Through the mist of time, the sweat, pain, dangers, lost opportunities, for years spent in uniform, linger with no remorse. But today the noxious odour of betrayal reeks from parliament when a senior honorary member caste-defined us as 'mediocre' if we can't earn a salary of S$500,000 pa. Whilst we serve the country, cabinet members serve Caishen, the Chinese God of Money. No doubt hotshots like Bernard Madoff and pastor Kong Hee must rank high in their esteem.

And here, pardon my paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, I plant my Merdeka tree, and water it with the sweat of patriots from time to time, so like-minded kindred spirits can enjoy the shade and partake in tall tales of governance.

This life's five windows of the soul
Distorts the heavens from pole to pole
And leads you to believe a lie
When you see with, not through, the eye
................................................... William Blake
William Blake saw 300 years ago, the problems of social miscreants' of today. Our five sensory capabilities are miss-used where it comes to interpretation of information. We see and hear with the eyes and ears, and not through them. The senses no longer relay information to our craniums where they are internalised and rationalised.

In this dysfunction, fake news prosper. Purveyors include those who do it innocently, those with an agenda, and even those who governs. Especially those who governs. This is an era where trust in the government is at all-time low, and rightly so as credibility is a big issue with blatant disregard for conflict of interest, non-transparency, concealment of information, and dumping down on the public. Rising wealth inequality, elitism, non-accountability, incompetency, and an obnoxious foreign worker policy, have all fed into public psyche creating an ethos of angst against the ruling elite.

I spent a major part of my career in the banking industry, moving up the corporate ladder as many of us in the Merdeka generation did. We got swept along with the surge of the fast expanding economy of Singapore back then. Our lives improved tremendously and very quickly after Independence 9 Aug 1965, much like what China experienced recently. I attribute our success to climb out of poverty into a middle class existence, on the capability of our founding leaders to deliver.

My forte was basically in operations in wholesale banking environment. There are no fancy professional certificates on my walls. Much of what I know is self-taught and I got by with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and unorthodox approach to problem solving. One great regret is the absence of internet back then. I know I would'nt be playing them online games, but I would have squeezed all the freebies for as much knowledge as I could click on.

Currently I'm a channel partner of an electricity retailer. Denied the luxury of retirement, I do declare the challenge of seeking the next deal is one more reason for waking up in the morning.

I blog for the fun of it, and hope in my own small way, can share and bring clarity to whatever issues on the table. My blogging interest is governance, conspiracy theories, economics, spirituality, eschatology, injustices of any kind, and reading between the lines of announcements of officialdom and the government-controlled media.