
Thursday, April 20, 2023


When you are rich and powerful, you make enemies. You enter politics, you make more enemies. This is inevitable. Nobody rises up to lofty positions by being a goody-two shoe. Not even Lee Kuan Yew. If you have skeletons in the cupboard, enemies come after you. Or they may dig for or manufacture them. Not to mention the gold diggers that lurk. Trump is an oddity. In his lofty position, he has had more kitchen sinks thrown at him than anyone else.

Men try to settle disputes civilly in courts. But vindictiveness is often just a legal matter. One example illustrates. In 2012, Dinesh D’Souza, an influential conservative megaphone, contributed S20,000 to a GOP candidate in a Senate election. He was charged with violation of the Election Act which restricts contributions to a maximum of $5,000. He was sentenced to eight months in a halfway house (a quasi-jail) near his home in San Diego, five years' probation, and a $30,000 fine. Generally, a minor illegal campaign donation is usually slapped with a small fine. They don’t like conservatives, so D’Souza got charged for illegal donations, for bank fraud because he issued cheques for the payments, and charged for postal fraud because he sent the cheques by mail. That's why the heavy sentence. This is what awaits Trump.


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg
Received $1.1m funding from George Soros.
Campaign platform ..."I will get Trump".

A case which the DOJ, Elections Committee and Special Counsel Mueller never pursued because they felt there was nothing there. Bragg brings charges against a man without stating what the charges are. Where the DA rides roughshod over the statue of limitation. Where he usurps Federal jurisdiction and illegally uses Federal funds in a state investigation.

In the grand jury hearing, it was revealed Bragg suppressed exculpatory evidence. This is a criminal act that should debar Bragg. But it's not going to happen in a degraded justice system. Criminal acts by lawless Liberal prosecutors have become normalised. Example Kamala Harris once suppressed exculpatory evidence sending 7 black Americans to prison.

Congress is investigating Bragg's illegal use of Federal funds and subpoenaed Bragg's assistant Mark Pomerantz to Judiciary Hearing. The DA feels he is above the law and tried to obtain a restraining order from the court to frustrate Congress' job of judicial oversight. The court has struck down his request.

Whatever the charge which Bragg has not yet defined, he is going to bring on 34 counts based on the number of cheques that were made out. 

Judge for the case, Juan Merchan, is a Bloomberg (Democrat) appointee. He has made political donations to Democrats which is in breach of DC judiciary code of conduct. He refused to recuse himself and expect trust that he will be nonpartisan in a badly broken judicial system.


Letitia James, NY Attorney General
Received funding from George Soros' non-profit organizations
Campaign platform ..."I will get Trump".

Without evidence, she declared Trump will not own any buildings and business in NY..
Basically she wants to run Trump out of town.

James claimed billion dollar frauds by Trump without evidence and promised indictments before coming into office, then went on a long fishing trip. The suit is against Trump, his children and Trump Organisation. The sum of her claims is that Trump lied about the value of assets in his business, inflating them fraudulently to obtain bank loans and cheats on tax grants. This is very strange because she thinks banks extend loans based on customer valuations. She has never heard of independent valuers. Banks have been cheated but she has produced no fraud victims. And if asset values go up, how do taxes get lowered? Trump has consistently claimed he actually paid excess taxes. Interesting to see how all this will work out.

From billion dollar frauds, James has climbed down to Earth for $250m. Unable to pin a criminal charge, she has gone civil, and passed the buck for criminal charges to the Feds. In a criminal case, James would need to proof beyond reasonable doubt. In a civil suit, the onus of proof is at a much lower bar, making it easier for the prosecution. 

She is filing a criminal referral to federal prosecutors in Manhattan, where buddy Alvin Bragg will be happy to have another go at Trump, and a separate tax fraud referral to the IRS for the same underlying allegations. A case of 'double jeopardy'? Hell, who cares. Trump is a conservative.

James is exactly the kind of AG with flaunting runaway prosecutorial power that Robert Houghwout Jackson warned about in his speech to US attorneys in 1940. I blogged this in 'The holy grail of prosecutorial integrity'. Take any corporations in America and sieve their financial transactions through Constitution, SEC, and various state and federal financial laws and regulations for enough number of years, one is bound to get them doing something irregular. But there is a difference between having a complaint and proceeding with investigation, and going on a fishing trip to find a fault.


Karl Racine, DC  Attorney General
No charges yet, investigation at the moment

This man is largely responsible for all the shit the Trump admin faced. As co-chair of Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) he played a little-noticed but hugely influential role in fighting the Trump administration at the polls, in the courts and in the news media.

He has helped coordinate the legal and political strategies behind the lawsuits suing the Trump administration over issues such as :
* the separation of children and parents at the Mexican border
* upholding the Affordable Care Act
* protecting DACA recipients.

Racine was the architect of one of the least-discussed but most far-reaching results of 2022 November elections: Democrats winning a majority of the nation’s attorney general positions—an electoral success with far-reaching implications for :
* workers’ rights
* immigration rights
* civil rights
* consumer protections
* most importantly, erection of a judicial wall against the Trump administration.

