Sunday, July 21, 2024


Ivan Raiklin :
"There are so many anomalous indicators that showcase that this was not just a rando that was up there (about a random shooter on the roof)...and as far as the indicators of global play here is that you not only have the shorting of the stock but you also have the faux news went ahead and live stream a rally. It's almost as if they wanted to deliberately showcase and have content for decades to show the exclusive look of an assassination of a presidential candidate? So many anomalous indicators that lead to the hypothesis this was foul play, it was an inside job and smells, looks, feels like the duck known as Jan 6 fedsurrection."

This is my second blog on anomalous indicators. In the first blog I debunked the conspiracy theory about Austen Private Wealth shorting $DJT and RUM. This blog discusses the conspiracy of more than one shooter.

To determine if there were more than 1 shooter, forensic study of the bullets' acoustics is required. Some basic information is necessary. There are two kinds of bullets -- subsonic and supersonic. Subsonic bullets travel below the speed of sound, supersonic bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. The speed of sound depends on altitude and environment temperature but generally can be stated at 1,125fps. There is a difference between sub and super sonic bullets in the sound they make.

Assault weapons like the AR-15 Crooks had commonly use supersonic bullets. But it is possible to use subsonic ones. It is almost certain that Crooks used supersonic bullets. The AR-15 can be chambered with a few calibres, it is not known what calibre his rife is. Different calibre size uses different bullets with different speeds. The speed of his bullets can range from a low of 2,000fps with Blackout bullet 150 grain, to a high of 3,200fps using .224 Valkyrie 60 grain V-max.

Every gun, regardless of sub or super sonic bullets, creates a 'muzzle' sound when fired. This is generally known as gunshot sound. a kind of boom sound. This sound is caused by the bullet pushing against the air as it leaves the barrel. The air is pressurised and causes the sound wave heard as a 'bum'. The sound wave is uni-directional, which means it spreads everywhere so anyone in the vicinity can hear it. There is often a problem of echo as the waves hit solid structures and bounce. So with open fields, there is little echo. In cities the buildings will cause much echoes. Echoes cause people to think they hear the gunshot coming from different directions. That is why in the John F Kennedy assassination, witnesses gave different views of where they though the shots came from. The muzzle sound dissipates over some distance. The further away from the origin of the sound, the decibels drop. That's called the hearing distance.

Supersonic bullets create another sound called the sonic boom. Any object that travels faster than the speed of sound creates a sonic boom. As the bullet travels, it compresses the air in front of it to create the N-wave. the N-wave falls behind the bullet because sound waves travel slower than the supersonic speed of the trajectile. The sonic boom sound waves travel in the shape of a cone cause a continuous sound within that cone area as it follows the bullet. As the cone area passes by a person, he hears a cracking sound like the snap of the fingers. Trump would have been hit by the bullet first, then a split second later, hear the crack of sonic boom, followed by another split second, comes the 'muzzle' dum sound called the report of the gun. Because the bullet came so close to him, Trump also heard the whizzling sound of the bullet flying past. Those not within the cone area will not hear the sonic boom, but heard the report 'dum' sound..

If there is an audio recording, audio analysis and editing software, such as audacity or MATLAB, can be used to translate bullet sound recordings to waveforms. This enables the distinct waveform, or signature of each bullet, to be studied. Some crucial information can be obtained. The time lapse between the sonic crack and the report 'dum' determines the velocity of the bullet. It also enables the estimation of the distance from where the sound was recorded to the origin. Audio recordings from different locations help to triangulate and determine the shooter's position. The make of the bullet may be fairly guessed which helps in narrowing down to the firearm type.

The sonic boom is very high frequency sound waves. High frequency is not the same as loudness. Over exposure to this high frequency can damage the eardrum causing tinnitus. There is no cure for tinnitus caused by such exposures. National service in the Army made me a life long sufferer of tinnitus with no compensation from the government. Today, national servicemen have to wear safety earplugs in life firing training.

Image 1 Orientation:
Apart from Trump, 3 other men were shot. Corey Comparatore who died, David Dutch 57 and James Copenhaver 74. James is a person of interest because, from the line of fire, he was behind Trump, and about 12 feet higher than the president. I'll explain later.
Image 1

Clip 1 audio recording taken in front of microphone on the stage:
You can hear the 'crack-dum' sound, the sonic boom followed by the report of the gun. The first 3 shots are very clear. The final shot is about 16 seconds later. Most people assume the last shot was the one taken by Secret Service counter-sniper agent. If that was the case, the reaction time was 16 seconds after the first shot. He was positioned on the roof behind Trump and some videos showed he seemed to be observing Crooks' direction on his scope. He lifted his eyes away from his scope momentarily before shots rang out. What took him so long to react? Several shots were heard between the first 3 and the last. Exactly how many is not absolutely clear yet. It sounded like 5, but there were echoes.
Clip 1 (16 sec) Shots fired

