
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Covid Clusterfuck And The Shodinger Cat

Miriam-Webster dictionary describes 'clusterfuck' as "a complex and utterly disordered and mismanaged situation'. It frames the dysphoric process, not the outcome. Stanford business professor Bob Sutton better describes it as “those debacles and disasters caused by a deadly brew of illusion, impatience, and incompetence that afflicts too many decision-makers, especially those in powerful, confident, and prestigious groups.”

'Clusterfuck' is a somewhat vulgar portmanteau but it demonstrably fit the pandemic situation today. We see a world madly rushing into untested new technology vaccines for a pathogen having an insignificant mortality of under 0.5% (before the advent of vaccination) and where early therapeutic treatment has proven effective, especially with patients having no comorbidities. Mistakes and mismanagement due to a novel virus are understandable and acceptable. But there have been acts, omissions, and objectives which appear outright criminal. Indeed, they border on humanitarian crimes. How the world got to this mess will be unraveled in the years to come when the light of truth will shine through the dark intrigue of the global reset agenda of globalist elites, politics weaponising the pandemic, big pharma money power plays, big tech and media control of information. Much will depend on the US Congress and Senate pivoting back to Republicans in the midterms next year.

Vaccines do not prevent infection. A vaccinated person can and do get infected under 3 scenarios :
- a mild illness occurs. This is a good sign. It means the vaccine is working.
- a serious illness occur. This either means the vaccine did not work, or the person's natural immunity is weak, such as the elderly and those with comorbidities. They call this a 'breakthrough' event. A catastrophic breakthrough is unfolding.
- Antibody Dependency Enhancement causes severe and often fatal illnesses. ADE is caused by the vaccines itself. The vaccine actually weakened a person's natural immunity system. The vaccinated in turn aids in virus mutation. As for ADE, it has happened with past vaccines. They say data at the moment does not suggest there is ADE.

First and foremost, the whole world rushed into using untested new technology vaccines instead of focusing on therapeutic treatments. Vaccines are of course the desired objective when faced with an infectious disease, but the development takes years. Instead of concentrating on the cure, governments took a quantum leap of blind faith in technology for intervention by untested vaccines..

Governments persisted on 2 key technologies whose inventors said are not appropriate for the purpose. The late Karty Mullis has passionately voiced out his Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodology does not work for testing virus. Dr Robert Malowe said the risks of mRNA vaccine is too high. Both have been suppressed by big tech and media.

They tell us the vaccine is intramuscularly injected so it will remain in the area of the arm, but that is not the case. The science told them the mRNA has a very short half-life so it will decompose and be eliminated from the body quickly. But scientists in Japan have proven the spiked protein has traversed the blood stream and gone into various organs such as kidneys, heart, reproductive organs and even crossed the blood barrier into the brain cell.

All the known risks of new technology vaccines, and more unknown ones, such as blood clots, are now manifesting. The question is, to what extent have these risks been explained to the millions who have taken the jab? The long term implications, some scientists warned, will be devastating. For example, myocarditis is a high adverse event, and this shortens lives drastically. Some scientists predict the coming years will see waves of sufferers of organ failures, cancer, and dementia.

They told us the vaccines work after 2 jabs and it did'nt. And now a 3rd jab is a necessity with no data to tell if that will work. Israel is now contemplating the 4th jab. Big pharma executives have been caught on video expressing a world of forever booster jabs and what that meant to their corporate profits.

Now they tell us the vaccines don't work because it wanes after some time. Waning means a state of weakened ability to function. Amongst other things, after vaccination, our immune system gains something called T-memory cells. These enable our immune system to recognise the pathogen (virus) the next time we get infected. It will then immediately trigger our natural immune system to get to work and eliminate the virus. Wanning in this context can only mean the T-memory cells have a dementia problem. Just like learning to cycle, once mastered, we never forget, the T-memory cells never forget the pathogen. There can't be a waning of the memory - it can only mean the vaccine never worked.

Ihey told us in the early days of the pandemic that cases were very high, seemingly to instill fear of Covid so as to drive people to vaccinate. Patients having comorbidities who succumb to their sickness were classified as death from Covid. The hundreds of thousands of annual deaths from common flu in the US suddenly disappeared. It is also becoming clear in many countries, especially US, asymtomatic cases were sent home without any treatment and told to report to hospitals if they get worse. In other words, majority of the infected received treatment way too late.

They now play down the numbers, seemingly to lower fear of the vaccine as a causation of serious complications and death. Serious adverse events and deaths of those with comorbidities are now attributed not to covid but to underlying illnesses.

They don't see the waves of the pandemic co-relate to the vaccine. The first wave hit after vaccination began. The second wave hit after vaccination has achieved certain levels. This is reflected in the data. Countries with the highest vaccination rates are now swamped by high cases. Reference Israel, Singapore, Sarawak state of Malaysia, etc. The more you vaccinate, the more cases you get. This seems to be so difficult to understand by proponents of vaccination.

When more people who have been vaccinated are getting infected as compared to the unvaccinated, they say the vaccine works because the vaccinated suffer only mild illness. The optimism precedes the data. Even so, how do we know if those vaccinated having mild illnesses would have the same experience had they not been vaccinated? Without clinical trials, we will never know. It could also be because they now receive early treatment which is key to recovery.

When more vaccinated people continue to get infected, they now say it's the new variant. These new vaccines cause your own body to create the spiked protein which is similar to a part of the actual SAR-Cov-2 virus. The immune system then generates the antibody to eliminate the spiked protein. Your body will then be able to recognise the real virus. Unfortunately, apart from the spiked proteins, a coronavirus has a lot of other component to its body. If it mutates and there is a change in either the spiked proteins or other parts of its body, your T-memory cells may not recognise it. Thus mRNA and adenovirus vector vaccines are not resilient to the Delta and other new strains. Why take such high risks to use these new vaccines for a virus type that mutates very fast?

