
Friday, March 4, 2022


Those with a critical mind would have been acutely aware of a paradigm shift in the way Covid19 has been managed when compared to past pandemics in 2 major ways :

Firstly, patient diagnosis has always been done by attending physicians who observe symptoms, and make individualised prescriptions accordingly, resorting to various tests only when unsure. This has been replaced by a total reliance on a test kit, where questions have been raised as regards reliability of methodology and quality of technicians. With diagnosis by algorithms and prescriptions by regulated standard protocols, physicians are rendered irrelevant. They have actually been denied any voice, on pain of loss of employment, de-registration, loss of grants, outright cancelled.

Secondly, an ideological shift has taken place in responding to the viral outbreak as a health security issue and not a medical incident. As a result, health measures taken have not been in accordance with medical pandemic response and contrary to standards of epidemiological and medical state of the art. On the other hand, a security focus encompasses full-blown control measures that trample on individual rights and freedoms.

Those with a logical and intelligent mind who never ask why, should do well to recall the words of Martin Luther King: "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

This 2nd Day hearing provides explosive background on how the ideological shift has crept mendaciously onto the world. It touched on the historical geo-political background of powerful global elites working under a veil of secrecy, of regulatory, political, and government capture by these actors, and of the web of conflicts of interest of many key actors. These insights are provided by experts in military intelligence, investigative journalists and ex-WHO personnel.

For those not widely read, the details may seem boring and disconnected. For those who have heard some conspiracy theories here and there, may well connect some dots. For me personally, a lot of things revealed in this hearing are helping to answer a lot of questions in the subconscious. I have some skin in the game as regards the idea of globalist elites trying to control the world. Ever since some 35 years ago when I first came across Alex Jones' exposure of the Bohemian Grove (there were claims Liberal elites in US are pedophiles and Satan worshiping cultist groupies), I had been interested in secret societies such as Illuminati, Bildenburg Group, Round Table, Freemasons and think tanks such as Chatham House, Trilateral Commission, and Foreign Relations Council and their New World Order design. I read up as much as I could. Alex is the so-called greatest conspiracy theorist in the internet, but he has got more things right than wrong. His latest call made a few months ago about a major war breaking out in February this year was spot on when Russia declared war on Ukraine 22 Feb 2022. My 30 years in banking helped as I am acquainted with the City Of London anomaly mentioned by the first speaker (Video 8). The reference is to a small area of about 1 sq mile within Greater London. This is known as the City of London Corporation which is somewhat like the Vatican City, it functions as an entity unto itself. All the old wealth, the financial czars of old Europe, yes the Rothschilds, Astors, Hapsburgs etc, are based in this tiny enclave. From here, their tentacles spread throughout the world.

If the idea of some families trying to gain control of the world seems ridiculous to you, consider this. It wasn't too long ago when one single company, the British East India Company, ruled the whole sub-continent of India and various parts of SE Asia. Today, it is a cabal of corporate globalists which have captured UN agencies, governments and state and international institutions of interest via dubious NGOs, charities and revolving doors. The WHO is without doubt, an agency that has been captured. Today, the czar for matters relating to vaccines is Bill Gates. No one elected him there. Listen to Dr Astrid Stuckelberger (video 13), ex-WHO staffer who described how mechanisms have grown complex and difficult to understand, how non-governmental agencies get embeded into WHO and making decisions, how Bill Gates' role in WHO has a special non-impunity protection (he cannot be sued nor held liable for anything), how WHO's constitution supersedes state constitutions. There are only 3 states that have not signed over their sovereignty on health matters to WHO - Vatican City, Iran and US.

Creeping New World Order initiatives ensnare states to end up subjugating their sovereignty to dubious non-state actors. In this light, it becomes clear President Trump's inclination to disengage US from United Nation Agencies, such as WHO, UNCHR and the Paris Accord for environmental sustainability.

