
Saturday, August 19, 2023


I got blasted again, by the Oracle of Singapore, Critical Spectator, that I know nothing about Reserves. I am putting this video out not because I'm miffed by CS, my ego is manageable, but to share with those who really try to undersand it.

The government media has also released a series of videos on Reserves in Youtube. I actually planned my video a little earlier. The timing is just coincidental. My effort is more academic, and a primer to my actual objective of showing what the government does not wish to tell Singaporeas - how much is our national reserves. I will do that in the next blog, on a best efforts basis.

A parting shout out :

Plato said:
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
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  1. Thank you Pat, for the enlightening explanation on basic balance sheet concepts.

    I have zero knowledge to start with except what I have in my wallet and what remains at the end of the day.

    But thanks for explaining though, appreciate you spending time and energy to help
    many people understand the rudiments.

    Keep going..!!

  2. Thanks for dropping by and your encouragement.

  3. Please continue your great work. Critical Spectator is just a small man who is a PAP sycophant. Its a sad state for the country if a guy in some remote corner of eastern europe needs to prop them up.

  4. Thank you for the encouragement.
    I am not bothered by CS. I am concerned with his echo chamber of Singaporeans who suck up everything he wrote unquestionably. To be fair I am not discrediting CS completely. Some of his views are valid and OK. But some he is blatantly wrong and his echo chamber cannot distinguish that. And that is my concern. My ardent hope is these folks get a chance to read my post and reassess themselves.


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