
Friday, October 15, 2021

Open Letter To MTF To Adopt The Uttar Pradesh Model To Stop Pandemic

Open letter to the Ministerial Multi-Task Force handling the pandemic:

To: Mr Ong Ye Kung, Minister for Health
      Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for Finance
      Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Trade & Ind


I am a senior citizen. I have had 2 visits from teams from the Community Centre/ People's Assn to check on my vaccination status. Many have commented on social media depicting such visits as the govt trying to force up the vaccination numbers by coercing the seniors. I can attest this is certainly not true. They were courteous and just enquired if I needed assistance to go for the jab. At no time did they try to impose on me. I appreciate the outreach is concern by officialdom for the elderlies.

My opener is to show I understand the concerns, not just for elderlies but for the country generally. I can also understand the slip ups here and there, the lock-downs and the changing regulations. I avoid being a couch potato critic (there are many) on these matters as it's not easy walking in your shoes.

Sirs, I know there is no template to manage the stochastic dynamic situation, but the whack-a-mole approach does not appear to lead anywhere. It is time to think and act out-of-the-box. Actually several states have already done so. We should learn and adapt from their models. More specifically I am referring to Uttar Padesh. To change course and adopt a new strategy, I think we need to re-align policy parameters.

Firstly - WHO has proven themselves to be compromised by Bill Gates and big pharma donations. The latest incident is the Uttar Pradesh experiment. The successful Uttar Pradesh programme to flatten the curve was conducted together with a WHO team. Yet with the first hand knowledge gained, WHO made no attempt to replicate the Indian model elsewhere. Stop the over-reliance on WHO.

Secondly - The US is totally discredited. The CDC, FDA, Dr Fauci, the American media, University and Scientific papers, they are all totally corrupted by their toxic politics. US VAERS data are absolutely untrustworthy. From the very beginning, I have wondered where did the annual hundreds of thousands of flu death numbers go to? The Biden admin is prepared to go the edge of the cliff to stay in the White House. They are now saying the unvaccinated is a danger to everyone when the data says this is simply not true. The idea is to push out the narrative the unvaccinated are to be blamed for everything, setting them up as scapegoat for a failed economy. They made a faux approval of Comirnatty to push the vaccination mandate. I see that your team is apeing the discrimination of the unvaccinated based on false science, and believing in an approved Comirnatty which is not available anywhere.We should steer clear of the US.

Thirdly - Millions of Covid sufferers saved cannot be wrong. Every medical professional that rejected Ivermectin referred to negative studies and ignored so many peer-reviewed studies that say otherwise. These naysayers are wrong either (1) their studies relied only on Ivermectin whereas MDs use Ivermectin in a cocktail with other drugs such as zinc, or (2) they criticise the positive studies on grounds of invalid test for lack of controlled group with placebos. But the reason for not having such a control group is because it is morally unacceptable to provide placebos to Covid patients who needed treatment. Officialdom in all countries seem to be behind the curve on Ivermectin. Take for example, Malaysia's Ministry of Health is doing their own clinical trial on Ivermectin and they will make a decision after that. But the strange thing is in the ministerial announcement for the clinical trial, they described Ivermectin as a horse dewormer. Officialdom seems to be living in the kampongs, as far as Ivermectin is concerned.

It is so strange that no other drug in the world has ever had so much push back against it. How much of these underhand efforts are funded by big pharma, one should wonder. I'm thinking Ivermectin's dirt cheap price has something to do with this. Big pharma, including Pfizer, are all in the race for a Covid pill. I believe 2 have now applied to FDA for emergency use authorisation. Both have 50% efficacy rates. I believe Singapore is doing clinical trials on Merck's molnupiravir. So here we go again, the whole world ready to put blind faith in untested new drugs. Why have faith in these untested drugs when Ivermectin has already been used safely and successfully? And the joke is, these new drugs would certainly be copying some of the functionalities of Ivermectin. I can smell a scam 1 mile away.It is high time Singapore officialdom pay more respect to Ivermectin.

The Uttar Pradesh model:

I come now to the cruz of my message. I urge the government to eject the whack-a-mole approach and consider the Uttar Pradesh model. Few weeks after they used Ivermectin, the Indians flattened the curve. There is almost zero case now. If I were the health minister, I would have immediately made a zoom call to my counterpart in Uttar Pradesh 2 months ago to learn from them.

Uttar Pradesh is 243,000 km2 in size, a huge population of 200 million and very low budget. How did they bring their cases down from 100,000 a day to zero in 2-3 weeks? Just 3 key indicators:
1. Early treatment is key.
2. Therapeutic protocol that includes Ivermectin pills and a few other drugs like zinc. They went for the cure instead of focusing on the prevention.
3. Be proactive rather than reactive - Go out to the people instead of waiting for them to come to the hospital.

The health ministry worked with WHO. They formed thousands of outreach teams and went into all their towns, cities, villages, every outlying home. Every men, women and children were tested. Those positive but not serious cases were given a package with a cocktail of drugs that included Ivermectin, an oximeter. They were taught to self-isolate and  self-administer the drugs. Serious cases go to hospital.

It worked remarkably well for them. And the package handed out cost less than S$5.00 each.

If Uttar Pradesh can do a 100% outreach to 200 million people in matters of weeks, it will be a cinch for Singapore.

Dr Peter McCullough:

I urge you to invest a few minutes to watch this video. It's a recent presentation by Dr Peter McCullough to the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Dr. McCullough is a cardiologist and was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. McCullough is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. He was and is an advocate for early COVID-19 treatment that included hydroxychloroquine.

Here, Dr. McCullough gave an extensive rundown on everything Covid-19 vaccines, from safety and efficacy to the fraudulent “approval” of the Pfizer vaccine.
 Valued information like this never see the light of day in American mainstream media.

A most authoritative presentation of the existential threat to mankind today.
Please share with all your friends. Everyone needs to know.

Finally allow me to close with a short anecdote. This was narrated to me by someone who heard it from an insider. One of our famous property magnate, the late Mr Ng Teng Fong, once interviewed an applicant for the post of accountant. His panel of executives were surprised when his opening question to the interviewee was "Do you know how much a pound of 2 inch nails cost?" The moral of the story is this. Mr Ng had no formal education, he communicated in the Hokkien dialect. Although he appreciated education, he valued managers with real ground level exposures.

It is high time we pay attention to the medical practitioners who have been treating their patients successfully with cocktail drugs that included Ivermectin, and those who have walked the grounds and flattened their curves in their own way when vaccines have clearly failed them. Blind conviction in an untested novel biotechnology that has failed is as dangerous as the Flat Earthers.

Thank you and may God bless you with the wisdom to lead the country well in this pandemic.

Yours faithfully

Patrick Low 

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  1. WHO actually congratulated and complemented the Uttar Pradesh health authorities on their great success but in all that was said the word Ivermectin was glaringly missing. Seem to be an unmentionable word even for the WHO

  2. Is it possible that the median age in Uttar Pradesh is far lower than in SIN? That would have a significant impact on mortality.

  3. @ Simon Lim

    Thank you for visiting. The congrats was ack by WHO for the success of the programme. "I" is th name that must not be mentioned indeed.

  4. @ Anonymours
    Indeed demographics, and lots of other factors, all these can be analysed to death. But let's just take a general overall result of 100,000 to zero. That should be the objective.


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