
Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 " .......  I saw four angels. They stood at the four corners of the earth. They held back the earth’s four winds —so that no wind could blow on the earth, or the sea, or on any tree. Then I saw yet another angel rising from the east. This angel has the seal of God. He cried out loud to the four angels. Now those angels were granted power to harm the earth and the sea. But the other angel cried, 'Do not yet harm the earth, the sea, and the trees. Wait till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads'” (Revelation 7:1-3).
Revelation 7 is about the faithful being 'sealed' or marked, to protect them from the wrath of God that is to come. The four angels control the natural destructive forces of powerful winds. They are not to unleash their forces until believers in the Book have been 'sealed'.

The blowing of trumpets, or shofars, has prominence in the Bible. It happens at various events, good and bad. It is a call to battle, for attention to message from God, to celebrate a feast, etc. Trumpets were blown and the walls of Jericho collapsed. Jericho was a city of depravity. God often does His work with incredible coincidences to dates and names. The Jubilee Law in the Torah, God proclaimed that every 50th year, everything will be returned to the original owner. 1967 was a Jubilee year. At the end of the 6-Day War in that year, Israeli soldiers stepped into the city of Jerusalem for the first time in 2,000 years . The ancient city has returned to them. As soldiers prayed at the Wailing Wall, a shofar sounded. It was blowned by a military rabbi, Shloma Goren. The original temple mount was on a big slab of stone known as the 'threshing floor' and the name Goren in Hebrew translates to 'threshing' and also 'horn', as in trumpet. In 2016 the 45th US president came with a promise to clear the swamp (depravity?) and his name is Trump.

Call me apophenic, but there are loads of date and name coincidences in the Bible that it seems to me it could be God having some fun, or it's His way of communicating His signature on an event. I preface this blog with Revelation 7 and trumpets and you will soon see why.

Bringing up the 2020 US presidential election fraud gets one branded vote-denier and cancelled by social media platforms. The Left asks where is the evidence. All cases have been thrown out by the courts. While that is true, the facts are plaintiffs have never been allowed to present any evidence. Cases were thrown out either by partisan liberal judges (appointed by Clinton or Obama) offering some cooked up grounds, or by courts that simply refuse to hear election fraud cases, on most often quoted lack of locus standi, lacking in the right or standing to bring such a case to court.

All that may now change. If recent developments are carried to its just and rightful conclusions, the consequences will be of biblical proportions. It's sitting on a powder keg, ready to explode. And mainstream media is absolutely silent.

Four brothers from Utah, two of whom have legal background, are the typical conservatives appalled by the state of the judiciary as regards the election fraud. They lodged a petition for a writ of certiorari  (Raland J. Brunson v. Alma S. Adams, et al) which is now at the Supreme Court.  These are the four Brunson brothers, and they all play the trumpet.

The Brunsons first filed their case under brother Loy as plaintiff in Mar 2021. Like most conservatives, they had no expectation of justice at lower courts. The judicial system is highly corrupted by politics and stacked against conservatives. The Brunsons just wanted the case to be quickly adjudicated and dismissed at the lower courts for it to reach SCOTUS. The case ended up at the 10th District Court. There it got stuck for several months.

They thought there must be a way to bypass the lower courts to reach the Supreme Court. One way is to petition for a writ of certirorari. It is a petition to the Supreme Court for judicial review of the decision of a lower court or a government agency. In simple terms, it is like jumping the queue and asking the supreme court to please look at a case directly. Each year, thousands of such writs are filed, but in reality, it is almost a hopeless case as SCOTUS extremely rarely accepts a case. Perhaps one out of a few thousands. 

After some research, they found a loophole. The Supreme Court has a Rule 11 which requires it to look at a case if it is under National Emergency. On 24 Sep 2022 they filed the same papers in Utah 2nd District Court, but under brother Raland. This time they cited National Emergency. Events took on a crazy turn that surely must be divine hands at work. The brothers were contacted by the Clerk of Supreme Court who advised them to improve the documentation and to speed up their submission. This is unprecedented and it clearly means SCOTUS is impatient to hear the case. The brothers resubmitted their papers in one week. SCOTUS received same on Oct 20 and docketed it on Oct 24 with a Nov 24 dateline for defendants to submit their opposition. (Check out the docket here).

Nov 24 passed by and the brothers realised another miracle. For reasons unknown, the Legal counsel for defendants had withdrew and replaced by the Solicitor General who has, surprisingly, waved all rights to opposition to the writ. All roadblocks are now cleared. The petition will come up in the regular weekly meetings of SCOTUS any day now, and perhaps they may have already met. All it needs is 4 justices to agree to hear the case. SCOTUS may decide to hold a full-blown court hearing, or the 9 justices can sit down to make judgement and execute their decisions. This means, any time in the next few days, SCOTUS may issue an Earth shattering statement.