The inactivated vaccines of the Chinese are more resilient to virus mutation, but they are not being officially promoted. We have a long queue registered to take these vaccines and it's not subsidised by government. Inactivated vaccines use an actual virus in a weakened state. The virus is injected into your body and the immune system learns to recognise it. Now this being a complete SAR-Cov-2 virus, the immune system has a better understanding of it. Thus when it mutates, even though certain part of the virus has changed, your T-memory cells are better able to still recognise it. Delta strain does not impose a problem to those vaccinated with these. The proof is in the covid status of China where the new western vaccines are not used. China ranks 2nd in the Covid Safe Country Index as at 5th Sep 2021.

Vaccination is creating a false sense of security which is a danger if vaccines don't work. The community drops guard thinking they are safe. If the vaccine works, relaxing social contacts for this group should not be a problem. Apparently it has not worked out well for Singapore and Israel, the 2 most highly vaccinated countries.

The vaccinated and governments say the vaccine-hesistant are endangering everyone, but Israel and their data say it's the other way round. The vaccinated are now endangering the unvaccinated. There is suspicion the new vaccines are responsible for new viral strains. The vaccinated also impose a danger as a carrier and spreading infection by shedding.

They have totally forgotten to focus on the most important group - those who have gained natural immunity. A person who has been infected gains natural immunity. The whole world has forgotten that as we go about our daily lives, many of us may have actually breathed in the virus. But the load is very small and our immune system strong. We may feel a slight discomfort, maybe a passing headache. We get well and acquired natural immunity. All these people are forced to take on unnecessary risks to vaccinate. The only single country that mentioned this is Israel who said natural immunity is the most powerful.

They tell us FDA has officially approved Pfizer vaccine when it is just a gimmick because they think we are too stupid to see through the trick. The approval is years ahead of timeline for 3rd phase clinical trials. Let's unpack the imbroglio. Pfizer vaccine under emergency use agreements (EUA) is labeled BNT162b2. The approved label is Comirnatty. Both are one and the same formulation. BNT162b2 is used for age 12 up, but Corminatty is not for use for those age 15 and below. Why thus. Because under emergency use, Pfizer has no liability. They don't care if you jab a 1 month old baby. For Comirnatty, Pfizer has liability. They don't want law suits, so no use for 15 and under. Once there is an approved vaccine for covid, the government must withdraw all emergency use drugs and vaccines. This is'nt happening because Comirnatty is not available. As long as Comirnatty is unavailable, emergency use can continue. It makes no sense for Pfizer to market Comirnatty and assume liabilities when BNT162b2 can be sold with no risks. You see the trick? Big pharma and science are simply accommodating politics. An FDA approved vaccine makes it politically easier to mandate vaccination. It is similar to Fauci waving the fake Lancet Report in Senate inquiry to support his claim the virus has no gains of function. 

The FDA said booster jabs should not be given but Biden got ahead of regulators and ordered boosters be given In the end, they compromised and approved booster shots for those aged 65 and above. Are the people being told science said no but politicians said it's OK? Science (regulators) gave way to the Executive.

Data shows the young has a very low risk of infection but they insisted on vaccinating the 12-16 age group. US started vaccinating this group in May 2021 and the world followed. The science they based on is a non-peer-reviewed study by Pfizer released on the 31st March 2021, demonstrating the safety and efficacy of BNT162b2 in children between 12 and 16 years old in the US. The study concludes that the vaccine is entirely safe and 100% effective in the adolescent subgroup; no infection was reported among those who received two jabs of vaccines compared to those who received placebo.

Natural immunity is very strong in the young, but they are now considering vaccination for age group 2-11.

We are living in a world of medical tyranny. And in this scenario, all governments of the world, except probably for China, have gone inutile and simply accept the guidance coming from WHO and Dr Fauci. The intellectual corruption has been very obvious, but gone unchallenged. Data has been corrupted, opposing voices of scientists suppressed. Moneyed interests and politicians dictate the handling of the pandemic.

Adverse events, data, scientific opinions, scientific studies and reports, etc are interpreted according to the narrative of the governments, effectively shutting out the concerns of thousands of practicing doctors and scientists around the world. It looks like the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. All subatomic particles exist in a state of superposition, that is they exist in a combination of multiple states with corresponding outcomes. They exist in the superposition state until they interact with, or observed by, the external world. Let me explain in a simple way by example. A sub-atomic particle's colour is in 3 states - white, blue and green. It remains in this superposition until it is observed. The observer sees it in only one state, say green. The vaccine status quo is something like this. The efficacy depends on the observer.

In 1935 physicist Erwin Schrödinger came up with a thought experiment to refute the Copenhagen interpretation. Imagine a cat is placed in a box together with a flask of poison, a radioactive material and a monitor. When the monitor detects radioactivity (when a radioactive atom dies), it shatters the flask and poison is released which will kill the cat. The box is totally sealed. There is no observer, so according to the Copenhagen interpretation, the cat is in the superposition state of both alive and dead at the same time. This is illogical. The imaginative experiment is to ridicule the Copenhagen interpretation - the cat is either dead or alive, whether observed or not.

The cat came to be known as the Shodinger cat. In the real world, if the box is opened, we may probably find a damn angry cat. Just as the pandemic will produce damn angry people if the full picture of the mess is revealed. 


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