the messages Gladys received were quite similar to Fatima's -- the world is at risk, time is running out, evil has taken over, 2/3 of humanity has turned away from God and must be saved (p.s. 1/3 of world population are Christians!), pray to bring non-believers back to the fold, prayer is powerful, rosary is a good weapon, etc. The themes were focused on prayers, repentance, conversion, devotion to the Rosary, and the need for peace in the world. Unlike in Fatima, there was no specific mention of corruption in the Church.
As in the miracles of Fatima, in Gladys' vision, Mother Mary wanted a sanctuary be built for her. She desired to be with her 'children' and for the sanctuary to be a place to spread out the words for a return to God. Gladys was shown a precise place to locate the sanctuary. The foundation for chapel of Our Lady of Rosary of San Nicolas was laid in 1989. The chapel has been built but it is still an ongoing development work to cope with the ever growing number of visitors who make pilgramage to the sanctuqary every year. Every year on 25th September the township hosts hundreds of thousands who turn up to commemorate the visitation of Our Lady of Rosary. It's popularity is bolstered by anecdotes of healings and divine manifestations of various kinds.
The messages and apparitions were subjected to a lengthy investigation by the Catholic Church. After careful study and consideration, the local bishop, Bishop Héctor Cardelli, officially approved the authenticity of the apparitions on May 22, 2016.
One of the messages read:
"Today the world is confused, very confused. Evil appears to be the only solution. Mankind is being lead by Satan to the deepest of the abysses, to the total condemnation of the soul. Fortunate those that want to see clear in their hearts. Fortunate those that stop to meditate. Fortunate those that are lead by the Mother. Glory be to the Eternal one."
It's up to self to determine whether the lightning stike is a fluke of nature, or a timely sign or warning from God or Mother Mary, about the pope, or perhaps it was a message to Bergolio. Amen.

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