
Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Bet most people aren't acquainted with this word 'filicide'.  It is the despicable act of parents murdering their own children. If you have done some research and come to your own conclusion of the benefits outweighing the risks of vaccines for children, then it's fair enough. It's your choice and you have at least been responsible about it. But for those carelessly anxious, gladly, willingly, nonchalantly, or obediently bring their children for the jabs, you could be filicidal with the decision if fatal adverse events follow, one month, 2 months, several years later.

Incidents of deaths of children and deeply serious adverse events following vaccination have been suppressed. We only get to hear of them from anecdotes via social media. Here's some tragedies I came across fairly recently.  

Jackson Ball aged 7 from North Carolina, US.

His father Billy Ball is a vaxx zealot who wants all parents to get their kids jabbed. He promotes the vax on Twitter.

He had his kids vaxx'd on 20 May 2021 and tweeted "My little ones are excited. They really are. Because it means they can get some candy afterwards." 7 year old Jackson had triple jabs.

On 4 Jan 2023, Jackson suffered a fatal catastrophic brain event. That indicates a sudden ruptured brain aneurysm, post-injection meningitis, or encephalitis. All known adverse events of the mRNA jab.

The father is still pro-vaxx for kids. Dad still has trust in the vaccines.

Anastasia Weaver aged 6, from Ohio, US.

She had a twin sister, Caitlin. Mom is a nurse and had to jab by mandate. She seems pro-vax.

21 Nov 2021 Mom, dad and twins had their first jab. Anna had some problems and was hospitalised and oxygenated. Mom put it off as related to a digestive issue she was having 2 days before the jab.
4 Jan 2022 mom had her 2nd booster, twins had their 2nd jabs.  Mom suffered body aches and headaches as a result, but said “the vaccine is worth it.”
29 Jun 2022 Anna had a seizure. Mom brushed it off, saying all tests “came back normal.”
15 Jul 2022 Anna had constant 'tiny seizures'
17 Sep 2022 entire family had Covid-19. Entirely family became very sick 2 weeks later. Mom had severe cough, could not sleep
29 Dec 2022 Anna hospitalised. No details.
25 Jan 2022 Anna passed away in her sleep. No details.

Mom shuts down her Facebook due to lots of criticisms.

Yasmin Guevara aged 8, from San Martin, Argentina.

Her father Yamil Guevara posted on FB 22 Nov 2022 showing Yasmin on hospital bed. Sounded hopeful. Days passed, her condition worsened and Yamil's FB updates appealed for prayers.

Yamil updated FB on 27 Jan 2023 to announce Yasmin had died 11 Jan 2023. This was the first time he mentioned Yasmin had the jab. Her final days she suffered excruciating pain.

He added " ...this was the first patient of  Argentina alleged mind called vasculliti q doctors did not know how to treat her with this do not vaccinate with no vaccine for the supposed covid xq they killing us all with this now it was my daughter tomorrow it can be your son I want to do a fight x no to the covid vaccine." (copied ad verbertim per FB translation). When he shared a video of vaccine explainer, FB blocked him.

Yasmina's aunt posted on FB  27 Jan that the child died from post-injection vasculitis – inflammation of the blood vessels. It is a very common, and known adverse reaction to the Pfizer mRNA injection. She said "Be careful parents, take care of the little ones, we're being lab rate." Needless to say, FB censored her.

Zach Reilly aged 1 year from East Yorkshire, UK.

Mom's vaccination status is not known. But dad, Owen Reilly, is a British Navy personnel is almost certainly fully vaccinated as it is mandatory.

Mom had severe stomach cramp on 10 Jul 2021 and emergency C-section was performed. Zach was delivered 37 months pre-mature with blue, black and blistered left arm due to several blood clots. An amputation was performed.

His ordeal is not over.   Zack had a stroke in utero that caused brain damage. Doctors don’t know if Zack will ever walk or talk. End of December he had 20 seizures. The diagnosis - he has a rare epilepsy called infantile spasms. It is in Pfixer's Post-Authorization Adverse Effect Event Report of 20 Apr 2021.

The "mRNA spectrum” is a list of disorders unborn babies may be born with when either one or both parents have been vaxxed. Pfizer knows about this all along. 'Conspiracy' doctors have warned about this all along.

This brings into question the dangers for unvaxxed having blood transfusion using vaxxed blood!

This is Pixie Lamadora aged 5 from Cabadbaran City, Philippines.

What happened to her and what's her current status is not very clear. But it is obvious something is very wrong. You can see for yourself and follow her progress at mom Rose Jovelyn Calo-Lamadora's FB page here.

22 Mar 2022 at 2.02am she posted an announcement Pixie had her first jabs together with her 7 year old sister. So they probably had their jabs on Mar 21. Philippines has Pfizer and Sinovac. It is unclear which one she took.

15 hours later, mom posted an update with photo of the little girl who seemed to be under life support system. That's when Rose asked for prayers and the medical expenses she had to bear.

Then followed many updates that showed the nightmare she was in. The child went in and out of ICUs, clinical visits, EEG after EEG. She had seizures, once a very serious one. Her behaviour changed, seems abnormal. She'd seen neuro surgeons, the whole lotsa medical expertise. Rose mentioned many medical conditions she observed. She talked of how the child cannot recognise some relatives. It is absolutely obvious the poor child is having neurological impairment which is, again, an adverse event Pfizer is well aware of.

Filipinos are closely knit folks. It is heartening to hear from Rose of the support she has from her social circle. 

Rose posted : "... ug kblo pa lng q ang mka daut sa imoha ang vaccine, d unta ka nag da dalaon .... hangtud krn wla pa sya kamata jud ... "  Filipino is difficult to translate due to too much short forms they use to text. I think she said had she known the vaxx was bad, she would not have brought the child for the jab. And she cursed at government corruption over the vaxx for kids programme.


I could go on. There are lots of anecdotes. It's a painful blog so I do not wish to go too deep into. Those that suffered should speak out to warn others. Those who are oblivious to the risks assumes the sin of filicide by genetic vaccine which deserves the highest condemnation.

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  1. In sinkies land, the mere mention of the dead by vaccine is a no no to the establishment. Don't expect the msm to report such things unless no other "cause" of dead liao, like the recent man who die after jab.

  2. Distrust of govt is everywhere.
    In Philippines and Thailand, there are reports of lots of deaths and serious adverse event. It can't be that Singapore, with more numbers vaccinated, is exceptionally lucky to have zero casualties. These excess death reports is evidence Singapore is exceptionally good at hiding the real situation.


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