
Saturday, June 18, 2022


Many feel there is something wrong with this current pandemic but just cannot quite put their finger on the sth. Truths are concealed, disinformation (deliberate deception) are propagated, mis-information (incorrect and misleading, but without agenda) is pervasive, public discourse is suppressed, and vaccine dissidents are ostracised and hounded out of jobs and their homes.

There is a huge racketeering going on which is basically profits motivated, and concurrently political gamesmanship, mostly in western countries, taking advantage of the pandemic, risking brinkmanship for a Hobbesian nightmare. This blog deals solely with the first part of racketeering. Organised crime is like a snake and we have to find the head of the snake.

English has its quirks. Racketeering is not a present participle, but a noun. It refers to dishonest and fraudulent dealings at an organised level. The Palermo Convention is a UN initiative against transnational crimes, but not many countries have fulfilled their obligations under this. Almost all countries direct their anti-organised crimes efforts in the areas of triads, drug trade, money laundering and human trafficking. In these, the efforts are mostly at breaking the organisational structure.

US has a specific law against organised crime called The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. This allows for enhanced penalties AND civil course of actions, meaning 'we the people' has standi locus. Only the Philippines has legislated something similar to the RICO act. It is thus to the US that we look for answers. In the current environment it is easier to move a mountain than to get the FBI or DOJ to investigate. RICO allows a civil course of action and there are several private initiatives that are moving in this direction. It is appropriate American civilians rise to the ocassion for it is in the US that the racketeering germinated.

In the words of Dr David Martin Phd., CEO of M.Cam, an asset underwriter and analyst company, this racketeering is about "a last hegemonic grasp of an industry, that set out in 1984, to build a singular model of what health was - the genetic manipulation of an organism to build a perpetual dependency on a pharmaceutical industry." I shall split the article into 3 parts. This is the 1st part and let's dive right into it and introduce a few companies which most people are unlikely to even know about.

We have all been told about Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Astrazeneca. WHO, Bill & Melinfa Gates Foundation, and Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunisation (GAVI). These are the frontline guys that everyone are familiar with and there is nothing further to add from me.

Advanced Technology International Ltd (ATI):

ATI of South Carolina was incorporated in 1998 and acquired by ANSER in 2018. It is basically a government contracting and procurement company that handles projects involving collaboration with a consortium of industry players in technology development. ATI is a non-profit, public service company. It was not a major operation when it was used in development of utility apps like warehouse management. All this changed in 2016.

On 8 Apr 2016 ATI received a contract for US$10b from US Army to be issued over 20 years to Medical CBRN Defense Consortium. (CBRN = chemical, bioweapon, radiation, nuclear.). This pool of funds was to be used for coordinated planning and research and development prototype efforts in support of the mission of JPM-MCS (Joint Project Manager-Medical Countermeasure Systems). The main focus for these funds is in 3 areas:
1. Detection: Systems and devices to identify CBRN agents and assist in making medical decisions
2. Prevention: Prophylaxis, pretreatment, and post-exposure prophylaxis
3. Treatment: Therapeutics (post-exposure, post-symptomatic)

The use of ATI mechanism serves the purpose of avoiding Congressional oversight and non-transparency. Not much is known of how the money was spent and how was it spent. Only a Freedom of Information Act request by watchdog groups American Oversight, Accountable Pharma, and Lower Drug Prices did the public learnt the following benefits provided under Operation Warp Speed:
* Novavax: $1.6 billion
* Pfizer: $1.95 billion
* Sanofi: $1.79 billion
* Johnson & Johnson: $1 billion

Operation Warp Speed was announced on 15 May 2020. Rome was not built in a day. Certainly Pfizer et al could not have produced those vaccines in a matter of months. It must have taken them years to develop,  patent technologies, test, and then scale their production, long before SARS-Cov2 appeared. How much was spent on these parmas in pre-Warp Speed days?

To have medical bio-terrorism countermeasures we need first to have bio-weapons. Does anyone remember on 25 May 2015 the US Navy announced they shipped by mistake anthrax spores to 9 labs in the states and an air-force base in South Korea? How about the letters laced with anthrax spores sent to the offices of various congressmen in 2001 after the 9/11 attack? It showed the US has active bioweapon research programmes which are illegal. The good intention on developing therapeutics for emerging diseases must first work with the bad intention of creating new pathogens. It can be safely assumed ATI is where Fauci drew the funds to drive his gains of function research on the coronavirus, and several other pathogens. Did they use this to fund the 46 secret biolabs in Ukraine? God forbids what other diabolical viruses they may be involved in.

Read : The novel genetic vaccines cause and/or accelerate the Creutzfedlt-Jacod Disease (CJD) which is a death sentence.

Analytics Services Inc (ANSER):

Anser was incorporated in 1958 as a non-profit. Like ATI it has a public service charter. And just like ATI, it thrives in opaqueness and without Congressional oversight.

It's primary role is supporting senior leaders of their federal customers in oversight and decision-making by providing timely and accurate information and analyses. Basically, it is in brains services. Anser produces no physical goods, but in terms of contracts landed, Bloomberg ranked it as the biggest federal contractor in 2017, ahead of any military industrial complex big guns like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Gumman, Raytheon etc.  Anser is super duper big.

