
Thursday, October 14, 2021

You May Be A Walking Antenna - The Secret Materials Inside You

"Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [world population] by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent" .....Bill Gates
"The elderly are useless eaters" .... Henry Kissinger

Big Tobacco lied for 40-50 years that cigarette smoking does not cause cancer. If you think they won't lie about vaccines, watch the short clip above and do your own research.

Some 20 years ago when most people had never heard of nanotechnology, I was following its nascent development closely. More specifically, I followed the work done in Israel, looking for commercial opportunities. Ten years later, Israel established itself as the country at the forefront of this exciting technology. At the time I was also following Temasek's investment and wondered why the SWF was missing in action in Israel in the early days. Today, almost every electronic gadget has some Israeli technology in it.  20 years ago, as I was trying to understand nanotechnology, with its fullerenes, nanotubes, quantum mechanics, and other stuff beyond my comprehension, I was immediately struck by the fear of an existential danger it imposes. What if an industrial accident occurs and nanoparticles are dispersed into the air. Nanoparticles can penetrate the human skin or breathed in. What physiological damage will it cause? How was I to know that today, my fear is materialising. not from an industrial accident but pharmaceutical vaccines.

Those who have vaccinated with Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazenaca, Johnson & Johnson vaccines and are cussing at the unvaccinated, I suggest you write to Ministry Of Health and ask them for a complete list of ingredients in the vaccines. MOH will never be able to respond because they do not know.

I'm astounded that people never want to find out just what it is they are pumping into their bodies with novel technology. Governments put blind faith in WHO and science not yet fully understood, and the masses put blind faith in their governments. Some ingredients of the vaccines are trade secrets. Bill Gates and Big Pharma fought hard to retain Intellectual Property. I suppose if you are big donors to WHO, you have certain privileges to call the shots. This is in contravention of the Nuremberg Code on vaccines which requires that all ingredients be made public. Concealing the ingredients is a humanitarian crime. MOH, albeit innocently, becomes part of the cabal that is perpetuating a humanitarian crime in pushing vaccination without telling people what they are injecting inside their bodies.

Reports are surfacing from medical practitioners and operators of blood laboratories, of strange things they are seeing in the blood of their very sick patients. They are also reeling in horror at what they see in the vaccines under a normal microscope. The first few medical professionals who made public what they have seen have been ridiculed, ostracised and blocked out by media and their fellow professionals. But the momentum of these discoveries have grown. There is now a consortium of hundreds of these professions who formed a group called the Coronavirus Committee Conference. They now have 35 groups from many countries and recently held a conference when they called for world governments to stop the vaccination immediately. Of course you won't hear about this. Nor will you hear of other similar groups of concerned practitioners such as FLCCC. No mainstream media will report on it.

Basically, these doctors are seeing unusual formation in the blood of those who have been vaccinated, and strange particles in the vaccines that are inorganic and metallic particles, that move in some patterns, as well as parasites. None of these have any reason to be in a vaccine. These doctors are reporting  what they see, what they know, what they don't understand. MOH needs to look into these with the greatest of urgency.

These new nanotechnology vaccines use very very tiny particles. To get a sense of perspective, the diameter of a human hair is about 90,000 nanometers (nm); 1,000 nm = 1 micron. We are dealing with particles that's measured in nm. The images displayed here are of different magnification, different techniques of image capture, so they may appear different.

Fig. 1. This is how normal healthy red blood cells (RBC) look like. Colour, shape and size are even.  Each is about 7 microns in diameter. Each cell moves independently.

What they saw in the blood:

Fig.2. Some examples of blood of the vaccinated.

What they saw in the vaccine:

Fig 3.1 This is from a drop of the vaccine, in aqueous state. It is obviously engineered. They are connected (can see this if magnified further). It moves and is self-structured. People familiar with this were quick to say it's graphene oxide.
Fig 3.2 When left to dry, the structure of Fig. 3.1 transformed to rib-like form.
Fig 3.3 This is the same Fig 3.1 in the drop of vaccine in low magnification.

Fig 4  Metallic and parasitic forms seen in aqueous state.