All those desirous to understand the Truth of this pandemic should invest time to go through these videos. The pandemic is just a matter of a medical infliction on the world, but the background story is about our personal sovereignty that a group of corporate globalists seek to control. Again, this seems far fetched for many. I encourage all skeptics to read up on Klaus Schwab's vision of Transhumanism. They are not even hiding their plans for the New World Order any more. Their designs are plain to the public, and yet non-believers are still the majority.

Day 2 Video 8 Alex Thomson (Signals Intelligence Agency, UK)
Alex describes the geopolitics of the West in the period 1870s to WW2. Private wealth centred in the City of London is the real power behind crowns and governments. In the words of Cecil Rhodes: "Why should we not form a secret society where we have but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under one British rule for the recovery of the United States and for the making of the whole Anglo-Saxon race under One Empire". The New World Order agenda is the imposition of British form of liberal democracy and world view on the whole world. Rhodes Scholarships, Global Leader Fellowship of the World Economic Forum, various think thanks, many NGOs, charities and philantrophic foundations, are clandestine institutions of the elites aimed at influencing and recruiting brilliant alumnus into their fold. This has morphed from an intrinsically Britishque idea to a global corporate elitist agenda. Prof Ngaire Woods, founder of Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford University, famously said at the 2021 WEF meeting : "The good news is the elites across the world trust each other more and more, so we can come together and design and do beautiful things together."

Whereas in the past, war was the means of influencing events to bring people under control, in current times, pandemics are recognised as a way to control without a conflict.

The British recognised early that mind control of population is key. It is therefore essential to master what they termed "Mind Space". The Brits were early into psyops, a subset of which is national health, which was nationalised in 1948. This idea of Mind Space has developed into the current hot topic of transhumanism and genetic decoding of human genomes and the debate on the copyright and ownership of human beings. On the scariest end of the genetic vaccine programme is the proposition that novel technology is one step toward the dystopian objective of total control of the human 'livestock' so humanity can be branded and inventorised. This is no longer a mad scientist's dream but within the realms of technology today.

Video 8 - Alex Thomson (45 mins)

Day 2 Video 9A & 9B Matthew Ehret (Canadian Investigative Journalist, Author)
(Video size is too big for this blog platform. I compressed and split it into 2 parts).

I highly recommend you view video 9. Matthew displays an intellectualism on a subject that seems far beyond his youthful looks.

Matthew gives a great and brief insight into the geo-politics after WW2 to present day. The British Empire may have been long gone, but the coterie of the old wealth that thrived in the past has embeded myriad fifth columns in all the countries of the Commonwealth and the US. The hands of the City of London are in many countries in the form of roles played by distinguished Rhodes scholars who have been pivotal in pushing policies and initiatives that promote the new Anglo imperialism. Of course many such scholars went on to do good deeds for humanity. But those willing to sell their soul to work for the City are recruited.

Seen in this light, the current schisms in the US becomes very clear. On the one side are republicans, those who want an independent sovereign state. On the other are old British loyalists who signed up for the New World Order under Anglo-Saxon corporate elite control. The treasonous and destructive policies and acts of many American leaders in the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, the Fourth Estate, academia, entertainment industry, Wall Street, private corporations and the Deep State (the civil service and all state agencies) make perfect sense.

"Fascism in the postwar inevitably will push for Anglo-Saxon imperialism and eventually for war with Russia. Already American fascist are talking and writing about this conflict and using it as an excuse for their internal hatred and intolerances toward certain races, creeds and classes". Incredibly, this is a quote of Vice President Henry Wallace in 1946. This basically reflects the zeitgeist of our times. Russia announced it attacked Ukraine 22 Feb 2022. We know who these fascists are. Vaccine tyranny is a manifestation of their designs. And no, they are not Donald Trump and conservatives.

The bottom line is, propaganda has normalised the view in the West that Russia or China is the existential threat. Generally unknown is the threat of the remnants of the British Empire that reports not to the Queen but an insidious group from the City of London, which have planted fifth columns, captured governing institutions (including WHO) and 'Mind Space' in many countries.

