Thursday, December 22, 2022


In the recent G20-B20 Summit at Bali, participants sat in awe at the feet of the non-elected father of the New World Order to listen to his marching orders. Crouched somewhere in his speech full of the usual platitudes to the organising country Indonesia, and motherhood statements of environmental sustainability issues and economic restructuring, Klaus Schwab said"
“In the fourth industrial revolution, the winners will take it all, so if you are a World Economic Forum first mover, you are the winners”.
It is an 'impoverise thy neighbour' ideology. It is diametrically opposed to Lee Kuan Yew's 'prosper thy neighbour'. In shared prosperity, there is peace and harmony. It was LKY's doctrine that guided our foreign relations with our immediate neighbours to the North and South. Schwab is advising Singapore to abandon something that has worked well in our neighbourhood for half a century.

By implication, the losers will loose everything. Schwab has already provided the answer. In his new world, we will loose everything and, in his own words, 'not own anything but will be happy'. Singaporean losers will loose everything, including their HDB flats. If you don't own anything, you will be damn happy with a S$30 GST voucher.

What is the restructuring he was talking about? Of course, it is the Great Reset. Now let's get this straight. Alex Jones, the greatest conspiracy theorist in the world, has been telling us about the Reset for decades. For years, few took him seriously in the past. Today, Alex is an icon for truth, and they are out to gag him by all means. How in the world does a libel case end up with a US$1b damages if not for the purpose of extinguishing a Light? In the internet era, truth has its way of coming to light. And so, Schwab and his cabal now puts everything out in the open.

Before you restructure, you first destroy. Does what's happening in the world seem orchestrated to you? The energy crisis, the pandemic mess, the supply line debacle, the war against farmers, the fires at various food production plants, 10,000 cows dying of heat stroke, Bill Gates and his cabal promoting food from insects, destruction of family values, normalisation of non-binary genders, etc. 

To succeed, you need a team. Schwab has infiltrated cabinets in many countries. He actually boasted about it and named amongst his princelings - Justin Trudeau (Canadian PM), Alberto Fernández (Argentinian president), Emmanuel Macron (French president), Angela Merkel (ex-German chancellor), Jacinda Arden (New Zealand PM) and God knows who else he did not mention. Is there any Singaporean name in there? Putin is a WEF alumnus, but looks like he is not playing ball. Good for him. Wait a minute. Is that the reason they are all out to get Putin because he is not playing ball and not because of the war? Just like Trump who didn't play ball?

Schwabism stands for many things which are anathema to Singapore politics. Klaus Schwab is profoundly influenced by Archbishop Helder Camara of Brazil, also known as the Red Bishop. Certainly not for the spiritual guidance, but the doctrine of Liberation Theology or to be more specific, the communist style community organisation model. I covered him in my older blog here. Liberation Theology is seen by many, certainly LKY included, as a communist ploy in disguise. WEF is ultra Left, a world of no religions, no respecter of family values that we Asians cherish. Schwab's key advisor is the mad scientist Yuval Noah Harari (actually he is a historian) who is busy plotting to lead us into their new world of transhumanism. Many believe the graphene oxide injected into your body when you were tricked to take the genetic vaccine, is key to transhumanise homo sapiens in the future.

Schwab wants a world of enslavement for us useless eaters, controlled by the use of a breakout technology of vaccine passport, carbon footprints, and central bank digital currency.

The model for handling pandemic is the Chinese zero-covid lockdown model, according to Klaus Schwab. He is all for tanks on the streets to monitor, real time tracking your movements, locking people up in the homes, yes physically locked up, as in chains and keys from the outside and you and your family inside. Surely you remember the Chinese family that was locked-up whose flat caught fire and they could not escape. The fire spreaded to neighbouring flats and a few other families suffered the same fate. Incinerated. They reported family of 8 burnt to death. Actual death toll suspected to be around 50. That is Schwab's model.

B20 is a grouping of about 700 biggest corporations in the world. G20 are the 20 governments of the biggest economies of the world. How sweet that they come together to bow at the feet of Klaus Schwab and the WEF. They represent like 0.0001% of the world's population. They sit and plot and chart for the world. But what about us? Who is representing the voices of the rest of humanity in the dystopian world they envision? 

Each time a leader talks of a new world order, nothing good comes out of it. Never. The trajectory of WEF is a dystopian world, a world Eisenhower warned us that "... is global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration'' and captured by a scientific-technological elite. What elite do you think? Could it be WEF and the B20?

In human history, ideologies come and go. Some have been for the better good of humanity, others have been divisive and destructive. Nazism killed millions, Leninist/Marxist/Maoist ideologies annihilated hundreds of millions, the Inquisition killed tens of thousands, etc. Schwabism will be no different because it is encrusted with the European disease of a belief in wanting to cull the human race.

Klaus Schwab and all that he stands for and what he is trying to do, is extremely dangerous. His speech to the elected world leaders in Bali essentially is 'Follow the WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda or else". Mesmerised by Schwab, all participants, including Singapore representatives, gave a thunderous round of applause under a Dunning-Kruger effect.

Has Singapore government bought into the ideology of Schwabism? It would seem so. Singapore's plan to host the WEF Conference in 2020 was frustrated by the pandemic. For the local MICE industry, I can understand the disappointment. For the government, it is a disappointment of lost opportunity to show how the Lion City play ball with the WEF. We are eager beavers to be ahead of the class in the climate sustainability programme (our carbon tax will be hitting the roof soon). We are one of the first to sanction Russia. We rush to ramp up covid vaccination. 

A lone voice in the entire world, Archbishop Vigano shouted on top of the The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican City, to warn everyone of what he sees in Schwab's machinations and his G20 speech is a global coup d'etat..
Vigano has been the lone voice of righteousness speaking out against moral corruption in the Catholic Church; the political, cultural and 2020 electoral corruption in US; communist attempt to grab power in Brazil; and rush to judgement in the Ukraine conflict. He has been right on all counts, including now the threat against humanity in the form of WEF and Klaus Schwab.

Where are the brave and the righteous? Do they exist in Singapore?

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Anonymous said...

Not sure you are still available, but I appreciate you sharing this article. The world is slowly becoming a cyberpunk-esque dystopia & its painfully obvious that the WEF & WHO is not what it seems. Unfortunately, Singaporeans generally dk not get the memo...we are truly living in a modern benighted age.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Singapore is a first-class intellectual asskisser & a useful idiot of the world powers.

Pat Low said...

Thanks for visiting. I am still hanging around.

Anonymous said...

So you are the writer of this blog? What do you of my earlier commentary? Was I overly harsh or was I spot on?

Pat Low said...

You are spot on. I am not an expert but I have some skin in this area having spent the last 20 years or so digging into as much material as I could. Unfortunately majority of folks either have no idea, or no interest in these matters at all. As the saying goes, the world is running out of conspiracy theories because most of them have come true.

Anonymous said...

Do You feel newly-elected PM Lawrence Wong would cave in to the WEF?

Anonymous said...

Not too long ago, an entire LEGION of Dutch Farmers opposed the WEF by: Blockading roads with their tractors and throwing manure at not just riot police, but also government buildings.

Meanwhile, you try to do a little stunt such as a protest encampment and the PAP will mark you as a terrorist, WTF?!?

Speaking about our ever-so esteemed SPF, i have little doubt that if they ever faced something like the dutch farmers they would be both traumatised & mentally scarred for life being barraged by animal faeces.