Both mRNA and adenovirus vector vaccines use novel nanotechnology in their production. It is obvious the delivery mechanism of nano particles must be contributing to some of the queer images. So I googled hard for some scientist with knowledge in biochemical, nanotechnology, various microscopy analytics knowledge who may have made some reports. I came across a Dr Robert Young who calls himself a naturopathic practitioner who has a non-Pasteur world view of virus. He seems to have a colourful past with quite a few negative articles on him. Or are the bad guys at work wrecking those who have alternative views? I concern myself only with the work he has done in trying to throw light on what's in the vaccines and what is happening to the blood of the vaccinated. 

Dr Robert Young used a host of instrumentation that includes Optical Microscopy, Bright-Field Microscopy, pHase Contrast Microscopy, Dark-Field Microscopy, UV absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments to verify the vaccine morphologies and contents. 

Images of red blood cells (RBC) from Dr Robert Young:

Fig.5. Micrograph of normal healthy state of red blood cells viewed under Phase Contrast Microscopy. 

Fig.6.  Micrograph of live blood 24 hours after the mRNA vaccination taken under Phase Contrast Microscopy.  Shows biological transformations of red and white blood cells taking place, red blood cells crystallized, large symplasts of graphene oxide crystals are seen in the center and Orotic acid crystals in the upper right hand corner of the micrograph. In simple terms, the vaccine impacts the blood within hours of the jab.

Fig.7. A pHase Contrast Microscopy view at 1500x of live unstained blood of a vaccinated person. The dark patch is a carbon cluster of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) as seen in Fig.3.3. RBC are clotting in and around the rGO crystal in the condition known as Rouleau (RBC stacking up like coins).

Fig.8. A nanotube of reduced Graphene Oxide rDO in coagulated RBC or a blood clot in vaccinated person viewed under pHase Contrast Microscopy . 
Fig.9. Looking at what's inside a blood clot. 
View of a nanotube and microtubes of Graphene Oxide in the Dried Coagulated Blood Cells or a Blood Clot under bright field  Microscopy. Also seen are parasite bulges expressed in the cross-linked fibrin monomers indicating a systemic parasitical infection.
Fig.10. Dried blood clot of normal blood (unvaccinated) and abnormal (vaccinated). In normal blood where there are no graphene or iron oxide, no parasites, no pollymerised protein pools, the dried blood cells look like the left image. The right image is a dried blood clot of a vaccinated person showing white  circles indicating cellular degeneration due to the impurities.

Images of Graphene Oxide in vaccines by Dr Robert Young:

Fig. 11. A 0.5ml aqueous fraction image from Pfizer vaccine sample viewed under pHase contrast microscopy at 1000x, showing a symplast of graphene oxide (upper left) and an unidentified parasite (lower right)

Fig.12. A 0.5ml aqueous fraction image from Pfizer vaccine sample viewed under pHase contrast microscopy at 1000x, showing a symplast of graphene oxide (upper left) next to a Trypanosoma cruzi parasite (lower right)

Fig.13. A 0.5ml aqueous fraction image from Pfizer vaccine sample viewed under pHase contrast microscopy at 1000x, showing a graphene oxide ribbon. 

Fig.14. Aqueous fraction images containing reduced graphene oxide from Pfizer vaccine sample (left) and sonicated  reduced graphene oxide (rGO) standard (right) (Sigma-777684). Optical pHase contrast microscopy, 600X magnification.

Fig.15. (A) Shows X ray Diffraction Pattern of the Graphene Particles. Characterization of graphene nanosheets obtained by a modified Hummer's method. 
(B) For a definitive identification of graphene by TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy)
, it is necessary to complement the observation with the structural characterization by obtaining a characteristic electron diffraction standard sample as the figure 'B'. The standard sample corresponding to graphite or graphene has a hexagonal symmetry, and generally has several concentric hexagons. This is the same as what doctors saw in Fig.3.1.

Fig.16. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) shows an intricate matrix or mesh of folded translucent flexible rGO sheets with a mixture of darker multilayer agglomerations and lighter colored of unfolded monolayers. The darker linear areas appear to be local overlap of sheets and local arrangement of individual sheets in parallel to the electron beam. After the mesh, a high density of unidentified rounded and elliptical clear shapes appears, possibly corresponding to holes generated by mechanical forcing of the rGO mesh during treatment. See Fig. 17.

Fig.17. TEM microscopy shows particles of rGO in a Pfizer vaccine.  The X-ray diffractometry reveals their nature of crystalline Carbon-based nanoparticles of rGO.  This evidence was intitially found by Muestra RD1,  and published in the La Quinta Columna Report, June 28, 2021.

