Monday, May 13, 2024


As a little kid back in the days when PAP was battling socialists and communists in Singapore, I could see how enemies of democracy camouflaged themselves as libertarians and accuse the other side of wanting to destroy democracy. Today, we see the same agitprop playbook of the liberal left and Democrats in US employed against conservatives and Republicans. Any social or political activist, or fund raising group which has ‘Democracy’ in its name, is almost usually pushing anything but democracy.

If elected in 2024, Trump will be a dictator and he will jail all his political opponents. A small group of people decided that will be the talking point and all leftist mouthpieces take to the airwaves with coordinated headlines and speeches. If you were Rachel Maddox of MSNBC drawing US$28m a year, you would be incentivised to poison the well for Trump. As would the denizens slithering in the pits of leftist media. It surprised no one when Hillary Clinton joined the fray. All seemed to not realise they had 4 years of Trump and no one was jailed. Least of all Hillary whom Trump refused to carry through a campaign promise to prosecute when he was in the White House because, as he said later, “it wouldn’t be the right thing to do (prosecuting a political opponent).”

The lawfare currently going on in the US against Trump leaves no doubt who is the dictator and who are being persecuted. The collusion between Biden’s White House, federal law enforcement agencies, and state prosecutors, are slowly becoming clear. Information shared from FOIA suits and unsealing of motion documents by non-partisan constitutional judges have shown state prosecutors visit the White House on many occasions. There is no question who is pulling the strings on the high profile cases against Trump. The transfer of Democrat activist Matthew Colangelo from DOJ to New York confirms the weaponisation of an agency of law. Colangelo was obviously tasked as the hatchet man to get Trump in the classified documents case, unless a move from the third highest ranking official in DOJ office to a public prosecutor in a Manhattan District Attorney’s office is somehow a promotion.

Those following the progress of the cases against Trump may be excused if they seem to see some sort of Marian intercession going on. Events seem to transpire for the accusers to be shown guilty of the very same acts they accuse Trump of.

In Fulton County election 2020 fraud case, Georgia DA Fani Willis charged Trump et al with conspiracy to defraud the election under the RICO Act. This is for racketeering, which is legislation against mob-related crimes. Apart for the argument before SCOTUS on presidential immunity, the defence’s case rests on the argument it is well within a president’s responsibility to call for investigation into an election if he felt the integrity of the vote is questionable.

The case is in jeopardy. Willis herself has been proven to lie in court, conspired to defraud the state by engaging the services of her lover Nathan Wade at a higher rate as special prosecutor (Wade is a lawyer specialising in divorce cases), and corruptly benefiting from the arrangement. She has been subpoenaed separately by Congress and State Senate to attend their investigation into her conduct. Presiding Judge Scott McAfee decided the pair in breach of judiciary standards of conduct serious enough to warrant removal from the case. However, it is strange he found it serious enough to remove Wade but not Willis. McAfee once worked for Willis, and the judge is a donor to the DA. Unfortunately for Willis, she now faces an appellate court hearing brought by the defendants for her dismissal from the case. 

The Stormy Daniel case in Manhattan is unique in its non-specification of charges. DA Alvin Bragg said it is not necessary for him to specify the charge. The prosecution’s case is Trump falsified accounts by recording ‘hush money’ payment to Stormy Daniels as ‘legal fees’. This is not a criminal act, but it becomes a felony if the act was performed in furtherance of another act. Bragg said Trump falsified the accounts so his 2016 presidential campaign will not be impaired. It thus becomes a felony. The case is allowed to proceed despite the fact Trump has nothing to do with accounting entries and the payment was made in 2018 so it's difficult to see how it influenced 2016 election.

