Friday, February 21, 2020

Covid-19 : Was Singapore well-prepared as the govt claimed?

Currently, the tiny country of Singapore has the deprecating honour of being the country outside of China to have the highest number of cases of patients tested positive for Covid-19. The reasons could be a high Singapore-China traffic, high density city, pure chance contagion, fumbled crisis mismanagment, or it could simply be superb detection capability.

The Prime Minister has said that Singapore has learnt much from the SARS outbreak of 2003 and is better placed to manage Covid-19. The government has taken a series of steps as the epidemic progressed, ensuring much care not to raise panic. It has drawn flak from armchair critics who see official reaction as stoicism driven by a preponderance not to upend the economy. in short, erring on safety in deference to business as usual. On the other hand, the government's actions have been praised by WHO officials. Some said Singapore's action is a model worth following.

How prepared actually is Singapore for a pandemic such as Covid-19? In the Globa Health Security project  conducted by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and John Hopkins Center for Health Security, Singapore came out 24th placing (over-all rating) out of 195 countries in the inaugural GHS Index 2019. The report shows the world is generally unprepared for a pandemic. Singapore's 24th placing, whilst respectable, is not much to shout about as the score is barely above the passing mark, What is most interesting is that Thailand is in the remarkabe position of 6th (overall score) and Singappore is a laggard behing Thailand and Malaysia.

GHS performance is based on 6 categories. Drilling down on the Asean countries throw up some surprises :
  1. Detection (capacity for early detection & reporting of potential international concern) - Singapore lags behind Thailand Malaysia, AND Indonesia, Laos!
  2. Compliance ( commitment to improving national capacity financing and adherence to norms) - Except for Laos and Brunei, all other Asean countries fare better than Singapore. 
  3. Risk (overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats) - Surprisingly, this is the only category where Singapore tops Asean. This is competely contrary to common presumption that the high human traffic of a tiny global city with a million PRC Chinese foreigner population, makes Singapore exceedingy exposed,
The GHS report card is a black eye for Singapore. The expectation for Singapore's pre-eminence in most performance indicators is shattered. It has the best brains in Government, the financial capability other countries lack, a small territory to manage, has great technological resources and infrastructure, ease of crafting legislation, vast experience for SARS in 2003, and educated and disciplined population, all the ingredients for staying in front of biological pandemics. Yet it scored ""F"" in (E) Compliance and (D) Health system (Sufficient robust heath system to treat the sick and health workers). Other Asean countries out-perform Singapore in the respective categories. On the world stage Singapore ranks a miserable 101th for Compliance, a reluctance to spend where it matters.

Singapore profile:

The GHS is a remarably expansive private domain project that is deep in scope and wide in coverage. One can drill down further to individual countries and examine further factors of assessments and specific comments. Some of the highlights for Singapore are .

Indicator : Biosecurity
Issues relate mosty to lack of pubicly available evidence that govt has implemented certain requirements. SG does not specify whether there are records of faciities that can hande especially dangerous pathogens. Licensing conditions have no provision for vetting security personnel with access to dangerous pathogens, toxins or biological materials with pandemic potential.

Indicator : Biosafety
Perfect score, #1 ranking.
This looks at the biosafety systems in the country specifically on legislation, governing & enforcement agencies, and training standards. SG does well here.

Indicator : Dual use
Lack of evidence that assessment has been conducted that there is no research of dangerous pathogens for dual use - peaceful and non=peaceful.

Indicator : Epidemology workforce
No applied emidemology training programme exclusively for animal health professionals.

Indicator : Data integration between human- animal - enironmental health sectors
Perfect score, #1 ranking
This looks at the importance of data sharing. SG's One Heath Framework came up for praise, but GHS could not find a copy (documentation weakness?)

Indicator : Emergency preparedness and response planning
A general plan is contained in a section in The Joint External Evaluation of IHR Core Capabilities of SG. DORSCON is general guideline for public. No detailed national public health emergency response plan. There is no mechanism to engage private sector assistance.

