
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

High Incidences Of Stillbirths Reported - What's Happening?

There has been reports from Scotland and Canada of a serious spike in stillborn babies. These events are not newsworthy to mainstream media all over the world. Why is that so? Chances are you have'nt heard of it.

Investigation launched into abnormal spike in newborn baby deaths in Scotland ... Herald, Scotland

In September, 21 infants died within 28 days after delivery in Scotland. This breached the country's upper control limit which indicated an abnormal causation. It recorded 4.9 deaths per 1,000 which is a level never seen in the last 40 years. The authorities are investigating and no further information is provided as to whether the mothers have been vaccinated or contracted covid.

Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada in Fully Vaccinated Mothers .... Bright Light News

Doulas (bet you don't know this word -- these are women, typically without formal obstetric training, who are employed to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labour, who stay by the side of the patients they are assigned to.) reported an alarming increase of stillborn babies in British Columbia, Canada. Lions Gate Hospital in Vanouver recently had 16 stillbirths within 24 hours.  Here's Dr. Daniel Nagase talking about these 16 deaths and another 86 stillbirths in Waterloo, Ontario in a 6 month period. The mothers of the 86 deaths in Waterloo were all fully vaccinated.

Generally, most countries have managed to lower the rate of stillborn babies very considerably over the years due to improved health services and technology.  Most common causes of neonatal death are infection, prematurity, and suffocation, but factors such as smoking during pregnancy or disruption to early intervention services including health visiting and midwifery also increase the risk.

Governments and the mainstream media do not want the slightest hint of vaccination to be associated in this development. No doubt lots of possibilities may be conjured, including the effect of the covid itself.  Coming during the pandemic, the causation is either the vaccine or the virus.

Viral infection by an expectant mother can have adverse pregnancy outcomes and birth defects. Viruses very rarely cross the placenta barrier, but if they do, they can cause severe defects and fetal death, thus miscarriages and stillbirths. 

As for mRNA and adenovirus vector vaccines, I blogged on this here :Safety Of mRNA Vaccine For Pregnant Women Based On Study With Wrong Premise - New Study Says Risk Extremely High Pfizer knew the spike proteins do not remain in the deltoid muscles where the vaccine is injected. Japanese scientists have shown the spike proteins end up in certain parts of the body including reproductive organs. What are the long term consequences, nobody knows. But the vaccines are very safe, as our governments have told us, who in turn were told by Big Pharma.

Is this the manifestation of explosion of pregnancy problems as predicted by many scientists who warned about the dangers of the new technology vaccines? Form your own opinions or wait for results of investigations which will never be published.


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