
Monday, June 6, 2022


Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a death sentence

White hat scientists have warned of impending explosion of vaccine-related health issues, of re-appearance of latent diseases and emergence of new forms of diseases. We have seen healthy young males and females collapsing or plain dropping dead on sports fields, on TV, probably in airplane cockpits (single-pilot planes), behind the wheels of moving vehicles (vehicular accident rates are increasing everywhere). We have seen rising numbers of cases of cancers and stillborn babies, HIV cases, unusual forms of hepatitis, monkey pox.... what else is in store?

Just as white hat scientists warned of rising neurological diseases, we now have a prion disease called spongiform encephalopathies or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). It is a rare, degenerative, fatal brain disorder. It takes decades before symptoms appear at about age 60, with death within a year. In the early stages of the disease, people may have failing memory, behavioral changes, lack of coordination, headaches, dizziness, and visual disturbances.

Prions are misfolded proteins. A protein is a linear string of 20 amino acids which folds into a particular 3-dimensional shape known as its native shape. In regular cell activities, a protein can become misfolded making it dysfunctional and even toxic. These are bad guys. Our body regularly gets rid of them. Prions have a gain of function, the nasty ability of making other nearby proteins to similarly misfold, thus causing cellular dysfunction. It is the number one suspect for causing various neurological diseases. It's a seldom known fact to the layman that diseases are caused not just by viruses and bacteria, but prions as well.

It was only in late 2020 when US scientists from Harvard Medical School first reported a Covid-19 patient with CJD symptoms. (see Michael J.Young et al Oct 2020) The immune system responses to SARS-CoV-2 by a cascade of systemic inflammatory mediators. Young et al hypothesised that these responses accelerated the pathogenesis of the patient’s prion disease.

Then in 2021, a possible link to vaccines. Turkish scientists found a 82 year old woman who developed CJD shortly after she had recently received a Sinopac jab. She died within a few months from the disease. Their conclusion was prions either caused a new disease or accelerated the patients existing undiagnosed disease. The fact the onset of CJD symptoms came quickly after vaccination requires further studies of vaccines is necessary to determine if there is causality. (See Kuvandik et al Oct 2021)

Prions are found in the spikes of SARS-Cov-2, in the spiked-proteins of Pfizer and Moderna (mRNA), Astra-Zeneca and Janssen (adenovirus), and inactivated virus vaccines such as Sinopac. The 4 novel western vaccines had copied the same prion segments of the spikes of SARS-Cov2 genome. Sinopac of course, is the actual virus, but in weakened form. It is known that prions are responsible for neurological diseases. It is also known that Covid-19 causes 17-36% of patients in the acute phase of the disease to develop neurological symptoms. What has not been established is causality of the vaccines.

And now, the smoking gun. French scientists recently studied 26 patients from different countries and established that novel vaccines of Pfizer, Moderna, Astra-Zenega and Janssen, without a doubt, either caused CJD and or accelerated the disease. It further showed the onset of symptoms within 12 days after taking the jab and death after a few months, some as instantaneous as 2-1/2 months. 20 of the 26 patients have since died. (See (Clare Moret-Chalmin et al May 2022) Prior to publication of their study, Clare Moret-Chalmin et al had presented their findings at a Neurology congress in London in March 2022. A significant contribution to knowledge, and certainly "Breaking News" worthy, yet strangely, it interested no mainstream media.

Read about the the excess deaths in Singapore. In 2021 the death rate jumped 12.16% over 2020.
I am curious as to whether the genome of original SARS Cov also had the prion segment. Google has not been helpful. Strangely, the genome of Omicron does not have this prion segment. Is this a natural evolution of the virus to be more habitable with humans. Or, as some scientists claim, just like SARS-Cov2, Omicron was engineered with the prion segment left out..

What is inexplicable is the continued use of the novel vaccines with toxic prions for Omicron, the current dominant strain, which no longer has this prion segment in its genome. Are our MOH officials and neurological surgeons on top of things or are they far behind the curve? Are they aware of these latest findings, or do they still believe in the Fauci-Gates-WHO misinformation? More importantly, what will they do about it?

These are some of the symptoms experienced by the 26 CJD patients in the French study :

1.   Aphasia -- a condition that affects communication, both written and spoken.
2.   Fatigue
3.   Myoclonus -- involuntary muscle twitch
4.   Intense headache resistant to treatment
5.  Dysarthria -- difficulty in speaking
6.  Forgetfulness
7.  Walking disorder, motor disorder
8.  Balance disorder, vertigo, dizziness
9.  Trouble concentrating
10. Bradyphernia -- mild cognitive impairment
11. Clous -- muscular spasms
12. Epileptic
13. Hypersomnia -- excessive daytime sleepiness or prolonged nightime sleep
14. Bedridden
15. Akinetic mutism -- a wakeful state of profound apathy, disinterestedness
16. Hallucination
17. Paresthesia -- a burning or prickling sensation at arms, legs, feet.
18. Logorrhea -- a tendency to be too talkative
19. Disorientation
20. Anxiety depressive
21. Irritability
22. Insomnia
23. Persistent neck pain
24. Dysmorphopsia -- visual distortion
25. Anorexia -- loss of appetite for food
26. Paranoid delirium
27. Aggressiveness
28. Amnesia
29. Dysthymia -- persistent mild depression
30. Feeling of drunkenness

If you or any of your relatives have taken the mRNA or adenovirus jabs, watch out for these signs. Pray it isn't CJD because there is no cure. It's a death sentence.

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