What is it about the case that has the attention of SCOTUS? It is not about election fraud and the plaintiff do not even need to prove anything. Basically the case is the 2020 presidential election had widespread unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities, including interference by Big Tech. Voting integrity undermines the legitimacy of the presidency. It is a national security issue and Congress ought to do a vote-audit. Congress took a vote and a 385 majority voted not to audit. By not conducting a vote-audit, defendants reneged on an oath of office to protect the Constitution. Plaintiff charged against the 385 congressional reps, VP Mike Pence, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for not doing what they were duty-bound to do under oath.

Plaintiff has precedence on his side. In the 1877 Haves-Tilden presidential race, there were allegations of voter fraud, intimidation and back room deals. The controversy was resolved by a vote-audit conducted by 5 Supreme Court justices, 5 Senators and 5 Congressional Reps. 2020 election controversies were on a much larger scale and Congress refused to act. Senator Ted Cruz warned Congress of this 1877 precedence in his public statement on 2 Jan 2021 (Read here)

When the Legislative and Executive failed to act, SCOTUS, as the 3rd wing of the state organs, knows it has to do something. Not doing so condemns them as the generation of shame in American history. But it had no cards to play. Until now.

Much more than this, the 5 conservative justices know that democracy hangs in the balance. There is a Mexican standoff between SCOTUS and the Executive. The reversal of Roe v Wade case rankled the Democrats. It shows SCOTUS will not play ball with the Biden admin. Biden has pushed for reforms for the Supreme Court with age limits and to pack the court with more justices. When this happens, the Judiciary will no longer be an independent and equal partner of the Executive and Legislative. SCOTUS will become subservient to White House. With the Republicans taking over control of Congress next year, the pressure is for Biden to act.

The problem with Democrat SCOTUS appointees is they are all liberals and not constitutional judges. Liberal judges believe they bring their personal wisdom (cultural and social background) to bear on a case. Conservative judges believe they make decision solely on the interpretation of the law. Why are liberal judges problematic? The answer to this is simply just take a look at Biden's appointee Ketanji-Brown Jackson -- she cannot define a woman.

For 2 years, as Biden aimed his gun at SCOTUS, there was nothing the conservative justices could do. So now in this Mexican stand-off, the Brunson v Adam case provides the conservative justices the shotgun to go after Biden pre-emptively before it is too late.

The law provides that office holders who renege on their oath of office and fail to perform a duty shall vacate the office and forever be banned from holding another appointment. The plaintiff seek the remedy of termination of office by the 388 defendants.

The bigger good is to safeguard democracy. Nothwithstanding the fact that is a foundational way of life for Americans, conservative justices, as constitutionalists, will not argue from this standpoint because it has nothing to do with the legal arguments of the case. Will they hide behind the 1877 precedence and rule in favour of plaintiff? By divine miracle, this may very well happen.

Just imagine the sheer magnitude of the possibilities. If the decision calls for vacating office, it means acts done by Congress since the time of commission of the act, ie a NO to vote-audit, are all nullified. That means the certification of VP Harris and President Biden are nullified. The situation of Trump is uncertain. What is certain is 388 Democrats with their train of aides, staffers, and lobbyists, will all say goodbye to DC. That will be a huge crowd of Liberals, 100,000? 200,000?.

The situation is fluid and dangerous in the next several days. When Congress is in session after a November election and before the beginning of the new Congress, this is known as the lame-duck session. With folks in holiday mood, courts and legislator offices winding up for the holidays, many already on leave, and loosing candidates who will not be in the next Congress having no longer any interests, it's the time when laws and regulations are covertly passed. Historically, when a President presents an extensive agenda to a lame-duck session controlled by his own party, it has often approved many of his recommendations. Next year, Biden's party will loose control of Congress, guess what he will do. Back in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed during such a time with few legislators to oppose, resulting in the US central bank function handed over to a bunch of private bankers.

The urgency for the 5 conservative Supreme Court justices to act is an understatement. The stakes on the table are mind boggling. Will they allow the liberal justices to slow walk the process and let Biden check-mate them at the lame-duck session? Or will they grant the plaintiffs what they prayed for, thus 'sealing' democracy for the people, and bring forth the 4 trumpets to sound and clear the swamp?

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  1. Very good post. Whatever happens, God will make all things right in the end.


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