
Monday, November 8, 2021

New In Vitro Study Finds mRNA Vaccine Places DNA In Great Jeopardy

Does mRNA vaccine alter our DNA? WHO, FDA, CDC, Fauci, Big Pharma, "experts" from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Wapo, fact checkers from Facebook, Reuters, Politico, etc etc, our own MOH, and thousands of scientists, just about anybody who has expressed an opinion, have all stated emphatically NO NO NO. And we are all expected to believe so when no one has ever presented any study to support this. This appeal to authority has sucker-punched just about every government in the world.

What if it does, what will the consequences be? A brief intro on cellular biology is necessary so you can better understand what this mRNA technology vaccine is all about and what can go wrong.

Our human cell:

All living things are made up of cells. Humans have an average of 37 million cells. Cells die and are replaced every minute of the day and night. For a growing person, more new cells are generated than lost. As we grow older, lesser new cells are generated. There are all sorts of cells -- skin cells, heart cells, kidney cells, bone cells, etc. Cells grow by division. One kidney cell splits into 2 kidney cells, that's how your kidneys grow. When the cells split, they are exact replicas.

We humans have eukaryotic cells which are cells that have a nucleus. Unlike plants, our cells have no walls, but a membrane. The cell is filled with a jelly-like fluid called cytoplasm. Floating in the cytoplasm are the nucleus and several organelles, or small organs. Inside this nucleus is where our DNA resides. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid and it takes the shape of a double-strand helix. All the strings together is called the chromatin. The entire DNA forms our genome which is the genetic code or biological instructions that make each one of us unique, It determines everything about you - why your eyes are brown, black hair, height, etc etc and oh yeah, your life span. If you tweak this DNA, who knows what will happen to you. Damage one part, you may find something funny growing out of your eyes. Cut the telomeres, your life span is shortened. Another critical organ in the nucleus is the nucleolus which produces the ribosomes. Once ribosomes are produced, they exit the nucleus into the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are the protein making factory.

The bad news is, in our everyday life, our DNA gets damaged. This happens with exposures to radiation such as with mammography equipment, dirty electricity, electromagnetic radiation from electronic gadgets, chemicals found in foods and personal care products, excessive sunlight exposure, ionizing radiation of high altitude, 4/5G cell towers, etc. Minor DNA mutations occur spontaneously in all living organisms, These damages can result in the helix string of the DNA breaking. DSB (double string break) is when both strings break. Damaged cells lead to premature cell death. When damaged cells start dividing, it leads to tumour in cells which are cancerous?

The good news is, in a normal healthy person, the cells have pathways to repair itself. It uses either the NHEJ (non-homologous end joint) or the HR (Homologous Recombinant). The genome, which we can think of as the complete DNA compilation of a person, comprises of 3 million bases, 20,000 genes and 23 pairs of chromosome. Homologous means sequential or positional values of these bases, genes, chromosomes in the genome. NHEJ path can be viewed as a short cut method. It has better kinetics but no attention to sequential details. Thus sometimes a mistake can occur. HR is more complicated and it relies on a template so it is not error-prone. Current knowledge of science does not understand why a cell will choose which pathway to repair itself.

mRNA and Protein synthesis :

Another crucial function of the cell is the synthesis (production) of proteins. Think of proteins as the work horses in cellular activities in your body. Proteins are stings of amino acids arranged in a particular sequence and form or shape. The sequence and form determines what function that particular protein is intended. The genetic code for a specific protein is contained at a particular segment of the genome. A copy of that segment is made which is a single strand RNA (ribonucleic acid). Think of it like you make a copy of a particular section of an instructions manual. So this is basically a message to tell the cell what to do, what is the sequence of amino acid, what shape to arrange. Thus it is known as a messenger RNA, or mRNA. The making of this mRNA in the nucleus is call a "transcription".

The mRNA leaves the nucleus into the cytoplasm of the cell. It attaches to a ribosome which is the protein factory. Strings of amino acids are attracted into the ribosome and re-arranged accordingly. This is called the "translation". The ribosome translates the instructions in the mRNA. Think of the re-organising and sequencing of the amino acids like in the Periodic Table.