It is all about Democrats' political power, nothing about fighting crime.


Karl Racine, DC Attorney General
Brian Frosh, Maryland Attorney General.

In 2017 the two of them sued Trump for violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clauses. This prohibits the president from accepting money or benefits from foreign or domestic governments. This is a corruption case.

The OAG DC website states: "Unlike previous presidents, President Trump has refused to separate himself from his businesses. OAG alleges that he continues to accept money from foreign and domestic governments through transactions at the Trump International Hotel here in the District."

This is strange since Trump divested all interest in the Trump Organization to a Trust before taking office. The AGs are investigating some gifts that went unrecorded, including a whiskey bottle worth over $5,000 from Saudi King in 2022. But they are not interested in the million dollars the Biden crime family received from Russia, China and Ukraine.


Fan Wallis, Fulton County District Attorney
Illegally hosted campaign Georgia lieutenant governor's race Democrat Charlie Bailey

Originally, it was claimed that during the 2 January 2021 telephone call Trump urged Secretary of State Raffensperger to “find” enough votes to overturn his Georgia loss to Democrat Joe Biden. This has since been debunked. The tape was fraudulently doctored. Fani Willis has since expanded the investigation into a sprawling witch hunt and formed a special grand jury. 75 witnesses had appeared before the jury which tantalised that there would be plenty of indictments for perjury by witnesses. Note they were not saying an indictment of Trump.

The grand jury foreperson, Emily Khor, bought her 15 minutes of fame with her CNN interview to discuss the case. In most instances, her disgraceful performance on TV would have meant a mistrial. The Obama-appointed judge took no action.

Fani Willis hosted for the Democratic political opponent of Republican state Sen. Burt Jones. The judge ruled that as a campaign fundraiser, she is barred from taking any action against Burt Jones. Trump's team submitted to the court this basis of political bias should apply to the whole case. The judge disagreed.

The case she is trying to make is that Trump meddled in the 2020 election. But this may work out terribly wrong for Democrats because in the course of the trial, Fulton County may be forced to disclose a lot of election shenanigans that various courts have refused to hear in the last 2 years.

Those who think 2020 election fraud claimers should go to jail, including Fani Willis, should watch this short video clip.


Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.)
Chair, House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6

Sued Trump, his lawyer Rudy Giuliani, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers before chairing the committee. The Mississippi Democrat later left his legal action in the hands of fellow Congress members in July, to avoid a possible conflict of interest. Sure, there is absolutely no conflict of interest. Does he even have a standi locus in this case?


Committee Of Lawyers for Civil Rights.(CLCR)
President : Damon-Hewitt

CLCR represents the following 7 policemen Conrad Smith, Danny McElroy, Byron Evans, Governor Latson, Melissa Marshall, Michael Fortune, and Jason DeRoche. they sued Trump, his campaign, self-proclaimed dirty trickster Roger Stone, the Proud Boys and others under the KKK Act.


Special Counsel Jack Smith

Under the Presidential Records Act, Trump has the right to keep any documents, including classified documents. A president can declassify any document he wants. Before leaving office, Trump had made a blanket declassification of all documents he took out. In retrospect, every other president has taken tons of documents after leaving office. Obama has 30,000 stored in a warehouse pending construction of his presidential library. None has ever been searched nor questioned.

But these documents are subject to anything the Archive Office wants. Trump was working with them to return whatever was asked before the FBI raid.

Prior to the raid, Trump had worked with the FBI on the security of Mar-a-Lago documents  FBI had visited and given suggestions and their advice were acted on.

In the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, all Trump personnel were kept out of the premises. Trump claimed the possibility of FBI planting false evidence. Various court cases have witnessed delinquent FBI agents engaging in such malpractice. (I spent three months national service in the Special Constabulary where I learnt that when police conduct searches, it must be done in the presence of the suspects).

Special counsel Jack Smith and his team of investigators are examining whether Trump or anyone in his orbit obstructed its efforts to recover all the classified documents. There are no charges yet.

As of now, the investigation is centered on the subpoena of Trump’s lawyers. This is to determine whether conversations between them point to instructions to obstruct the investigation. It's a long way from initial claims of Trump holding top secret materials concerning nuclear weapons. The lawyers have pleaded for lawyer-client privilege.

Investigators circumvent this privilege by using a principle known as the “crime-fraud” exception. This is when an act is used to further another crime. (Notice this is similar to Alvin Bragg's case. The payment of hush money was to further another crime of misuse of campaign funds).

FBI appealed against this privilege defense and a 3-judge panel has issued a sealed order to lift this privilege. The panel consisted of Obama- appointee Cornelia Pillard, and Biden-appointees J. Michelle Childs and Florence Pan. In a political case, no conservative stands a chance against the DC judiciary system lorded over by progressive liberals.

Meanwhile, the DOJ and FBI ignored Biden’s illegal hoarding of classified documents when he was VP. As VP he had no right to take any documents. He kept documents in three different unsecured locations, including his garage.

