
Friday, May 26, 2023


No matter how one looks at it, something does not look quite right when 2 ministers live on 2 plots approximating 1% of our tiny land mass. Sorry for the clickbait title. I got my math wrong by a couple of decimal places. Nevertheless, the size of the 2 plots work out to almost 5 soccer fields. Palatial by any standards, obscene in land scarce Singapore.    

Head down to Polish blogger's FB and you see how he and his horde of PAP supporters and fake accounts thrash those who dare to raise any question. Since the government has not released any official narrative, these folks have nothing to regurgitate. So they resort to the only offensive they are masters at - ad hominems, lots of it. All who questions are green with envy and making insinuations of wrongdoing tantamount to defamation. These pro-establishment folks have no respect for the idea of conflict of interest that this episode screams out loud.

Yet many who voiced out never stressed on affordability. Kenneth Jeyaretnam, who broke the story, in fact magnanimously gave it a pass and praised the pair for astute financial management skills that allowed them the capability to rent the place. The latest contribution came from my good NS buddy Gerard Ong who talked of the need for decorum by ministers. That means humble lifestyle choices, because as public figures, all eyes are on them, as Gerard says. Say no to extravagant abode fit for Rajahs (thanks to Bertha Henson for reminding us the use of the word. By the way, did you know the last White Raj passed away not that long ago in 1946?).
"Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive"
If you think the quote came from Shakespeare, you got it wrong. It's a common mistake. It came from Sir Walter Scott in his poem Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field. Shakespeare popularised it. This quote suggests when one lies, one initiates a domino effect of more lies until eventually getting caught out. When a mistake is made, it is always better to tell the truth. But don't Singaporeans know, PAP never makes mistakes.

This is a PR nightmare for the PAP. They need to circle the wagon and do damage control. That's why the best government in the world requires a 2 month wait to report to its citizens. But here's the problem. The SLA has already made public 4 anchor points of the spider's web. (a) Minister Shan had spoken to a senior minister of his intent to rent, (b) they bided above guided price that ministers were not privy to, (c) Shan bided via an agent, (d) the 2 bungalows were unoccupied for a few years.

Already, there are holes in the narrative:

(a) Who was the senior minister Shan spoke to? There is only one minister that the tough talking Shan bows to. What transpired? Was the property ceded like it was the king's to give away? What does SLA mean when they offered this insight? That all procedural protocols are off as the king has spoken?

(b) As boss of SLA, Shan is not privy to guided prices? I think Abraham Lincoln said something about you can fool some of the people all the time (those in Critical Spectator's FB) all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.

(c) Why use an agent? In the world of monkey business we call this 'layering'. It's an effort to conceal and distance oneself from association. Who is the agent? Is this a Shan corporate interest that claims tax cover for the rent? This is criminal malfeasance. Do note that here I’m only guessing, but we certainly need clarification is the agent the named tenant.

(d) That the bungalows were unoccupied has absolutely no relevance to the issue. This is a trick that has one and sundry in Critical Spectator’s FB all shilling in support. Don't’ be fooled by this sort of distraction.

But if KJ has his intel correct that a foreign fund manager occupied one of the bungalows who was rendered unable to extend the tenancy, it's a bigger headache for which SLA needs more than a Panadol to extricate itself. Was there bid rigging? Was there specification tailoring to favor one party? This is a common trick in monkeying with a tender process. I learnt much about this in my years in Philippines. Neighbours talk. Let’s hope no neighbours suicide themselves – sorry, it’s just a joke I can’t resist.

There was massive overhaul of the 2 bungalows. Whether the government or ministers paid for it in of itself does not suggest anything is amiss. There is a change in value to both parties which is reflected in the rent. Where owners foot the bill, rent goes up. Where tenants foot, rent is reduced. I recall decades ago, I was working in a regional head office of an international bank. My regional CEO rented a big bungalow owned by one of the bank's clients. We spent about $200,000 to retrofit the property. That was a huge sum in those days. I was not privy to the arrangement so I assumed the rent was pegged lower as a trade-off. Sometimes owner-tenant makes this kind of arrangement for tax reasons.