Indicator : Exercising response plans
No dry runs have been conducted to assess gaps and shortcomings in the plans

Indicator : Public health and security authorities linked for biological event
Perfect score,  #1 ranking
SG has the SOP which was tested in 2017 by National Emergency Response Team for Biological Incidents. However GHS could not sight a copy. (Documentation weakness?)

Indicator : Risk communication system
Perfect score, #1 ranking
MOH Disease Outbreak Response System is the preparedness plan. DORSCON (Disease Outbreak Response Condition) framework is a colour-coded alert respunse and risk communication system for assessing public risk and impact. Govt has many platforms to disseminate info to public and has whole-of-govt resources to produce comunication materials fast.

Indicator : Trade and travel restriction
Perfect score #1 ranking
This deals with whether in the past year (2018) the country had any incident of having to restrict movement of peope or eport/import of goods that imposed risk of major disease outbreak. There was none for SG.

Indicator : Health capacity in clinics hospital & community care
Score 56.6% #15 ranking
Doctors per 100,000 : SG 227.6 (Cuba highest 820; all EU countries higher than SG)
Nurses, midwives per 100,000 : SG 712 (Monaco highest 2,030; most EU countries higher than SG)
Hospital beds per 100,000 :: SG 240 (Japan highest 1310; all EU countries higher than SG)
SG highest in Asean in a 3 indices.
SG has capacity to isolate patients with highly communicable diseases. The High Level Isolation Unit in the National Centre for Infectious Diseases is a state--of-the-art facility.

Indicator : Medical countermeasures and personnel deployment
- SG meets both criteria regarding stockpiles and emergency procurement. MOH has established a MOU with a global manufacturer based in Singapore for procurement of medical countermeasures and has established an Advance Purchase Agreement for the supply of vaccine during crises. Singapore has stockpiled sufficient medical countermeasures assessed as difficult to procure during crisis for pandemic influenza, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents and civil emergency for the whole population.
- There is no evidence SG has a plan, program or guidelines in place for dispensing medical countermeasures for national use during a public health emergency (ie antibiotics, vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics)?
- There is no public plan to receive health from othet countries

Indicator : Health care access
Score 40.8%;; #95 ranking
- SG has a universal healthcare system as defined by the World Health Organization, ranked second in the world for healthcare outcomes.
- SG does not have legislation, a policy or a public statement committing to provide prioritized health care services to healthcare workers who become sick as a result of responding to a public health emergency.
(Strange why the score is so low. Perhaps the negative weightage of the 2nd point is high)

Indicator: Communication with health care workers during public health emergency
There is no communication system between public health officials and health workers.

Indicator : Infection control and practices and availability of equipment 
Score 50%; # 6 Ranking
SG has licensing terms that all health institutions maintain one weeks stockpile of PPE (personal protection equipment)

Indicator : IHR reporting compiance and disaster risk reduction
There is no national risk reduction strategy for pandemics.

Indicator : Cross border agreements on public health response
SG has no cross-border agreements, protocols or MOU with neighbouring countries for public heath or animal health emergencies.

Indicator : JEE and PVS
SG has not conducted a Performance of Veterinary Services assessment nor a gap anaysis in the last 5 years.

Indicator : Financing under EE and JS report and gap analyses
The Joint External Evaluation of IHR Core Capabilities of Singapore report does not have a provision for funding to address areas that require improvement. The Joint External Evaluation of IHR Core Capabilities of Singapore report does not have a provision for funding to address areas that require improvement.
Govt has access to emergency public financing in a public health emergency.  No external funding support neeeded. Ministries have access to both annual block funding for routine activities, emergency supplemental funding by request and a dedicated funding stream in ministries and govt agencies for preparedness activities.

Indicator  Comitment to sharing genetic and bioogica data speciments
Beyond infuenza SG does not share biological or epidemological data or clinical specimens with world organisations or other countries.

