
Monday, December 6, 2021


When asked a simple question "Have you been vaccinated?", Mr Ugur Sahin, CEO of bioNtech, the company that developed the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, he squirmed, obfuscated, befuddled, diverted, deflected, circumbulated, anything but answer a kindergarden question.

Obviously he has no confidence in his own vaccine. Three, four jabs for Thee but none for Me.

Actually, he has mentioned why he is not taking the vaccine. Did you miss it? At about 3.05 mark, he said German law makes it illegal for him and employees to take part in clinical trials. Verzeihung, excuse me. You don't need to be in the experimental or control group can't you? Or are we all guinea pigs in an international clinical trial involving billions of people?

What about his company? What is the corporate position for the vaccine that they developed? Well, in their 2019 annual filing with the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission), the company made some startling self-flagellation.

"To date, there has never been a Phase 3 trial for an mRNA-based product or a commercialized mRNA-based product. Our product candidates that appear promising in the early phases of development may fail to advance, experience delays in the clinic or clinical holds, or fail to reach the market for many reasons, including:
• discovery efforts aimed at identifying potential immunotherapies may not be successful;
• nonclinical or preclinical study results may show product candidates to be less effective than desired or have harmful or problematic side effects;
• clinical trial results may show the product candidates to be less effective than expected, including a failure to meet one or more endpoints or have unacceptable side effects or toxicities;"

That's not much of confidence there I would say.

"Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA. Unlike certain gene therapies that irreversibly alter cell DNA and may cause certain side effects, mRNA-based medicines are designed not to irreversibly change cell DNA."

I like to slap the next fact-checker that tells me the mRNA is not gene therapy.  "Are designed" not to change cell DNA is not the same as saying our vaccine "does not" change cell DNA. It's designed not to, but they don't really know if it will, affect the DNA. 

  "As a result, we cannot be assured that adverse effects of our product candidates will not be uncovered when a significantly larger number of patients are exposed to the product candidate. Further, any clinical trials may not be sufficient to determine the effect and safety consequences of taking our product candidates over a multi-year period."

What does it mean here? They are not sure of adverse effects and long term effects of the vaccines. So are the vaccines safe or not? The right way to answer this, having learnt from the CEO, and to ensure not receiving a POFMA from MOH, is to say that the vaccines are safe since the whole world knows it better than bioNtech. 

The SEC document can be found here (above extracts are found in pages 15-17)

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  1. Thanks so much for the video clip - I have not seen it before. Do you have any idea regarding date/timeframe of the recording?

  2. Hi JM

    The first zoom interviews was Dec 21, 2020, the day the European Medicines Agency authorised the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine. 2nd interview is I think recent, some time November 2021.


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