However, in the case of our 2 dear ministers, we do now have a bigger issue. The massive redevelopment points to the inconvenient fact that the tenancy was negotiated and not tendered. That’s pretty obvious. And that means we need to open up the books to see where the benefits and costs flow. For me, this is the eye of the hurricane I want to see.
Read all about it ; "Nassim Jade and all the wrong questions". For 2 decades, no one asked the questions that beg to be asked
I do hope opposition MPs equip themselves with meaningful queries in the coming parliamentary sessions to satisfy WE THE PEOPLE. Please do not ask what flavour of ice cream the ministers had for dessert.

In exasperation of the depth of distrust of officialdom we have fallen, I penned this styless poem to close.


OWNSELF check ownself on Ridoutgate,
THEY truly are masters of their own fate.

IN parliament come July what will the peasants face?
BEHOLD another spectacle reminiscent of Nassim Jade.

Critical Spectator and his horde on high horses tramp,
QUESTION not, ye knaves and fools of the opposition camp.

THEIR'S it is to obediently sans examined minds accept White trespass,
THUS condemns History to repeat itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

BUT for the pursuit of truth the beloved JBJ fought so doggedly,
WE will know not the HDB conveyancing monopolised by Lee & Lee.

AS father so the son, KJ he shines some light on verdant land,
TO reveal developments certainly never observed in official Master Plan.

QUESTION, Question, Question all ye Singa sheep you must,
WHENEVER you see elected servants embroiled in acts that disgust.

NO doubt he who plants the corns deserves to enjoy his harvest,
NAY it is not the size of the Ministers’ vaults even if they are the largest.

OUR Little Red Dot sits on an isle so small Robinson Crusoe would have despaired,
YET two ministers reign supreme on almost 1% of the land, the surveyor declared.

HUMILITY, honesty, hardworker bees, the best of the best, in Whites we trust,
RIDOUTGATE will be hyped, the major lift the minor fall and nothing but wind gust.

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  1. Hi,logic in prose par excellent.Well painted,well said,well stoked.And it recalls the opening stanza of my favourite song
    There must be somewhere out of here
    Said The Joker to The Thief
    There's too much confusion now
    I can't get no relief.

  2. Thank you for visiting and your kind encouragement. I see yo have been in the Watchtower for a long while. Hahaha

  3. If I earn 2 million buckaroos a year I too can afford to rent a bungalow in Ridout Road. If the transaction was kosher I don’t see a problem.

  4. You are missing the wood for the trees. It is not about affordability but rather shades of impropriety that requires clarification.

  5. So you are suggesting that it was not kosher. Be careful if I were you.


  6. Question Question Question all ye Singa sheep
    Or you and your children end up in dee shit.

    Be careful. Don' ask. The problems will go away? Have you heard of the saying 'the kind of people deserves the kind of leaders' ?

  7. You sound like you drew the short straw in life. So much anger.

    I suspect the average Singaporean is satisfied with lot and is happy with the way things are going.

    If there is something wrong there are mechanisms to put things right and we will know about it. We are not Russia, China or Malaysia. We trust the government.

  8. Unable to defend issues raised, attack the messenger.
    You are happy with ownself check ownself policies, that's fine. Am I stopping you?

  9. Confucius he said “If the people do not find the ruler trustworthy, the state will not stand”

    I question for answers to regain my trust.

    I am therefore helping the government to be a better institution.

    Your condescension to possible wrong doing helps to pull down the state.

    Instead of attacking me, try answering the questions I raised.

  10. Yes, by all means ask questions and bring about change but you don’t have to show contempt for and insult your fellow Singaporeans who are not as smart as you.

    1. Oy! I am true blue Singaporean and I am not insulted. I fully agree that there should be proper check n balances.

  11. That's better, to that I can agree to grounds for objection.

  12. Anon 8:16, please don't use the word "we"..only you who is the pap ball sucker here. I am the average singaporean and i don;t trust the gov period. you must be from a lousy school..haha as this is a obvious case of "conflict of interest" as well as abuse of one position of power.
    "You think the 61% who voted for the PAP are dumb." = YES

  13. Anonymous obviously is a mouthpiece of the PAP if not already a cadre.A lap dog


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