What is interesting is a couple of dates in the company's evolution. Anser started off providing support services to the Air Force. In 1976 it expanded its services to various defense components of the State Dept. In the 1980s it expanded into health systems and radioactive materials. Dr Ruth David, an engineer, was CEO 1998-2015 and Anser's vision took a turn. David came from CIA where she was Dy Director of Science and Technology, overseeing a number of engineering test facilities. She moved Anser from simply analysis and research, into leveraging its position of disseminating and exploiting information.  In 2004, ANSER set up Homeland Security Institute, a federally funded think tank tasked with addressing national policy and security issues using scientific,technical, and analytical expertise. David was succeeded by Carmen Spencer, a science graduate who has military background and strong experience in chemical and bioweapon defense related areas, mostly in acquisition, logistics and technology. Under Spencer, Anser's footprint expanded into chemical and bioweapons threat reduction domain. Anser acquired ATI in 2017. According to Spencer, ATI allowed Anser to extend its reach and cost reduction advantages.

Did the CEOs do what they are supposed to do - provide vision and direction to drive the company towards greater efficiency and improve value for shareholders, the way for-profit corporations work? But Anser is a non-profit company in public service. So were the CEOs brought in specifically to drive the company towards mission capability objectives pre-determined by the government? Most likely so.

Anser has evolved from a purely supporting role to a monolithic presence in more covert functions whose expertise has perhaps been channeled towards darker ends under a progressive administration that has taken on Marxist and dictatorial colours. The acquisition of ATI is clearly seen as bringing the whole non-oversight federal purchasing programmes under one roof.

Fors Marsh:

Incorporated in 2002. This is private for-profit enterprise and a registered government contracting firm. It is basically the PR guy - the ones to do research, data collection, content messaging for behavioural change, design strategy for outreach and execution of the promotion campaigns.

Fors Marsh made it into the Financial Times' List of Fastest Growing Companies in US for 3 years running 2019 to 2021. It made it on the back of federal contracts relating to 2020 elections and Covid-19. Regarding the pandemic, they won 2 contracts worth US$400m. It worked with federal agencies like DHS, FEMA, CDC, NIH and media and other promotional agencies to develop and execute public awareness and education campaign to disseminate accurate public health information regarding COVID-19 and ways to reduce its spread.

If you wonder why mainstream media all have same talking points - Fors Marsh arranged that. If you think there was a lot of propaganda -- they are the one. If you see this celebrity, or that sports person, or some social media influencers mouthing government narratives -- they are the ones behind it. If you find this hospital or that university professor pop up and present charts and tables -- yes, you got it, Fors Marsh again. Did Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey wake up one morning and decided Facebook and Twitter will censure any mention of Ivermectin? You get the picture.

Palantir Technologies:

Palantir is a public listed corporation in the business of big data analytics. It offers several software and the one of concern here is something called Gotham. If 'Gotham' evokes something dark and sinister, it is not just the marvel comics fan in you. There is something ominous in all this.

In very basic terms, as Bloomberg puts it in a 2018 feature headline "Palantir knows everything about you". Your phone calls, your outstanding electricity bills, your hospital visits, your MRT trips, your kids' nursery school, your social media friends, your academic background, who you worked for, the age of your nieces, which banks you use, your visa card spendings, the name of the wife of your friend's friend's third uncle, which colleague you spend the most time with, where were you at 10am on the 10th of October 2020, and oh, have you taken the 3rd Moderna booster, etc, etc, they know.

Palantir mines data bases and synthesizes them, turning mountains of chaotic data into gold nuggets. From wildly diverse massive data sets, it links relationships and presents information in spiderweb structures of graphic databases. It is an intelligence platform designed for security agencies for war against all sorts of threats -- terrorism, human trafficking, domestic terror, hackers, drug trafficking, etc It is in short a great tool for spies.

Palantir itself does not do the spying. It merely uses its AI algorithms to bot scrape through massive data bases provided by the client. For example the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services uses Palantir to detect Medicare fraud, the FBI uses it in criminal probes, the Department of Homeland Security deploys it to screen air travelers and keep tabs on immigrants, Police Departments use it to keep tab on criminals and be ahead of potential crimes, Military Intelligence use it to keep tab on targets of interest anywhere in the world (in fact it had a role in the tracking of Osama bin Laden), etc. Government Agencies are prime customers. The CIA in fact helped provide seed money and co-operation in its early days, and remains invested both as shareholder and user.

But what has Palantir got to do with our story here. Well the NIH and CDC are also their customers. Palantir software is used in vaccine distribution and case management, registration of the vaccinated. There is great fear the One World agenda leads to Vaccine ID or passport and credit standing or social credit scoring system where any non-compliance means service denial. If there is such vaccine tyranny initiative, Palantir will be the great enabler. This fear is so great in UK the public went to court to eject Palantir from the British National Health Services. They failed. If you think vaccine tyranny is a conspiracy theory, some Chinese have had a taste of it recently. In the recent provincial bank runs, some folks planned a protest demonstration in the city of Zhengzou. When they left home their mobile vaccine apps showed a green status for vaccinated. Upon arrival at the city, their Covid health status turned red. Means no hotels or restaurants will admit them. (CNN 15 Jun 2022)

Just a bit of human interest here. Peter Thiel (of Pay-Pal fame) is the co-founder of Palantir. He has taken a strident political stand against progressive liberalism, contributes significantly to the Republican Party, and is currently trying to build a conservative media platform. Yet Thiel, an early investor and director of Facebook, remains on the board of the company that is trashing Freedom of expression, and in Palantir, runs a company that tramples on peoples' personal privacy.

It is difficult to locate the Covid Leviathan, much less seeking its head. But familiarity with its environment and the way it moves, helps us to understand more about the nature of the beast. In the follow up blog, I'll go over some personalities and inconvenient dates.

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