Fig.18. Micro and nano particulates in the Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen vaccines analyzed under an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). I have no idea what the plastic looking thing in the middle is. The particulates here are the tiny pieces which are sharp and about 20 um in length. These are the sharp metallic particles doctors see in Fig.4. They are like debris in the vaccine.

Secret ingredient # 1: Preponderant presence of graphene:

Graphene is one of the secret ingredients of the vaccines. In fact, a high percentage of the vaccine composition is graphene. Big pharma have consistently lied that there is no graphene and if you google, you will see media and all sorts of entities attesting to the same. So how do we know there is graphene apart from the microscopy images? There are 2 other ways that confirm this.

Firstly, by analysing for chemical and elemental content using Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)

Fig. 19. Shows the spectrum of a Pfizer vaccine nanoparticulates of graphene oxide, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, chloride and calcium  identified under an ESEM microscope coupled with an EDS x-ray microprobe. (X axis =KeV, Y axis = Counts). This confirms there are various non-organic particulates which have no reason to be pumped into your body via a vaccine.

Second, the smoking gun lies in the vaccine delivery system. The mRNA in the vaccine is unstable ((it needs to be kept under -70 degrees C in storage) and needs to be protected in a strong delivery system. 

Fig.20.  These are liposome capsid containing rGO that Pfizer uses for its product to vehiculate the graphene oxide by attaching the liposome capsid to specific mRNA molecules for driving the liposome contents of rGO to specific organs, glands and tissues, namely the ovaries and testes, bone marrow, heart and brain. The image was obtained by a SEM-Cryo preparation.

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current pharmaceutical analyst for the pharma and medical device industries, has done excellent investigative work and tracked where Pfizer outsourced their mRNA delivery system. Pfizer procures their liposome capsids from a company in China called Sinopeg.

Sinopeg's website publicises their product under Covid-19 Exipients. It's the delivery mechanism Pfizer deploys. Sinopeg uses functionalised graphene and PEGylated lipids. This is a 100% confirmation that graphene is present in the vaccines, all 4 of them.

Secret ingredient # 2 - Presence of Parasites:

Fig 21. Shows Trypanosoma  cruzi Parasitea in live blood under a pHase Contrast Microscopy Micrograph. 

Fig.22. This shows a Trypanosoma Parasite  approximately 50 microns in length found in Pfizer vaccine. It is composed of carbon, oxygen chromium, sulphur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen

Fig.23. Under an ESEM microscope coupled with an EDS x-ray microprobe. (X axis =KeV, Y axis = Counts) the presence of the parasite in Fig 22 is a composition of nano particulates including carbon, oxygen chromium, sulphur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen found in the Covid vaccines.

Secret ingredient # 3 - Presence of unknown organic particles:

Fig.24. Shows an organic (Carbon-Oxygen-Nitrogen) aggregate with embedded nanoparticles of bismuth, titanium. vanadium. iron, copper, silicon, aluminum embedded in Pfizer vaccine.

Fig.25. Shows the composition of the unknown organic material in Fig. 24 is an aggregate of Carbon-Oxygen-Nitrogen, embedded in nanoparticles of bismuth, titanium. vanadium. iron, copper, silicon, aluminum embedded in Pfizer vaccine.

Secret ingredient # 4 - Presence of unknown inorganic aggregates:

Fig.26. An engineered metallic aggregate seen in Astrazeneca vaccine. 

Fig.27. Shows the composition of the metallic aggregate in fig.26 under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and quantified (EDS) with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy System. It shows composition of iron, chromium and nickel also known as stainless steel.

This test also shows presence of molecules of histidine, sucrose, Poly-ethylene glycol (PEG) and ethylene alcohol, also contained in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Fig.28. Shows an organic-inorganic aggregate identified in the Janssen vaccine. The particles are composed of stainless steel and are glued together with a “Carbon-based glue” of reduced graphene oxide.  This aggregate is highly magnetic and can trigger pathological blood coagulation.   

Fig.29. Shows the composition of the organic-inrganic aggregate in fig.28 under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and quantified (EDS) with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy System. It shows Carbon , Oxygen,  Iron and Nickel held together with Graphene Oxide.

