In 2018 ACRA refused the registration of OSEA Pte Ltd by Thum Ping Tjin and Kirsten Han. OSEA’s mission was to provide editorial services to New Narratif and organise fora, workshops and other events. New Narratif is an online news outfit based in Kuala Lumpur where Thum is managing director and Kirsten is editor-in-chief. ACRA’s justification was OSEA and NN have political agendas. NN is funded by foreign entities and foreign subscribers. More specifically, NN receives grants from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Soros is the most evil man on planet Earth who enjoys creating chaos all over the world under the guise of philanthropy, and then swooping in to extract his pound of flesh. Ukraine is the hottest spot in the world today that is on the brink of nuclear war, and Soros’ OSF has it’s dirty finger prints all over the place.
Thum and Kirsten can play coy and innocent, but the duo ain’t Kenneth Jeyaratnam, Leong Mun Wai, Goh Meng Seng, Chris Kwan, Sudhir Vadaketh, Teo Soh Lung, Lim Tean, and many others, this blogger included, who criticise and question the government where we dim fit. We are voices of the citizenry who meant well for the country we love. OSEA has bigger objectives for South East Asia. It was to be registered as a fully owned company of Observatory Southeast Asia UK. NN KL is fully owed by NN UK. Thum is on the board of both UK entities. Ownership of these UK companies are unknown. It is quite clear there are dark motives planned for OSEA.
Am I unforgivably harsh on Thum and Kirsten? Head down to and what do we see – a dive into current hot societal changing topics that have done irreparable cultural damages to US and other western countries, namely transgenderism, ‘my body my life’ under the guise of re-productive health, binary non-binary nonsense. All right out off Sorros’ OSF playbook, how sweet. Rome didn’ t fall in one day. It will take thousands of newnarratifs to plant the seeds and generations to poison minds in our part of the world to plunge into the woke insanity of the West.
My point on OSEA incident is simply this. I applaud ACRA’s pre-emptive strike against OSEA. However, while Singapore government is well-informed and acts fast and tough, it does so only when one strays into it’s turf. In OSEA’s case, control over media and information dissemination. Yet in other areas which presents national risks, it has often offered concessions andperhaps late on the learning curve. A few examples will illustrate this.
Surely the government is aware WHO is a captured international institution. Philanthropy capitalism may be a recent economic term, but it has manifested itself far and wide in the last decade. Yet Singapore is so eager to cooperate and sign over our sovereignty with the new Pandemic Treaty. Minister Josephine Teo recently took a huge entourage to EU to take part in a workshop on how to control the citizenry in the next pandemic they know is coming.
Smart city is a term I am wary and sick of hearing. To show off our one-up progressiveness, we die die must be at the forefront of technology or what ever new market developments. So we jump start 5G gadgetry with absolutely zero study nor concern of dangerous health issues from radiation. Let’s not put impediments in the path of huge corporations waiting to cash in on IOT (internet of things). 5G radiation and graphene nanoparticles of the mRNA vaccines in our bodies might well be a perfect storm coming. No one is safe. Even if you are proudly un- vaccinated, you are likely to have the graphenes through shedding.
In January this year, Minister Josephine Teo cut the ribbon for SICPA’s new regional HQ in Asia. SICPA is the world leader in secure track and trace solutions for governments. It owns the patent for a special colour-shifting ink used in printing currency notes that prevents counterfeiting. It is also used to print excise duty stamps. Whilst we are so eager for technology plays, never mind it is just a HQ, I wonder if Teo is aware this low-key secretive Swiss company with world wide businesses has been consistently complained to buying their way into the market, often by corrupting politically connected persons as ‘local consultant. Example in Philippines during the Arroyo admin, they used the nephew of First Gentleman Mike Arroyo. They were under investigation in 14 countries. Cozy Davos connection can do wonders. 14 countries dwindled down to 3. Investigations took almost 10 years and finally last month, Swiss authorities found them US$91m for bribery in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Singapore likes to boast use of latest technology. Let’s see if we will use SICPA tax stamps. Kenya claimed SICPA tax stamps bumped up the prices of a range of consumer products.
Singapore likes to suck up to latest technology to be top of the class. What else can best explain the blind faith in an untested novel vaccine. Why do the best brains in the world rush to inject trade secret ingredients into our bodies, more or less by coercion, for a relatively low threat infection? When the world by now has realised the pandemic scam, the ineffectiveness of the vaccines, the irreparable harm to humanity of the mRNA spike proteins in our bodies, Singapore remains fixated on pushing for boosters and getting kidos to take the jabs.
Why am I bitching about this? You see, by law, Americans cannot conduct a lot of dangerous biological research work in US. So the delinquent and lawless DOD outsourced to foreign lands. This is a big problem that has crept closer to home. There are several US military biological research labs in Indonesia and Philippines. US has conducted certain biological research work which irked our 2 Asean neighbours. With our prowess in science and technology, our coziness with US, and most importantly, our interest in life sciences, both as economy drivers and investment targets, easily makes a US-Singapore partnership a no-brainer. I am wondering if we are actively collaborating in any dangerous research.
For a list of US labs in low resource countries, click here. Of course they declare all those non-military research work carried out. It’s the dual function research that they do not declare which matters.
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Thum and Kirsten can play coy and innocent, but the duo ain’t Kenneth Jeyaratnam, Leong Mun Wai, Goh Meng Seng, Chris Kwan, Sudhir Vadaketh, Teo Soh Lung, Lim Tean, and many others, this blogger included, who criticise and question the government where we dim fit. We are voices of the citizenry who meant well for the country we love. OSEA has bigger objectives for South East Asia. It was to be registered as a fully owned company of Observatory Southeast Asia UK. NN KL is fully owed by NN UK. Thum is on the board of both UK entities. Ownership of these UK companies are unknown. It is quite clear there are dark motives planned for OSEA.