There is a great tabloid story here of whether Trump had sex with a porn star. But it’s all anecdotal and has nothing to do with the case before the court. The judge allowed Daniels two days in the witness box giving lurid details of her liaison with Trump which has nothing to do with the case but prosecution-coached (Daniels admitted) tactic to humiliate the defendant. I restrict my comment here to the point of the accuser being revealed as the one committing the very acts the defendant is accused of.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is a porn star and film producer. She once sued Trump for defamation where she was represented by Michael Avenatti, a lawyer now dis-barred and serving time for fraud against clients. Recently, Avenatti made a revelation from his prison cell. He said a film producer approached him to participate in a film on Daniels’ story. From his queries he learnt from the producer that Daniels will be involved and her share of income from the film will be paid via a round-robbin mechanism. Her purpose was to falsify her accounts to avoid payment of legal cost of US$500,000 in two failed suits against Trump. The producer also mentioned that earnings from her memoir “Full Disclosure” was also handled this way. The book of course featured her one-night tryst with Trump. We do not know the veracity of this revelation, particularly as Avenatti was later found guilty of defrauding Daniels in the negotiation for the publication of her book. If true, then Daniels is just as guilty for falsifying her accounts in order to cheat Trump. This is exactly the felony DA Bragg is trying to convict the ex-president.

In the classified documents case, Trump is lucky he relocated his residence to Florida. In New York city, with progressive judges and liberal juries, he would have no chance for a fair trial and proper discovery because motion documents including witness interview transcripts, would be heavily redacted. With a constitutional Judge Aileen Cannon presiding, the sloppy prosecution has no special treatment from the bench and cannot get away with shenanigans. Judge Canon unsealed motion documents and boy oh boy, what do un-redacted materials reveal. The prosecution colluded with Biden’s White House, tampered with evidence, inserted false evidence, and stole Trump’s personal effects (amongst other things, Trump claimed FBI took his will).

Recall this photo that Biden’s FBI ‘leaked’ to Biden’s media. From the very first day the photo was first made public, conspiracy sites like Gateway Pundit and Alex Jones’ Infowars analysed it and were quick to point out it was an arranged setup just for the optics. It was meant to fool the public that Trump has so much classified documents they were lying all over the floor. FBI placed the documents on the floor for the photoshoot and those marked ‘SECRET’ were not classified documents but place holders. ‘Conspiracy theorists’ have now been proven correct yet again.

Documents in the boxes were not in the same sequence as the computerised inventory list. Prosecution admitted the documents have been juggled in the boxes. This is tantamount to tampering with evidence. The sequence in the boxes is important because it is proof the documents have not been handled since they were delivered from the White House.

FBI inserted one ballot of classified documents they brought from Presidential Archive Library into evidence. Fabricating evidence is criminal malfeasance. Perhaps DOJ, FBI and leftist prosecutors have become emboldened with the way they successfully ran roughshod over judicial processes tolerated by partisan liberal judges when they go after defendants who were conservatives, MAGA or Trump supporters and associates.

In the January 6 incident, all those Trump supporters who entered the Capitol should at most be charged with trespassing which is a misdemeanor. The Democrats have been longing for an event of white supremacist violence to pin the fascist label on Trump. Unable to establish insurgency, DOJ framed charges that can inflict the most severe sentence on defendants. The purpose is to create the ethos of white supremacist danger to democracy in US. Most defendants were charged with violating 18 U.S. Code § 1512, a very serious offence.

18 US Code § 1512(c)(2) states:

“Whoever corruptly or otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

Under the dual justice system of US today, progressive judges set murderers free and Trump supporters receive 10-15 years in prison for trespassing and disrupting Congress in session.

What will the same dual justice system now do to Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team of prosecutors if the same 18 U.S. Code § 1512 is applied?

18 US Code § 1512(c)(1) states:

“Whoever corruptly alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

The prosecution is guilty of the same crimes they charged those they accuse. When Trump called for Jack Smith to be arrested and jailed for evidence tampering and falsification, the 45th President has the law behind him.

Unsealed motion documents show Biden gave the green light for FBI search of Trump’s Mar-a-lago residence for the classified documents. Well, well, what do we all subsequently know. Biden himself carted away a ton of classified documents when he was Obama’s VP. The difference between Trump and Biden is wide. As president, Trump has a right to take documents from the White House after leaving office and has the right to declassify documents, which he did. Biden has no such right as VP. While Trump kept documents under secured storage (the security was actually vetted by FBI much earlier), Biden kept classified documents in his garage and in an office shared with a CCP-owned company. Special Counsel Robert Hur headed an investigation into Biden’s case. He minced no words to conclude Biden “stole” the documents. While they put Trump on trial, no Democrat or DOJ is going to do anything with Biden for committing the same crimes they accused the ex-president.