Secret ingregient # 5 - What appears like nanodots :

Fig.30. According to Dr Young, this is a nanobot of graphene oxide found in Moderna vaccine. There are nanobots of other shapes and sizes in all the vaccine.

Fig.31. Shows the composition of the suspected nanobot in fig.30 under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and quantified (EDS) with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy System. It shows carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, lead, cadmium, and selenium present together with rGO.

What are the risks of all these secret ingredients:

There is no reason for parasites to be in a vaccine, period.  It appears and is identified anatomically as a Trypanosoma cruzi parasite of which several variants are lethal and is one of many causes of acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS. Alarm bells should be ringing. One of the first to submit a report in a medical journal on the viru genome were a group of Indian scientists who said in early Jan 2010 that there is an uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag. (They were discredited and forced to take down the publication. But now it seems they were right). One should also be alarmed that Dr Ralph Baric, a leading actor in the Wuhan Lab research, has spoken many times about how easy it is to create a chimeric by inserting some parts of a bat virus onto a HIV virus backbone. The only logical reason parasites are in the vaccines is lab contamination. What does it mean to have AIDs causing parasites in your body? I have no idea.


Imagine a tiny little construction so small that can be injected into your body and programmed to go somewhere and do some stuff. That's no longer science fiction. The technology exist today. Nanobots are robotics at the nanometer size of 1-10 microns. It can come with sensors and powered by electromagnetic fields (EMF). Is that what's really going on that these are really Smart Vaccines?

Personally I'm not sold on the idea that these are nanobots for reasons of cost. Marc Miskin of Cornell University have demonstrated they have the manufacturing capabilities now, but there does not appear to have commercial application yet. But I certainly would give an arm to know what the heck these things are and what are they doing in my body.

Note the least of concerns is the presence of cadmium selenide in these 'nanobots'. Cadium selenide nanoparticles are highly cytotoxic (toxic to cells) and genotoxic (toxic to DNA) They all lied about the vaccines not capable of changing our DNA. But these chemical can damage DNA which means actual genetic change. What will happen to the progenity of folks who have vaccinated?

Graphene oxcide :

We come now to the main ingredient in the aqueous potpourri of the vaccines - graphene oxcide.

Whenever you see 'pegylated', you need to be aware of the good and the bad. Pegylation is the addition of polyethylene glycol to a biological compound to be protected from destruction by the immune system. In this way, it helps to increase the half-life of the biological compound, in this case, the mRNA of the vaccines. These mRna are enclosed in the pegylated capsids.

Pegylation has shown to improve drugs in 3 ways - Enhance drug stability, improve pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic properties. Nanomaterials such as graphene bear an intrinsic capacity to activate the immune system, depending on their functionalization. Thus Pegylated systems, and other nano-particle based systems in general, have emerged as a novel drug delivery system, imaging and biosensors. As of today, about 30 drugs using such systems have been approved by FDA.

This technology have been actively studied, especially in drug targeting, but the focus is only in the therapeutic effects. On the other hand, toxicological and immunological concerns are of lesser or no interest to big pharma.  

Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity. Together with its material strength, graphene oxide has become widely used due to its 
biocompatibilty. There are however, many other findings that indicate the dangers of PEGylated graphene oxide nanosheets (nGO-PEGs). It stimulates potent cytokine responses in peritoneal macrophages. And this is exactly what we are seeing in some people who have taken the vaccines. They suffer the vaccine adverse event of cytokine storm, which is actually a case of a person being attacked or killed by their own immune system overproduction of antibodies. 

How synthetic nanomaterials interact with critical biological systems need to be adequately studied before such products can be safely utilized in humans.  There is a rush to use pegylation in drugs when all safety concerns have not been adequately studied. Both the vaccines and the pegylated delivery mechanism are rush jobs. Long term effects still unknown. 

They lied that the vaccines will remain in the arm in the area of the injection. Japanese scientists have confirmed the vaccines travel to various organs. It is one thing if Pfizer had no data. But Dr Robert Young pointed out that Pfizer used tracker isotopes in their tests which showed 78% of the nanoparticles ended up in reproductive organs (ovaries and testes) about 10% goes to the bone marrows and 10% to the brains.  They actually knew all along. (I have not independently verified this). These nanoparticles can cross the blood barrier because they are so tiny. Is it a coincidence there are many reports of bleeding vaginas, of menstrual cycle changes, and the nephew of Nikki Minaj telling her about his friend ending up with swollen testicles causing the girlfriend to break off their wedding. Long term effects are unknown but some scientists warned of high increase in cancer, Alzheimer's disease, sterilisation, and birth defects. Already there have been several reports of observed increase in cancer. In Spain there are reports of babies born with queer black eyes and progeria, which is a very rare genetic disease that causes children to age rapidly. Babies were reported to crawl in the second week and almost walking in a couple of months.

