
Saturday, September 25, 2021

Proof Of SAR-Cov-2 Engineered At Wuhan Lab And Singapore May Be Involved

The Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore web site has an interesting article.The first two paragraphs read :

[ It was by pure chance that bat expert Wang Linfa found himself in the Chinese city of Wuhan in January 2020. Wang was attending the annual scientific retreat at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where he once served as chairman of the scientific advisory board. While the first reports of a SARS-like virus outbreak in Wuhan were making headlines around the world, the virus still felt like a distant threat, even to people in Wuhan. No one had any inkling to what degree this new virus was going to penetrate the population and how it was going to change the world.

"My friends from WIV and I went for dinner to a local restaurant three nights in a row. We discussed this new virus. But my discussion was limited to the Wuhan institute as I didn’t have access to the hospitals to study the situation more closely,” recalled Wang, who is a professor with Duke-NUS’ Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) Programme, about his time in Wuhan.]

....COVID-19 pandemic puzzle: tracing the origins of SARS-CoV-2... Duke-NUS. (Read here before they take it down)

The origin of SAR-Cov-2 revolves around 4 prominent personalities :

* Dr Anthony Fauci - Director of NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the US President. He is the pandemic czar.

* Dr Peter Daszak - President of EcoHealth Alliance, an NGO that supports various programs on global health and pandemic prevention.

* Dr Ralph Baric - Professor in the Dept of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina (UNC), Maryland, US.  It seems Baric is the pre-emminent leader in the field of coronavirus research. From interviews, his research publication and his patents, apparently he is the first scientist to find a way to synthesise coronavirus. He actually boasted in an interview that it is very easy to create such a virus. Baric does research at the UNC lab as well as his own lab.

* Dr Shi Zhengli - Director of Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). She is a Chinese virologist who does extensive research on SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin.

In the scheme of things, Fauci is the funder, Daszak the organiser, Baric the brains, and Shi the executioner.

Gain of function (GoF) is fiddling around with viruses to make it more dangerous. The objective is to predict how a virus may evolve so that vaccines can be created to preempt a future pandemic. In other words, create future viruses and prepare vaccines now. GoF sometimes involve mixing parts of different viruses or similar virus class from different animals, a sort of a Frankenstein virus. This is called a chimeric virus. Baric has the breakthrough technology to do this with the coronavirus and he holds certain patents.

Due to the risks involved, Obama imposed a moratarium on funding GoF research in 2014. The National Institute of Health revoked the moratorium in 2017 except for certain viruses such as MERs. In 2019 Trump re-instated the ban on funding GoF research. Daszak and Baric took the research to WIV where they worked with Shi on the bats in Yunnan caves.

Fauci has sworn under oath in Senate inquiry that NIAID does not fund the WIV research, the research does not involve GoF, that SAR-Cov-2 is zoonotic (by natural animal to human transmission), and there was no WIV lab leak. For months he stuck to this narrative.

From documents obtained through Freedom of Information suits, the conspiracy lab leak theory is now no longer in doubt. The protagonists have outright lied, falsified medical reports and misguided the WHO investigation of WIV. Fauci's NIAID provided grant funds to Ecohealth which Daszak used to fund WIV. Daszak led 18 scientists to publish a scientific report to say the SAR-Cov-2 has all the evidence of natural evolution, ie a zoonotic virus. It was a timely report for Fauci to wave the science in the Senate inquiry that the lab leak theory is false and there was no GoF. Several months later, 8 of the scientists retracted their signatures. A couple of months back, a second Lancet Report has been published by other scientists which now says the SAR-Cov-2 has signs that point to GoF. Dr Baric led the WHO investigation in Wuhan and came back with a clean report on WIV. No GoF research there, no lab leak.

A couple of days ago, a bombshell report was carried by The Telegraph UK, Zero Hedge, and Inforwars. Their source report is from the Drastic Research website. Drastic must be considered by the Leftist media as authentic for they have referenced some articles from the site before. For this bombshell story, mainstream media totally ignored it. 

Drastic stands for Decentralised Radical Autonomous Search Teams Investigating Covid-19. It is an independent team of scientists, analysts, sleuths, specialists in engineering, mathematics, biology, open source intelligence and data, who came together to investigate the origins of SAR-Cov2.

In the spring of 2018, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an agency of Pentagon, opened invitation under ref HR001118S0017-PREEMPT-FP-019 for grant proposal. Daszak's Ecohealth submitted a proposal called PROJECT DEFUSE - Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses, asking for US$14m funding.

Now here's shocker # 1:

Basically, Daszak's team wanted to do -

1. A wide scale inoculation of bats in the Yunnan caves using aerosolized inoculum delivery. In simple terms, they want to spray the air with skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing “novel chimeric spike proteins" which will infect the bats.

Aerosol delivery system has such horrible potential risks that it has never been publicly released or opened to the wider scientific community for discussion. It is a NO NO. This is a specialist area of research of Dr Rocke, Dr. Ainslie and Dr. Unidad (PARC) who have previously researched and developed the technological solutions necessary to make this possible. It remains on paper, never been applied.

2. Create chimeric viruses, genetically enhanced to infect humans more easily.

Project Defuse set out the background on the collaboration of Daszak-Baric-Shi in coronavirus research at WIV and what they intend to do with the requested funding.

