
Friday, December 16, 2022


Back in the 60s, we had our own cancel culture in Singapore. The west, especially the US, was going through a cultural revolution of sorts. It was an upheavel, a rejection of what the youths perceived as the staleness of status quo. Out went respect for the traditional. Liberalism manifested in the flower children free-love movement with excesses fueled by LSD addiction and rock and roll music of the day. A prude and prudent Singapore will have none of that, and quite rightly so. First casualty was long hair. It was trim our hair, or no discos for us. It wasn't much of a choice for us youngsters of the times. Some prudish official wanted us to look prim and proper on dance floors, so dancing with a ridiculous tie loaned at the entrance of the premises became a necessary nuisance.

RTV or Radio & TV Singapore, weilded their control over the airvwaves and in our living rooms from their castle at Caldecott Hill. At the time, a background tussle for management control of the state run RTV was being fought with the public being largely unaware. It wasn't a battle of ambitious executives. the battline line was language. The Chinese-educated won. And with that, policies changed to skew towards conservatism. The Chinese-educated of those days generally lacked the progressive, creative flair, adventurism, excitement and energy of the English-educated. The ethos over the airwaves and TV productions took a turn into the black and white staleness of 50s and early 60s (at least, that's the way my senses felt). The situation got worse with departures of many familiar names from the English-educated ailse, like George Favacho, Bernard Salosa.

Then came the cancel culture, the banning of songs. Cancelling decisions are always subjective, and I felt the Chinese-educated lacked the depth of understanding the nuances of the language or meanings of those they took out. Peter, Paul and Mary's Puff The Magic Dragon was one of the first to be banned.

Peter Yarrow wrote the song based on a kiddy poem by Leonard Lipton in 1959 about growing up pains. Apophenia, which is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things, somehow took hold. 'Puff' was smoking a joint, 'dragon' is a reference to 'chasing the dragon' which is inhaling the vapors of heroin when heated, 'by the sea' the 'sea' became "C' for cannabis,  'Honahlee' became hashish, etc. All these were nonsense because PPM was hardly a trio one associates with drugs. The recreational drug use at the time was hallucinogenic LSD, not cannabis, heroin or hashish. The flower people movement had not yet started in 1959. The sweet melodic folksy tune slandered by ignorance.

Many other songs were also banned. The Beatles had 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' banned because some idiots said the title is a mnemonic of LSD. According to John Lennon, he simply took the title from a drawing by his son Julian who drew his classmate Lucy and the kid titled his drawing thus.

Another Beatles' song was also banned and this clearly shows idiocy at work. Some western guy said 'Yellow Submarine' is a code for the barbiturate called Nembutal because it was sold in yellow capsules, and our guys in RTV followed. What would it be had it been 'purple submarine'? The song was actually a genre called novelty song. Just a tune based on some silly stuff, a joke, a comedy, in this case Julian Lennon's drawing and some kiddy tune..

But here is the real idiocy, while the song was banned, the movie Yellow submarine' was not.

The movie was released in 1968. According to Paul McCartney, they were under contract to produce one final movie. So they sat down and clobbered the cartoon in a matter of days to honour their obligation. They simply built on the eponymous song which was featured in the movie. So the song was banned, but allowed in the movie. The idiocy with Singapore censors was they actually had no idea what was going on. The song was kiddy stuff, but the movie was actually heavily drug-induced. The colour schematic and the imaging is a mind-boggling hallucinogenic trip.

There has been no official lifting of these bans. It just got forgotten and have since been heard on air and TV. Laws have been breached and some folks are napping.

The Singapore story of cancel culture is one designed with good intentions, and initiated by the state to protect conservative values against perceived bad actors.

In the US, it is state-sponsored, and initiated at corporate and individual levels, by leftist liberals out to suppress conservative values and normalise depravity.  These article headlines from two of the most rabid anti-Trump media written by Trump-hating contributors, show the level of depravity the Democrats are leading the nation into. They are now trying to normalise pedophilia. As always, the Left will turn around to put the blame on Republicans for that which they are guilty of. Washington Post is saying it's the conservatives who are fear-mongering about the dangers and rising incidence of pedophilia.

I will just leave with these 2 songs that clearly show the depth of filth the US has descended into.

Dean Martin sings 'Baby'. A cozzy delightable little tune in the Xmas mood. But none of the hundreds of stations all over the US will air it. It has been cancelled out.

On the other hand, this tune below is played over and over and over for months. Pay attention to the lyrics and be angry they are bombarding your kids with stuff like this. I respect your sensitivity and spare you the perversities in the original video version.

Wonder if Singapore bans depraved shit such as this.

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