There are two popular claims for this documents fuss. One is the FBI’s attempt to recover documents relating to Hillary Clinton's fraudulent plot about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. Two is FBI was already aware of Biden’s illegal cache of documents. The idea was to blow up Trump’s case in order to soften Biden’s.


Several DC Capitol Policemen have sued Trump et al.

They sued for punitive damages for physical and psychological wounds suffered on grounds the former president was responsible for the riot, disorderly conduct, and conspired the insurrection against legal transfer of power in Congress.

Do they know in a previous failed suit brought by Stormy Daniels, the court had ordered her to pay Trump $600,000 for legal cost? The question is, did anyone instigated and promised to fund their suits.?


E. Jean Caroll
Elle Magazine advice columnist (1993 to 2019)

She gave advice on matters of sex. Have also contributed to various magazines including Playboy. In 2019 she published her book 'What Do We Need Men For?' in which she claimed she was sexually assaulted by Trump. Elle Magazine fired her after her book was published.

Rape is a heinous crime and the perpetrator should be severely punished. It has taken her 9 years to make his claim.

I can understand how trauma, fear and shame keep victims from coming forward. It is a huge burden on the accused to defend himself if the victim does not come forward immediately but only years later. How to prove dna, where you were, etc, 27 years ago. While the victim may not prove the case, the accused is forever stigmatised. Remember in the nomination hearing of Justice Kavannagh, five liberal females jumped on the bandwagon to claim he sexually assaulted them decades ago. All proven liars eventually. Kavannagh's name is tarnished while whoever put those women on the false claims were never investigated.

Caroll has 2 things working for her.
* She claims to still have the black dress with dna on it. A dna sample has been requested from Trump.
* She spoke to 2 friends a few days after the incident. Lisa Bimbach advised her not to discuss it. The other friend Carol Martin made interesting comments. The fact she can have 2 witnesses whom she confided in is not contested. It's whether it was a fabrication.

But there are many things that make one wonder:
* She went public at a time when she was going to publish a book about it. Seems like a book promotion?
* Her friend Carol Martin said Caroll told her three days after the assault, over kitchen talk. “She doesn’t break down easily. There was none of that . . . that she started crying or anything, or nothing frantic . . . . It was like, "I can't believe what happened," ". That sure seemed like someone who was raped, doesn' it? It was no soul breaking confidante kind of talk, but a nonchalant casual conversation.
*Caroll's description of the event was they met in late 1995 or early 1996 in the Bergdorf Goodman department store in New York City, got some lingerie, went into the dressing room. Suddenly, Trump assaulted her, pushed her against wall, raped her, all in a matter of three minutes. Words she used were "colossal struggle" "It was violent, I fought". Firstly, one wonders why a woman brings a man into a dressing room. Secondly, why a colossal struggle in a dressing room went unnoticed. Thirdly, was she dumb that she could not shout?
* She perjured herself when she said no one is funding her suit. Her lawyer was aware of her perjury for for 6 months and almost on the eve of the court hearing, he disclosed Reid Hoffman, the billionaire behind LinkedIn, is the one paying her legal bills.

The Clinton-appointed Judge Lewis Kaplan gave defendant's lawyers not one week, not one day, but one hour, for discovery regarding the Hoffman involvement. Kalan also refused to defendant's request to delay the trial in view of his deposition with the AG Letitia James' case,

Hoffman is megadonor to Democrats and a Trump hater. In 2018 Hoffman was found to be interfering in the Alabama special election for US Senate by funding a group linked to a “highly disturbing” effort that spread disinformation against Conservatives. Pointing out once again the rich elite Liberals aiding Democrats in unethical and illegal ways to gain power.

Trump has pointed out Caroll has mental issues, that she once said she fantasised about being raped. (I have not authenticated this.)

As regards sexual law suits against Trump, the following may be noteworthy:
* Katie Johnson v. Donald J Trump and Jeffrey E Epstein (2016) Case dismissed.
* Jane Doe v. Donald Trump & Jeffrey E Epstein (2016) Case dismissed by complainant.
* Jalva ohnson v. Trump (2019) Case dropped.
* Summer Zervos v. Trump (2016) Case dropped

Looking at the dates, political motives could be in play. Were they paid off? Or Trump’s win at the election made the purpose of the suits passe? There are always lingering questions that are unfair to both parties in these kind of suits. Either one is lying.

One caveat to the rich and powerful. Trump said he does not know Caroll. But the complainant said she has a photo of her and her husband together with Trump. I remember long ago, Lee Kuan Yew once said he does not want any photos of him taken at social functions. No selfies with him. This is precisely the reason. It could be misrepresented decades later.

All that said, this makes for a compelling case either way. Advantage slightly in Trump's favor.


For they are so fearful of Trump in election 2024, Democrats need to keep him out of the race by all means possible. Is the avalanche of legal cases against Trump rightful prosecution or relentless persecution?

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  1. Trump is imho however, very likely a planted double deception Trojan Horse, controlled by the same puppeteers pulling all controlled opposition strings. The World’s a Stage.

  2. An exceptioal view. But to what purpose?


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