Am I unforgivably harsh on Thum and Kirsten? Head down to and what do we see – a dive into current hot societal changing topics that have done irreparable cultural damages to US and other western countries, namely transgenderism, ‘my body my life’ under the guise of re-productive health, binary non-binary nonsense. All right out off Sorros’ OSF playbook, how sweet. Rome didn’ t fall in one day. It will take thousands of newnarratifs to plant the seeds and generations to poison minds in our part of the world to plunge into the woke insanity of the West.
My point on OSEA incident is simply this. I applaud ACRA’s pre-emptive strike against OSEA. However, while Singapore government is well-informed and acts fast and tough, it does so only when one strays into it’s turf. In OSEA’s case, control over media and information dissemination. Yet in other areas which presents national risks, it has often offered concessions andperhaps late on the learning curve. A few examples will illustrate this.
Read my old blog on Nugan HandNugan Hand Bank is a mystery. Surely MAS knew this was a CIA bank deeply involved in drug trafficking and money-laundering. Yet it was granted a banking licence.
Surely the government is aware WHO is a captured international institution. Philanthropy capitalism may be a recent economic term, but it has manifested itself far and wide in the last decade. Yet Singapore is so eager to cooperate and sign over our sovereignty with the new Pandemic Treaty. Minister Josephine Teo recently took a huge entourage to EU to take part in a workshop on how to control the citizenry in the next pandemic they know is coming.
Smart city is a term I am wary and sick of hearing. To show off our one-up progressiveness, we die die must be at the forefront of technology or what ever new market developments. So we jump start 5G gadgetry with absolutely zero study nor concern of dangerous health issues from radiation. Let’s not put impediments in the path of huge corporations waiting to cash in on IOT (internet of things). 5G radiation and graphene nanoparticles of the mRNA vaccines in our bodies might well be a perfect storm coming. No one is safe. Even if you are proudly un- vaccinated, you are likely to have the graphenes through shedding.
Read three years ago I blogged the retail electricity system is not sustainable.We divested power generation plants to foreign entities on an ego-driven trip to build the first open market electricity system in Asean which has failed. I blogged some time back on why the retail electricity model is not sustainable and will collapse under certain circumstances. That has already come to pass.
Read three years ago I blogged why Singapore MRT model is inferior to HK MRTThe Singapore MRT model condemns riders to perpetual cost-driven ticket price increases. This is because SMRT has only farebox revenue and lacks other sources of income to subsidise cost. And the reason is 'land value capture' in Singapore accrues to a renter class. Whereas HK MTR reaps the benefit of higher values of land around the station to provide a source of funds to socialise costs.
In January this year, Minister Josephine Teo cut the ribbon for SICPA’s new regional HQ in Asia. SICPA is the world leader in secure track and trace solutions for governments. It owns the patent for a special colour-shifting ink used in printing currency notes that prevents counterfeiting. It is also used to print excise duty stamps. Whilst we are so eager for technology plays, never mind it is just a HQ, I wonder if Teo is aware this low-key secretive Swiss company with world wide businesses has been consistently complained to buying their way into the market, often by corrupting politically connected persons as ‘local consultant. Example in Philippines during the Arroyo admin, they used the nephew of First Gentleman Mike Arroyo. They were under investigation in 14 countries. Cozy Davos connection can do wonders. 14 countries dwindled down to 3. Investigations took almost 10 years and finally last month, Swiss authorities found them US$91m for bribery in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Singapore likes to boast use of latest technology. Let’s see if we will use SICPA tax stamps. Kenya claimed SICPA tax stamps bumped up the prices of a range of consumer products.
Singapore likes to suck up to latest technology to be top of the class. What else can best explain the blind faith in an untested novel vaccine. Why do the best brains in the world rush to inject trade secret ingredients into our bodies, more or less by coercion, for a relatively low threat infection? When the world by now has realised the pandemic scam, the ineffectiveness of the vaccines, the irreparable harm to humanity of the mRNA spike proteins in our bodies, Singapore remains fixated on pushing for boosters and getting kidos to take the jabs.
Read almost two years ago I blogged about Duke-NUS collaboration in the Wuhan Covid research projectVictoria Nuland, US diplomat or under-secretary of one department or another, an evil American who has her hands dirtied in many corners of the world, had admitted to having 26 biolabs in Ukraine. The DOD (US Department of Defence) later upped the numbers to 46. Why am I talking about all this? It’s the irreverent question – does Singapore cooperate with the DOD in any medical research projects? One wonders in the first place what is ‘defence’ doing in biological research. I blogged previously that Duke-NUS had a role in the Wuhan-Fauci gain of function project on a DARPA grant. A local institution sponsored by a grant from a foreign DOD to engage in biological research work, and our authorities know nothing? Neither believable nor forgivable.
Why am I bitching about this? You see, by law, Americans cannot conduct a lot of dangerous biological research work in US. So the delinquent and lawless DOD outsourced to foreign lands. This is a big problem that has crept closer to home. There are several US military biological research labs in Indonesia and Philippines. US has conducted certain biological research work which irked our 2 Asean neighbours. With our prowess in science and technology, our coziness with US, and most importantly, our interest in life sciences, both as economy drivers and investment targets, easily makes a US-Singapore partnership a no-brainer. I am wondering if we are actively collaborating in any dangerous research.
For a list of US labs in low resource countries, click here. Of course they declare all those non-military research work carried out. It’s the dual function research that they do not declare which matters.

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