
Friday, November 12, 2021

Baking Soda And Covid - Everything To Gain, Nothing To Loose

A couple of years back, I passed by a Filipino couple pulling some grass from the side walk. It instantly clicked on me what they were looking for. For years I had been interested in finding out the name of the particular grass. So I enquired if they knew the name and what it's for. They asked me first what I knew about the grass, so I told them of an incident long ago. I was doing incamp reservist training at the time. Over the weekend off, I visited my mother. She noticed my awkward sitting position and I explained the damn bleeding piles I was having. (People like me soldier on, we don't go get medical leave at the slightest excuse). To which she said in a matter-of-fact way, why did'nt I tell her earlier. Mom asked me to wait as she left the house and returned a few minutes later with what looked like a bunch of ordinary cowgrass in her hand. She brewed a concoction for me which I took just to placate her as I had not the slightest tiny bit of faith that something from a cow's menu could solve my nasty butt problem. To my pleasant surprise, the very next day, the bleeding stopped. On the following day, the piles were in recession. The Filipino lady confirmed the theraupetic use and shared that she learnt about it from her previous Taiwanese boss. The name of the grass is Paragis.

Grandma's remedies really worked in the past. I can tell of how my mom pulled a 3 inch protruding rusty nail off my feet and patched the wound with cactus pulps and no tetanus visited me. How my dad took care of some nasty wounds that was festing with maggots using nothing but some leaves mashed with porridge. And more.

In the covid pandemic, there are those who tested positive and sent back to home quarantine with just some panadols. In the early and mild stages, some therapeutic protocoals would have helped greatly. As Ivermectin is denied, many are left clueless what to do except wait for the infection to get full blown and then admit to hospital. Some resort to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), most just take on whatever to build their immune system.

Louis Pasteur laid the foundations of hygiene, public health and much of modern medicine in the mid 1980s. The Pasteur-world view sees diseases as caused by micro-organisms - virus, bacteria, fungi. Whilst modern medicine has helped us tremendously in the past 140 years or so, it has also led to toxicity from drug dependency, The naturopath-world view rejects evidence-based medicine for natural remedies to help the body heal itself.  Naturopathic medicine has been around for thousands of years. There are much ancient wisdom that lies untapped.

Baking soda, which is sodium bicarbonate, first came to be used as food ingredients in 1846. Grandmas soon learnt that it has medicinal values for poison ivy, leucorrhoea, lumbago, colds and flu. Those who are having a mild symptom of covid may wish to consider using baking soda, together with whatever theraupetic drugs.  Take as follows :

1. By steam inhalation - Boil a pot of water and pour 2 or 3 big spoonful of baking soda in and stir well. Inhale the steam for a few minutes. Be careful not to put the face too near the solution when steaming hot. Do this twice a day for 7 days.

2. By ingestion - Pour 1/2 teaspoonful of baking soda into a glass of cool water and drink it. It is tasteless. To make it more palatable, squeeze a bit of lemon. Take 6 times on day one (2 hour intervals), 4 times on day 2, and once daily in the morning after that till well.

Our body cellular activities maintain pH level at certain optimal levels. Different parts of the body has different levels - eg the skin pH is about 5+, blood is 7.4. The environment, things we consume, lifestyle, radiation, etc has an acidic effect on our body. An acidic body is a factory for viruses which is why the pH level of the body must be maintained. Sodium bicarbonate assists in raising the alkalinity of the body. Baking soda is the easiest and cheapest source of sodium bicarbonate you can lay your hands on. The Arm & Hammer brand claims to use pure sodium bicarbonate.

If taking baking soda sounds queer to you, understand that it is sodium bicarbornate which is one of the natural essential minerals our body needs. It's as natural as taking bananas for the potassium. If you go buy an alkaline drink, it's just a drink with baking soda added. Some folks spend thousands of dollars on a machine to connect to the pipe to produce alkaline water. It's the same thing. I have been taking one glass of water with 1/3 teaspoonful baking soda as a prophylactic for some time now. I notice I have better sleep now whereas before, I used to wake up every 1 or 2 hours. It seems also to have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal upsets. I have a week GI issue having tummy upsets often, now I don't need the Poh Chay Yee or Dhamotil pills.

Before science-addicted skeptics show their disdain, a little known fact may be useful. Sodium Bicarbonate has been used as a treatment measure in pathological respiratory conditions such as cystic fibrosis and chlorine gas inhalations. Its safety, tolerability and efficacy in improvement in those clinical conditions have been well established. In the 1918 Spanish Flu which killed 50 million people, sodium bicarbonate was eventually used as a therapy. It was applied intravenously. (Read Standford University article here).

A peer-reviewed study was published by Kshitij Mody, Welcare Hospital, India on 19 Mar 2021 which claimed a statistically significant reduction (74%) in severity of symptoms of mild to moderate cases of covid-19 treated with 8.4% sodium bicarbonate steam inhalation as an adjuvant to standard covid treatment protocol. (Read here).

There are known warnings to those suffering high blood pressure and renal problems to avoid high levels of sodium bicarbonate. However, a recent study by Kalani L Raphael et el was published in 2016 in Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology  (Read here and here). This study showed a surprising finding that having sufficient levels of sodium bicarbonate, or bicarbonate in your body fluids can reduce your chances of an early death. Low levels of sodium bicarbonate can be linked to an increased risk for premature death by 24 percent. Sodium bicarbonate is the main buffer for metabolic, dietary, environmental and respiratory acidic waste.

And finally, here's a first hand account. Mrs Edna Boone was about 10 years old when the Spanish Flu hit. Her township was hit very badly. People were sick and dying in her community. The living had to help look after the sick, like providing food. Her father farmed a plot of land they had with potatoes to feed the neighbours. Edna was tasked with bringing food to the homes of the sick. Everyone one in the community had family members who perished. All except Edna's household, Everyone in her family, including workers, seemed immune. Listen at about 4.35 segment where Edna attributed her family's habit of taking a cup of baking soda water every morning that probably spared their family.

The video was from an interview by Ann Brantley of the Alabama Department of Public Health on 28 Jan 2008 when Edna was 100 years old. Longer life with baking soda!

PS - Don't take my words for it. Do your own research.

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  1. Excellent post on possible alternative treatments for Covid since we are denied using Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Personally I trust using Colloidal Silver which I make with my "Silver Lungs" colloidal silver generator. I recently used it to detox myself after being forced to take the SinoPharm jab. . I personally downed 6 250ml bottles of CS to mitigate the effects of the vaccine and all I got was a sore arm on the injection site.

    Colloidal silver was dismissed as a quack treatment last year as a potential weapon against Covid and the usual spiel of it making your skin blue and being toxic is spewed by the MSM. Numerous studies have confirmed its efficacy and Silver has a long history as a anti bacterial and viral agent. I have also used it a fews years back to treat my HFMD infection


  2. Yes I know about the anti-germ efficacy of silver, but only as an external application. I have not heard of Colloidal Silver. Thanks for sharing your link. Will check it out later.


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