Conclusion :

The actual reason for the high infection rate in SG may never be known and chance may well have been a good part of it. Armchair critics are quick to blame the govt's delayed action to bar visitors from Wuhan and advising the public that wearing of mask is not necessary if one is not unwell. The govt makes calculated decisions with information the public do not have in a dynamic situation as events unfold. Many critics wipe the floor with public officials with the wisdom of hindsight and taking the most sejf-preservation attitude.

The public is confused with the high rate of infection in Singapore and the praises from WHO officials on the way the epidemic is handled in Singapore. The comments of WHO relate mostly to the "Rapid Response" category of GHS Index in which SG rating is fairly good. It's all about executing planned procedures, communication and maintaining calm. 

Rather than making ten social media postings a day on the unfortunante 'face mask is un-necessary' advisory and the taped audio of a minister's Singlish utterances, there are better returns for Singaporeans to focus on the govt working on short-comingns in its GHS roadmap. The issues that seem to require attention are documentation of SOPs, stockpiling and countermeasures of medication, equipment, PPEs.  Communication is also an area to be worked at. Public lack of appreciating DORSCON Orange led to the panic buying.

There is a failure of understanding human behaviour in an emergency health event, DORSCON was not properly explained, adequacy of govt stockpiles of essential items, the supply chain being uninterrupted, and the need to ration masks - all these were never publicised until panic buying struck.

Far from being well-prepared the govt has its work cut out for them to improve on the many areas of deficiency highighted in the GHS Index 2019.


The govt came under heavy criticism for running out of face masks. While the govt has no control over commercial inventory, it seems the national stockpile was insufficient. However, the public is wrong to lambast the govt for this situation. It is financially and physically impossible for any govt to maintain 100% stockpile level. Just like cash. If everybody were to go to banks to withdraw their deposits there will never be enough for everyone. A bank run will create more panic. The govt tried to ration the mask as best as it could. It tried in vain to prevent a mask run.

The govt has procurement contracts for biological emergency event. But it is finding out a global pandemic is a force majeure that prevents the foreign vendors from performance. This is a lesson learnt in this epidemic and a soution will have to be worked at.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Wuhan virus : The infodemic of Chinese weaponised coronavirus or US biowarfare attack?

As the Wuhan virus spread globally, a different pandemic has been circulating faster than the virus itself. Suggestion are swirling in the internet that what started in Wuhan in December of 2019 was China’s bioweapons research gone awry, or a US covert biowarfare attack. In the era of distrust of media and governments, journalists who feed sensationalism for ratings, influence peddlers promoting secret agendas, and social media sites that vie for hits to feed egos or earn advertising dollars, misinformation fill the space.

WHO has renamed the Wuhan virus SAR-cov-2 and the disease covid-19. Its guidelines for naming avoid association with geographic location, animals or groups of people to prevent stigmatism. The pandemic has already aroused ostracism and racist slurs against the Chinese. Biological warfare conspiracy theories feed to the rising frenzy of hate and distrust toward China.

Coronavirus are carried by bats so many “experts” immediately jumped to the conclusion a particular exotic meat market in Wuhan is ground zero. This is guesswork, not established fact. Does not the fact that bats are migratory animals matter? The Spanish flu of 1918 which killed 50m was first reported in Fort Riley, a military facility in USA, but its origin is still unsolved to this day.

The conspiracy theory that China weaponised the coronavirus has its origin from 2 different sources - Danny Shoham and (GGI).

Danny Shoham : Coronavirus may have originated in a lab linked to Chinas biowarfare programme
Lt-col (retired) Danny Shoham was a senior analyst with Israeli Defence Force specialising in intelligence for biological and chemical warfare in the Middle East. Washington Post 26 Jan 2016 reported an interview with Shoham who suggested that China, a signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention, may have a biological warfare programme, has several biological research labs in Hubei, and the virus could have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) which is just 20 miles from the exotic meat market. He said WIV studies pathogens and it's likely to include coronavirus. Shoham’s comments were peppered with “may be”, “could have”, “possible” and no shred of evidence to support his views.

