Wednesday, October 14, 2020

CIA whistleblower has evidence Obama-Biden-Hillary-Brennan betrayed the country but they are blocking the news.


Watch this before it's taken down. This is a video that I stumbled across late last night.

( If video does not appear, click here ).

It carries the revelation of 3 principal players - a CIA whistleblower, the father of a Marine Seal Team 6 member who has been killed (the team that took out Osama bin Laden), and an investigative journalist. Very briefly it is about Obama-Biden-Hillary-Brenan conspiracy of illegal acts that connected the killing of Osama, Benghazi US embassy attack, US$152b payment to Iran and the killing of Seal Team 6 members in Afghanistan 2011. For years there have been gnawing suspicion and speculation. This time, the people behind this revelation said they have tetrabytes of info, documents, audio and video as evidence which have been handed over to some Congressmen, and President Trump has been briefed.

I'm not blogging about the subject matter. You view the video and ponder your own thoughts. I want to blog about something insidious.

This video was posted yesterday. I shared it on Facebook early this morning (about 2am). By the afternoon, I tried to share it again on Facebook. When I publish the post, the video does not appear. Instead Facebook displayed an advisory that I'm sharing a false news and placed a link to view the explanation. 

Facebook also sent me notification (see image left).

The link leads to a site called where supposedly the exclusive "truth" is explained. Leadstories debunked everything in the video, and refers back to all those old stories from, yes, the Liberal media. 

Put on notice, I checked out the video source. It was from Next News Network which relied on breaking announcement from a media site DJHJ Media. DJHJ is a conservative site and they did'nt pretend who they are. Their mission is to protect conservative values. 

So I factchecked NNN and Leadstories. The unbiased had nothing on them, nor the controversial video. described NNN as extremely bias on the Right (conservative) and prone to unverfiable non-evidencial reports. It painted Leadstories as a factcheck site that is extremely unbiased and evidence-based.

Unsatisfied, I googled "who checks the fact checkers". I found this report from
‘Independent’ Facebook fact-checker exposed as partisan smear factory packed with CNN
Of course the US says as Russia state-own media is a propaganda machine. But I have come to see it's London-based bureau run by the Brits as very analytical and without the sensationalism, emotionalism, and partisanship as their US countrepart. So I clicked to check and behold, RT described Leadstories as almost populated by ex-CNN staffers. It is nothing more than another mouthpiece of the Democratic Party controlled Liberal press.

This little epidosde serves to demonstrate what is already an established fact. The liberal media and technology apps owners (Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo) are all anti-Trump and they have junked professionalism out the window and become tools and activists for the Democrats. CEOs have been caught on video to actively promote this anti-Trump policy to their employees.They have worked to suppress conservative views and any negative views on the Democrats. AI capabilities have been applied toward this end. Google searches will place liberal prerogatives at the top. Facebook can very quickly apply to suppress very damaging articles or videos such as this Obama-Biden-Hillary-Brennan conspiracy from being shared. When has there been a Facebook policy to direct users to a specific site that debunks the article or video being suppressed.

Facebook suppression of this video begets the question. Why? The reason is simple - damaging truth on the Left needs to be suppressed.