By June 2023, Mike Pence, Trump’s VP, and GOP nomination challenger for 2024, distanced himself from his ex-boss when he said: “Having read the indictment, these are very serious allegations. And I can’t defend what is alleged.” Well, well, what do we know. Pence himself has also been found to have “stolen” some classified documents just like Biden.

The over-valuation of assets case in New York brought by DA Letitia James against Trump is one for the books. Trump was found guilty of falsely inflating the value of his asset Mar-a-Lago. By declaring higher valuation, Trump was then able to obtain larger loans. It was a fraud case for which there were no victims, where a prosecution witness, a banker from Deutsche Bank, said they were not defrauded, they had every single dollar of loans repaid with interest, and that they were happy to do more business with their client. It was a case where every businessman ever interviewed said the prosecution has no idea how financing of real estate works.

Rabid Trump-hating partisan Judge Arthur Engoron plucked a figure out of thin air and said Mar-a-Lago was worth US$18m. Trump has always insisted it is more than a hundred million dollars. All leftist media has always refuted Trump’s claim including Trump-hating CNN which only last December ran a report on fact checking Trump’s valuation claims as false. Well, well, what do we know. CNN now says Mar-a-Lago is worth US$240m.

In NY courts, conservatives and least of all, Trump, has no chance of a fair trial. He lost and was fined US$450m. Only Alex Jones has received a higher fine under the Biden admin. Jones was fined US$1b in the Sandy Hooks defamation law suit. There are rules against excessive fines to prevent Judiciary excesses. Everyone knows both cases were politically driven and the fines were meant to financially cripple and bring the two enemies of Democrats to their knees.

Democrat DA James ran for office on a platform of going after Trump with no specific crimes in mind. One is reminded of Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin's secret police chief, who said “Show me the man and I'll find you the crime”.

The New York Post on 17 Mar 2024 carried a most interesting article: “An Irish society, an unpaid loan and the hypocrisy of Letitia James” This is the interesting story in brief.

The American Irish Historical Society is a private club which owns a grand old mansion at 991 Fifth Avenue across Central Park, NY City. A certain Cahill Family has been running the club house like their own heirloom. Mismanagement brought it to insolvency. They turned to a board director James Doyle, for a personal loan of US$3m and represented to him the mansion was valued US$80m with air rights (can build taller). The loan was structured like a mortgage loan with monthly installment payments. When the society defaulted on scheduled payments, Doyle called in the loan. He soon found out the mansion had no air rights and was valued about US$20m.

In stepped DA James who claimed she received a petition against the sale and that disposal of assets by NGOs requires the approval of her office. She was in awe of the clubhouse and encouraged members to save it. The loan was restructured. When the society again defaulted, Doyle commenced legal proceedings. DA James did all she could to frustrate the sale of the building.

One wonders at the enthusiasm of James to block the sales of the clubhouse. Why is a black DA so interested in the private affairs of an Irish community? Doyle has made an FOIA request for all communication between James, the society and the Cahills. Is there a can of worms somewhere?

Meanwhile it is very clear. Here is a case of falsification of asset values to secure a loan that is exactly the same as the one Trump is charged with. In Mar-a-Lago case, DA James takes the side against borrower Trump for falsifying asset values. In the Irish clubhouse she takes the borrower society’s side for falsifying asset values. If inflating asset values for a loan application is a crime as James claims, then she is aiding and abetting a crime by taking the side of the Irish society.

One must not forget the difference between Trump’s and the Irish society’s case. In Trump’s case, the asset is worth much higher than what the court says and Deusche Bank were paid back every single dollar. In the Irish society case, the asset is worth much lower and lender Doyle is still owed US$3m.

These four lawfare cases mentioned are clearly political prosecution of Trump. The timing and the massive fine suggest judicial partisanship attempt to cripple his 2024 campaigns. In other words, election interference. It’s a wonder how all the cases have boomeranged to show the accusers guilty of exactly the same crimes they accused Trump of. Certainly many are led to ask who is behind Trump?

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