GreatGameIndia (GGI): Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It
On 26 Jan 2019 GGI published on its website an article with juicy details about Canadian authorities arresting Chinese spies who worked as researchers in a Canadian bioogica research lab and stole coronavirus which they shipped to WIV where it was cultured for military application.

These two originating sources were picked up by many other players and media over the next few days. Popular conspiracy sites like Zerohedge and Infowars spinned it they way they do best. Journalists in regular media like Washington Times, joined in the fray with no regards to authenticity. Soon people were tweeting, blogging, sharing, and cooking up more dicey details. Videos appeared on Youtube and Tik Tok. In a matter of a week, millions think bioweapons is the “truth” behind the Wuhan outbreak.

Can Shoham and GGI be right? Shoham is used to making wild claims in the past and GGI is a small website that churns out conspiracy theories while professing its focus on geopolitics and international relations.

CBC 14 Jul 2019: Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation
GGI’s “scoop” on the Canadian spies is based on a 14 Jul 2019 article by Canadian Broadcasting Corp. It was a report on a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation of National Micrology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg. Dr Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, and some research students from China had been removed from NML.

Qiu's primary field is immunology. She does research on vaccine development, post-exposure therapeutics and rapid diagnostics of viruses. She is a prominent virologist who helped develop ZMapp, a treatment for Ebola. She is also an adjunct professor in the University of Manitoba. Her husband, Keding Cheng is a biologist who also works at WIV. Cheng has written several research papers on HIV, SARS, E-coli and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome.

Public Health Agency of Canada described it as a possible 'policy breach,' no risk to Canadian public, and purely of an administrative nature. RCMP said there is no security risk. No one is arrested or confined to their home. Least of all, no one has been accused of spying.

CNC reported responsibly and factually. But their report has been twisted totally out of proportion by GGI which made no mention of their source. GGI is afterall, an Indian creature, who has nothing but delight to cast aspersions on an old foe. It matters not to raise claims without an iota of evidence.

Miles Kwok’s explanations of the Chinese Communist Party’s intention to unleash the virus
China has to face other enemies who consider the virus outbreak an opportunity to plunge the dagger in. For the latest devastating, explosive, never told before, no-holds barred most libellious, news on China, visit This site is owned by Chinese billionaire exile Guo Wengui, also known as Miles Kwok. He is a self-proclaimed China’s enemy number one, a fugitive on the run for what he claims is political persecution. Miles is on China’s most wanted list for fraud, bribery and money laundering. He fled China to seek assylum in US and turned into a vocal critic of China. Miles is on a  one-man crusade to bring the CCP down by exposing deep secrets that he, as an insider, has access to. (See the enigma of Miles Kwok. )

According to Gnews, WIV is now under the PLA, China has a biological warfare program, SARS-Cov-1 is an artificially engineered virus, there is huge mismanagement at WIV, the pandemic was caused by a failed test run on a limited scale. Gnews carries the most far-fetched claims that stretches credulity simply on account of one too many. If Miles is to be believed, Jack Ma should be dead by now as he was targeted for assassination by the CCP as he predicted.

Steve Bannon is pushing debunked claims about the coronavirus that are linked to his billionaire benefactor
If Miles isn’t believable, perhaps Steve Bannon is more authentic. The former Trump White House Chief strategist is a reknown China basher. Bannon is an ultra-Rightist and his hawkish position on China is the pet topic he dumps down on all his guest appearances on TV, which are many. Recently, he posited impeachment is a side show, the real enemy is China. Naturally, there is a Miles-Banon affinity, a pretty close one. Banon has been going the rounds promoting a view on Covid-19 parallel to Miles’. The PLA has weaponised the SARS-Cov-1. What Banon does not reveal is that he has a million dollar business relationship with Miles. The investigative reporting site has written on this, together with a copy of a service contract. Apparently, Banon has a sort of consultative and editorial role in Gnews, which of course requires him to sing anti-China tunes like a parrot in sync with Miles. Banon has never responded to Axios’ request for confirmation.