Clip 1.1 The clear waveforms of first 3 shots:
The first 3 shots are very clear so you can understand the waveforms easily. You hear clearly the crack-dum, ie the sonic boom and the report as the bullet passes by the recorder.
Clip 1.1 (30 sec) Soundwaves of first 3 shots

Clip 1.2 Waveforms of the other shots:
This is still from the video in clip 1 recorded in front of the rostrum. The waveforms are still good for shots 4 and 5 but there is a bit of echo. There are still audible the 'crack dum' sound of sonic boom and report. But shots 6 onwards there are too many noises.
Clip 1.2 (20 secs) Soundwaves of other shots

Image 2 Position of video recorders
We are going to look at video clip 2 (audio 2) which was recorded from a different location. Recap video clip 1 (audio 1) was in front of Trump. Two things to note at location of recorder 2. It is nearer to structures, thus expect echoes. It is also not in the line of fire thus cannot hear the crack of sonic boom, just the 'dum' report or the gunshot.
Image 2

Clip 2 Video taken near buildings
The video captures only sounds of the gunshots, no sonic boom.

Clip 2 (20 sec)

Clip 2.1 Wavesforms of video 2:
The first 3 shots are very clear. There are no echoes. The waveform for these 3 shots are on the left of your screen. The waveform on the right are the cluster of shots that came after. A bit confusing here. The numbers 1 to 6 are not the sequence number of the shorts In terms of sequence of shots fired, the numbers should be 4 to 9. Total 9 shots fired. The shots on the right all have echoes which show they are fired from a location different from the origin of shots 1,2, and 3. Meaning, without a doubt, there were at least 2 assassins.

Clip 2.1 (1min 45sec)

The waveforms of the 2 videos are placed side by side to compare. The one recorded near the rostrum (video 1) is at the top. The two waveforms are aligned using the gun report. It shows shots 1,2, 4 and 5 are lined up, meaning, same shooter. Shots 3 and 6 were different shooters and slightly to the front, 50-100 meters. The other shots are not clear. There were 2 shooters, possibly 3.

Clip 3 (3-1/2 mins)

This clip shows James getting hit. It seems he got hit from the first shot. This shot is very important in the forensic examination. It shows he was hit and there was a puff of smoke-like whiteness off the rails. It appears the bullet went through him, exit and careened off the rails and atomised some paintwork. For the bullet to still have that energy after hitting James, it is probably of a higher calibre than the .223 of Crooks' AR-15. If this was indeed the first shot, then the bullet hit Trump's ear and continued on it's path to hit James. It is crucial to understand James' position was elevated in relation to Trump at the rostrum. That means it was a rising shot. The shooter was not Crooks who was on the rooftop and whose bullet trajectory would have been downward. That perhaps explains why Corey was shot in the head. He popped up his head in the downward path of a shot from Crooks.

Clip 4 (30 sec) Upward & downward trajectories

Some experts think the first shot could be a shooter inside the building right below Crooks who was on the roof. The reason could be intentional so that his bullet signature would be almost the same as that fired by Crooks thus escaping detection. But if this were so, it is the Mother of all Bombshells. Because that building was supposedly occupied by the local police personnel. (And no one heard Crooks crawling on the zinc roof). The bullet sound wave signatures seem to indicate the same shooter fired shots 1,2,4 and 5. My opinion is these were all upward trajectories fired by a shooter on the ground. If he is not in the building then maybe Jovan Pulitzer is right. Jovan suggested this is a Malvo style shooting. (Lee Boyd Malvo of the DC Sniper Attack infamy in 2002) Shooter was concealed in a vehicle, out of surveillance. In an upward trajectory, the shooter misses 3 of the shots and the bullets went skyhigh. These 4 shots could not have been fired downwards by Crooks because he was lousy with guns and with that rapid fire, his shots will go wide. With downward trajectory, his stray shots would have gunned down more spectators packed so densely.

More than one week after the shooting, the leftist media were allowed to now say there may be 2 or 3 shooters. Or local counter-sniper helped shot Crooks. In today's technologically enabled world, the dark forces find it difficult to conceal. Deep state is now sowing distraction. The mentally challenged lone wolf shooter narrative is the CIA and deep state standard ploy. Crooks was the patsy in the same way as Lee Harvey Oswald was. Except that Oswald was smart. He knew at the last moment he was set up. So he ran, but not far. I would not be surprised at all if it turned out Crooks never fired a single shot.

Much of the contents here are picked off the good work of people like Jovan Pulitzer, Dr Chris Mortensen and Mike Adams. I rearranged some of the sequence for clarity and added some comments for better understanding. Those who want to see the full video of Mortensen, I have embedded it below. It is about half an hour long.

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