Mix and match the codes in the Periodic table, you end up with a different non-organic matter. Similarly with the Genetic code. Once the protein is synthesised, it goes to the Golgi Body where it exits the cell into the extracellular environment. The mRNA is destroyed and gobbled up by the lysosomes which are the janitor organelles in the cell.

The RAS (Renin-Angiotensin) System:

The final part of biology that will help you understand covid-19.

RAS regulates the renal blood flow. Kidneys take up a large portion of about 25% of the heart's 's output of blood to discharge nitrogen waste. If blood pressure is low and not enough blood gets through, the kidneys secrete a chemical called 'renin' into the blood stream. The liver produces a protein-hormone called 'angiotensinogen' which converts 'renin' into AGT1 (angiotensin-1). The lungs produce enzyme ACE1 which converts AGT1 into AGT2, the activated form of the hormone. AGT2 travel to the small blood vessels all over the body to constrict them. AGT2 also cause the adrenal gland to despatch another hormone 'aldesterone' to the kidneys causing them to take in more water and salt from the urine. The vascular constriction and retention of more salt water causes blood pressure to rise and restore blood supply to the kidneys.

When pressure is too high, ACE2 is activated and released into the bloodstream.  ACE2 converts AGT2 into AGT1-7 which is a form of antioxidant and vasodilator.  ACE2 thus counteracts ACE1 to reduce the high blood pressure. Thus ACE2 and ACE1 are like yin and yang to regulate blood pressure. 

How the SARS-CoV2 work:

The virus attaches itself to a cell. The corona virus has spikes which are proteins. These spikes dock at a specific receptor of cells known as ACE2 (Angiotensin converting enzyme 2). There are many cells that has this ACE2 receptors in the lungs, nose, mouth, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.  Once it attaches, the virus enters the cell via the ACE2. Inside the cells, the RNA of the virus hijacks the protein production function to synthesise many duplicates of itself which then exit the cell and go on to attack other cells.

The more ACE2 a person has means the more cells the SARS-Cov2 can colonise. People with commorbidities like hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart diseases, as well as older folks and people who don't exercise, such as the obese, tend to have more ACE2 since they are likely to have higher blood pressure.

Thus a high load of SARS-Cov2 will diminish ACE2, leaving ACE1 to dominate and create an imbalance of AGT2.  The result is high blood pressure, inflammation in lungs, heart, etc and all associated cardiovascular issues.  It follows that this group tend to have more severe symptoms of covid.

How the mRNA vaccine works:

If an mRNA could be injected into a cell, then it is possible to hijack it and instruct the cell to produce a specific protein. In 1987, Robert Marlone was the first to discover that fatty oil could be used to deliver an mRNA into a living cell. Today, lipid nano particles are used as the delivery mechanism.

So a vaccine could be made by extracting the mRNA of a virus and getting it into the cell. This is however not scaleable and also the fact the immune system will reject it. By 2005 researches from Harvard University found a way to chemically synthesise mRNA that bypass the immune system. Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines use chemically synthesised mRNA of the SARs-Cov2 virus. However, instead of synthesising the entire virus, they created the mRNA for only the spiked protein part.

When injected into a patients deltoid muscle, the mRNA enters tissue cells. It gets to the ribosome which then synthesises the spiked proteins of the SARS-Cov2. Thus spiked proteins are produced and after a while, the mRNA is deactivated. As the spiked proteins leave the cells, the immune system kicks in and deploys antibodies to kill them. Enough antibodies are built up so when a person is infected with the real virus, they recognise the spiked proteins on the virus as foreign instrusions and kill it.

As protein synthesis happens in the cytoplasm of the cell, the synthesised mRNA of the vaccines do not enter the nucleus and thus do not impact the DNA. That is what we have been told, with no evidence.

SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro (read journal here)

This paper was published 13 Oct 2021 by:
Hui Jiang - Dept of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner–Gren Institute, Stockholm University, Sweden
Ya-Fang Mei - Dept of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Umeå University, Sweden

In their laboratory experiment on the effects of mRNA vaccines in cells, Jiang-Mei arrived at devastating conclusions. You will reel in horror if you understand what these findings mean.

1. They were surprised to find an abundance of the spike proteins in the nucleus.
The genome is very fragile which is why it is protected in the nucleus. Jiang-Mei basically just told the world that we have all been lied to. A massive amount of spike proteins actually entered the nucleus in vitro. This is an unacceptable event as it puts the integrity of the DNA at stake.  In simple terms, your DNA is being screwed by the spike protein.

2. The spike proteins intensely impede V(D)J recombination.
V(D)J recombination lies at the core of B and T cell translation. This is the production of antibodies. Jiang-Mei shows this cellular function has been intensely impaired by the presence of spike proteins in the cell. A person's adaptive or natural immunity is terribly weakened as a result, leading to autoimmune disorder and all sorts of immunodeficiency issues.

3.The spike proteins significantly diminish the efficiencies of both HR and NHEJ repair pathways by hindering DNA repair protein recruitment.
The test results show its repair capacity is suppressed by as much as 90%! Since the cell cannot do its job properly, this leads to errors in the genome. Such errors may be mixing up of genetic sequence, deletion of certain segment, inserting a wrong code etc. When such damaged cells replicate themselves through division, they lead to cancerous cells, mulfunction of complex organs, accelerated ageing, atrophy.

If the in vitro results hold true in real world, the consequences are fatal for many of those vaxxed. Many may experience extreme damages that will require a lifetime of suffering and medical attention. For many others still, life expectancy is likely shortened. Cancer will proliferate, as will all sorts of cardiovascular disueases, and nuerological problems, If your cells cannot repair, you are dead meat.

We all wish the vaccines work, but this Jiang-Mei report is so mind-blowing it cannot be suppressed. On the basis of this report, I demand that the MOH to immediately cease mRNA vaccinations and conduct its own investigation whether the in vitro study is similarly expressed in real life. Not to do so places all relevant official actors culpable of humanitarian atrocities and homicide should a national tragedy play out.


  1. Another incredibly informative post! The Swedish study (albeit with Chinese researchers) completely overturns what the mRNA gene immunotherapy injection makers says about the safety of their "vaccines". Also I think it is Dr. Robert Malone rather than Robert Marlowe who is credited with the invention of mRNA technology.

    I fear for all my friends and relatives who did not make an informed decision when they took the "vaccines". For me I am forced to take an attenuated virus experimental vaccine so that I can keep my job. I really hated to do this but I'm literally forced to do it.

    What do you think about the revelations about Fauci and his involvement in "Gain of Function" research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology? This whole affair is so twisted that I can't believe there is so much evil in this world! I highly recommend reading Mikki Willi's book Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure. His documentary "Plandemic 2 - Indoctornation" is worth a watch as well.

  2. Marlone - Marlowe haha. It's a typo. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll get it edited.

    Actually, Marlone has been "written out of the history" (his own words) of mRNA vac discovery. In the medical world, he has'nt been given much credit. This is because all scientific discoveries are incremental steps. Each scientist discover something that others after him work on. Marlone discovered the use of fatty lipids to deliver virus into the cells. But lots of discoveries after him has surpassed what he worked on. No doubt mRNA vac scientists will win the next Nobel prize for medicine. It's debatable amongst scientists themselves who is more deserving. The toss up seems to be biochemist Katalin Karikó and immunologist Drew Weissman who developed the synthesised mRNA that can evade the immuno bodies and allow cell entry. The 2 has a start up RNARx to commercialise their patent. There's a patent suit going on between Moderna and patent holders.

    Marlone lost out in advancing his work and getting it commercialised due to inability to garner funding. So unfortunately, if you have watched Marlone's videos, there is a bit of bitterness in his expressions against the vaccine producers.

    It is past conspiracy now. Fauci is guilty as hell. One needs only to follow the money or patent trail to find at the end is a pot of gold he is building.


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