Biohazard containers found in US Consulate
Another conspiracy theory going round is the Chinese government is demanding an answer from the US for 8 biohazard containers found buried in the compounds of the American consulate in Wuhan after the site has been evacuated of personnel. It’s a suggestion the US is responsible for releasing the virus. I was unable to fact-check so source is unknown. A simple check shows the consulate is located in World Trade Centre Tower 1, 218 Xingua Road, Jiangnan District, Wuhan. The US consulate has no compound to bury anything. It’s an obvious fake, most likely by Chinese netizens sick of seeing the China bashings online.

Washing Post 29Jan 2019: Experts debunk fringe theory linking China’s coronavirus to weapons research
To those who think there is traction in the weaponising of virus, consider first of all, the theoretical design requirement of a bioweapon must be targeted in its effect, highly lethal but low communicability. The global contagion and 14 or is it 24 days incubation, and under 2% fatality rate, demonstrate the abject failure of the virus as a bioweapon. Both the US and Russia have worked on bioweapons but have since concluded on its non-viability.

WIV is a world class SPL-4 lab. A bio-safety level 4 lab has extremely high level security operational requirements. It is authorised to handle dangerous pathogens. It is almost impossible to smuggle or accidentally leak pathogens out.

Far from being a secretive enterprise, WIV was developed with French engineering expertise, it is relatively open compared with other Chinese institutes, and it has strong ties to the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

China sequenced the genome of the SARS-Cov-1 very quickly and on 9 Jan 2020 openly shared with the scientific community worldwide. This has allowed Inovio Pharmaceuticals of San Diego to develop a vaccine within 3 hours of receiving. Their ability for a remarkably short curve to come up with a vaccine is due to an algorithm that they developed when working on vaccines of previous SARS outbreak. The vaccine is currently rushed through animal testing phase.

To put the bioweapon false news to rest, Trevor Bedford from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, and one of the scientists at the forefront of an international team to track down the virus in Wuhan, said:“There is no evidence whatsoever of genetic engineering that we can find. The evidence we have is that the mutations [in the virus] are completely consistent with natural evolution.”


In an international crisis, some seek to dwell on negatives, others work hard to save lives, some live in the danger zones to collect data, and still others find solutions. On 25 Jan 2020 Veridus Laboratories, a Singapore company, announced it has developed a tool kit that can detect, differentiate and identify Sars, Mers and Wuhan virus with high specificity and sensitivity within 2 hours. They expect its commerciality by Feb. Scientists in Japan, Australia and Singapore have managed to culture the Wuhan virus. This is an essential step towards finding a vacine. Whilst China has already cultured it, they have not shared it.

The conspiracy theories and false news spread faster than the virus that WHO has coined the term “infodemic”. Ostracism, racism, fear and hate toward Chinese people is a consequence of infodemic. As for Banon, no doubt he hopes to impact US foreign policies toward China. As I was drafting this blog, I read an act of violence against an East Asian has already taken place in London. We may be living in modern times, but the spectre of Hollywood’s stereotype of Chinese in the evil Fu Man Chu remains in the Western pysche. This explains the quick rise in bigotted attitude toward an anti-Chinese mood. It does not matter that for all we know, the culprit was a bat that came from the dungeon of Dracula’s castle in Pennsylvania, fed on a plum in a Wuhan village, the fruit was picked by a farmer with his bare hands, and who unknowingly rubbed his eyes.

Purveyors of these infodemic are evil and mindless. If you share such articles mindlessly without some critical assessment or fact checking, you are part of the problem.