Drastic Research's analysis of Project Defuse indicated that Daszak lied on several issues and tried to bypass restrictions imposed by P3CO (GoF) and DURC (Dual Use Research of Concern) frameworks. 'Dual use' refers to civil and military applications.

DARPA assessed the application as an attempt to "synthesize spike glycoproteins which bind to human cell receptors and insert them into SARSr-CoV backbones to assess whether they can cause SARS-like disease." The application was rejected on various grounds which included lack of GoF and DURC mitigation plans, and it "hardly addresses or discusses ethical, legal, and social issues". In other words, DARPA considered it a dangerous project.

Here's shocker #2:

Experimental work using bats and or transgenic mice will be conducted at the BSL-3 lab in WIV, Duke-NUS, Uni North Carolina, or National Wildlife Health Center, US. Each partner institute will apply for and procure animal with research approval from their own IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee). The IACUC office for Duke-NUS is at NUS.

Ecohealth will send samples to Duke-NUS and UNC. “Samples will be preserved in viral transport medium, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen dry shippers, and transported to partner laboratories with a maintained cold chain and under strict biosafety protocols.”

As for Duke-NUS, Project Defuse mentioned :

Duke-NUS (Linfa Wang) has an Asian cave bat (Eonycteris spelaea) breeding colony:

“Our E. spelaea colony has now reached a sustainable population for infection experiments and the ABSL3 facility has been outfitted with bat-specific cages.”

“We will use the unique Duke-NUS Asian cave bat (Eonycteris spelaea) breeding colony to conduct initial proof-of-concept tests, extended to small groups of wild-caught Rhinolophus sinicus bats at WIV.”

“Subtask 7.4.Test immune modulation in ‘captive Eonycteris sp. colony, using Malaka virus and SARSr-CoV infections.


Everything detailed in Project Defuse can best explain what work was conducted in WIV, that is synthesising a coronavirus. The questions are was it a lab leak accident, or an intentional release of the virus, and did they execute on the aerosol dispersion delivery. Note that was 2018. Pentagon already knew what Daszak's team intended to do and possibly doing. Yet the Intelligence Committee ordered by Joe Biden to investigate the lab leak theory, with access to military intel, concluded a lab-created virus was unlikely. Politics and money got in the way.

Singapore absolutely needs Wang and NUS to provide clarity. Did they collaborate with Daszak's team on the research? If they did, what was the nature of the research actually conducted in Duke-NUS lab? Why they were not concerned with the ethical, legal and social issues that DARPA highlighted? Was any synthesised SAR-Cov-2 brought into Singapore before the pandemic broke? Is MOE and MOH aware of this collaboration? Does Singapore have similar GoF and DURC frameworks in place to manage dangerous research work?

As for Pro Wang Linfa who said he found himself at Wuhan by pure chance when the virus outbreak began, pure chance my foot.

Ref: Drastic Research's full analysis of Project Defuse

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  1. If you google it you might still also be able to find DUKENUS post reports or articles regarding RATG13 - a fake genetic sequence of the virus right after China released the fake information, and within a very short amount of time, and also if you managed to find the facebook groups and posts of that same time period, you noticed it was well coordinated with China’s online propaganda as well.

    Singapore government and its DUKENUS did not merely helped the, but also helped them in covering up the virus origins with lies.

    Singapore was entirely complicit in manufacturing the virus and the entire PAP politicians should be arrested for crimes against humanity and hanged.

    I say this as a Singaporean

  2. Thank you for that most interesting comment.

    I do beg ignorance of the actual work conducted by Duke-NUS. If you are right, your claim is of such monumental burden for anyone holding the full knowledge. I'm just a silly blogger sharing what's in the open but relatively unknown to the majority of the public. If there are answers that can't be coaxed into the open, then it festers speculation, and it is not the public's fault. In that respect I see what I write as a positive contribution. I don't wish to destroy. I wish to help build better.

    I'm not saying you are lying or you are wrong in your assessment. But I commend you for having the intelligence to read and understanding something is amiss. Critical thinking is a rarity amongst ordinary Singaporeans, my observation. I really want to have more interaction with discussions like this, just arguing pros and cons. Anyone can shoot me down and tear my arguments, they are welcome. But only in a constructive and civil manner.

    I think some stuff are of such sensitive a nature that as a private citizen, one need to know one's position. For personal and private need to know, because I live an examined life, I poke my nose here and there. I am careful not to get a broken nose, particularly as I'm fully aware we are not privy to lots of stuff, so our interpretation of evidence has no context in the bigger picture of national interest and concerns.

    Thanks again for sharing the info.

    1. Sorry ah… I read all the 3 paragraphs of your writing and I still have no idea what you are saying and what your point is.

  3. I am not sure whether they can still be googled at this point but i took some screenshots a while back. If you have telegram or other sources safe for me to send to you i can do so.

  4. @ Gabriel Chan

    LOL if you were referring to the comment, yes indeed you are right. Some things need to couched in mystic codes.

    Thanks for visiting.

  5. I am sorry guys..i can only give the uneducated response like, OH MY GOD!!! Its killing me as a singaporean!!!

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