Blood clot is a major problem which have been widely reported. This is in the form of Rouleau shown in Fig. 7. The red blood corpuscles (RBC) stacked up like coins. This presents a huge problem because RBC can only pass through tiny capillaries one at a time. Because RBC have difficulty getting through the capillaries, they are unable to get through the capillaries to bring oxygen to the tissues, leading to hypoxia and ultimately organ failure. The question is, how do the blood clots happen? The culprit is graphene oxcide.

I come to the part that I think is most interesting and key to a lot of health issues relating to these vaccines. All living things are electrical beings. All the atoms and molecules in our body are held together by electrical forces. All the chemical bonding and reactions and the messaging at the cellular level that goes on in our body every living second, are driven by electrical forces. We are actually extremely complicated electrical systems. Thus any interference in the electrical forces can have all sorts of consequences. 

The red blood corpuscles (RBC) all have negative polarities on the insides of the cell. Thus they flow individually as similar polarities reject each other. The condition of Rouleau, or RBCs stacking up like coins, or clotting, can only mean some of them had polarities changed. So positives-negatives attract and they stack up. The question is what is responsible for that.

Graphene has good photoconductivity which means it becomes more electrically conductive when it absorbs electromagnetic radiation. For use in the nano delivery mechanism, the graphene is functionalised which would include making it dielectric, ie insulating. It thus cannot make any electric interference once injected into your body. However, scientists are well aware of the influence of an electromagnetic field on the electronic properties of graphene. If you are exposed to an electromagnetic field (EMF), the electric properties of the graphene nanoparticulates in your body will be reactivated. The electrical conductivity of the graphene particulates cause the havoc in your body as it knock and change the polarity of RBC from negative to positive, thus causing them to attract and stick together. My short stint in an enterprise in Johor Bahru doing surface treatment of electronic parts, gave me some decent background understanding of this polarity change of materials. The polarity of the treatment material has to be changed to negative in order to stick to the substrate with positive polarity.

If you have been vaccinated, where is the danger coming from? Unfortunately, EMF is everywhere. 1G, 2G, 3G , 4G and now 5G. have covered the world in an electrmagnetic smog. You are now a walking antennae, receiving and sending signals everywhere. The closer you are to and the stronger the EMF the higher the risk to you. Putting the cellphone to your ears is going to get you. It is very dangerous to get close to some electronic equipment. Some scientists have warned about high risks in those body scanning machines. People who work in close proximity to such high EMF radiating equipment are at high risks, such as pilots. In the recent fiasco with Southwest Airlines in US, there have been reports of two separate incidents of pilots dying in flight and emergency landing was required. It is being covered up and the circumstances remain unknown. Pilots work in high EMF environment. 

The effect of the EMF on the nano graphene particulates in your body are tiny nuclear explosions. It may build over time, or a big one may come suddenly. Just pray.

A google search will tell you these are all conspiracy theories, that the body layers are so thick it will take so much more stronger electromagnetic radiation to enter your body. They ignore studies and evidence that EMF has caused a rise in cancer, autuism, bees dying, and migratory birds loosing their ways (bees and birds depend on magnetic fields for navigation). It has been well studied that data shows EMF is now a serious threat to humans.

There is tremendous amount of gaslighting going on all over the world to suppress alternative narratives of the vaccine. We are in a pandemic and fighting the virus. But it is very apparent something sinister is going on that suggests unknown forces are taking advantage of the pandemic to launch some social restructuring on a grand scale. We can see this happening in Australia, US and Europe.

Do your own research and make up your own mind. If you believe in what you read here, share the message with your friends, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. 

May God have mercy on us all.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your research - exceptionally thorough and well done. I appreciate your effort. You may find Ugo Bardi's blog of interest, especially his essays: The Age Of Exterminations

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. We are facing a catastrophic existential threat to mankind.

    Thanks for the link. Loos interesting. Will look it over.


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