My only objection to Matthew's evidence is his representation of Justin Trudeau's swearing-in ceremony as Canadian PM pledging loyalty to the British monarch is some sort of eureka moment of conspiratorial proportion. I wouldn't look much into this. It is but a ceremonial peculiarity. Trudeau is the head of government and the Queen is the Canadian Head of State. The Queen represents the people, thus pledging loyalty to her is a pledge to Canadians. The Queen is the monarch to several states and head of state to many others such as Australia and New Zealand.

Video 9A - Matthew Ehret (37 mins)

 Video 9B - Matthew Ehret (34 mins)

Video 10 Brian Gerrish (Investigative journalist) & Debbie Evans (Nursing professional)

Brian and Debbie gave evidence for the scene in UK. Brian shared information from investigative work in public corruption, Debbie from her knowledge of the UK public health services.

Some interesting takeaways are :
1. UK government's pursuit of the 'Mind Space' has institutionalised the use of applied behavioural psychology in health management. Psychiatrists and psychologists are getting into policy making roles in the 2 agencies SAGE & SPI_B that handle the pandemic. The UK team advocated the use of instilling fear and coercion in pandemic management. Inclusion is a social policing approach, a divisive drive that promotes the community to force others to conform -- eg wear masks, get vaccinated, etc.
2.Regulatory capture of UK Natl Health Services by SAGE/SPI_B team resulted in a paradigm shift from medical approach to a 'mantra' approach in handling patients. Eg there is a Covid/Unvaccinated/Death-Pathway. If a patient has Covid but found to be unvaccinated, he is put on a protocol that leads to death. Health workers no longer discuss patient healthcare and are stressed with the state of cognitive dissonance. 
3.UK's formulated approach has been replicated in various countries, thus the same techniques are used everywhere.  
4. The Golden Triangle (Cambridge Uni-Oxford Uni-City of London) is UK's Silicon Valley for Life Sciences. A corrupted and insidious network of Big Pharma, Academia, City of London, Charities, NGO, and professional consultants have taken hold in the Golden Triangle via revolving doors, fundings, lobbies. An incestuous relationship full of conflicts of interest exist. Invariably, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation features prominently.
5. It is a familiar dysfunctional state of affairs in UK health services where non-state players have usurped the driver's seat.

Is it a wonder when Dr Robert Marlone first talked of  'mass disconsonance psychosis' being created in the pandemic, he caused a great uproar in the corridors of those pushing the vaccine narrative.

Video 10 - Brian Gerrish & Debbie Evans ( 65 mins)

Video 11 Whitney Webb (Investigative Journalist)

I cannot quite grasp what basically her contribution is to the evidence. She seems to be coming from diverse angles, and although interesting as detached info, I am unable to put out a meaningful summary. Nevertheless, I leave the clip here for anyone who wants to try to understand her.

Video 11 - Whitney Evans ( 28 mins)

Day 2 Video 12 James Bush (Engineer )

James has military background and years managing biolabs. Listening to James, one needs to be careful to separate facts from opinion. I think his evidence, in a real court of law, would have come under intense scrutiny and discarded, which the Grand Jury failed to do.

He introduced "Dark Winter" and "Operation Lockstep" and meant to link them to the agenda of the New World Order. For those not familiar :
"Dark Winter" - was the code-name given to an exercise conducted in 2001 by John Hopkins Center and the government to test US preparedness for a bio-terrorism attack. It used the scenario of a smallpox attack in 3 states. Various organisations were invited to a presentation of the exercise debrief at Andrews Air Base for their feedback. It being a bio-warfare exercise, of course lots of security and military personnel were involved. James Bush was an attendee.
"Operation Lockstep" - In 2010 The Rockefeller Foundation wrote a report "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development". This was in their website but has since been taken down. The report was about understanding the many ways in which technology will impact international development in the future. Included in the report was a section called "Lock Step" which dealt with the scenario of a pandemic in the future. This listed 3 steps (you can see in the video) which ran eerily similar to what actually happened in the Covid-19 pandemic.
There was no such operation. The fact that it had fingerprints of Rockefeller (a name closely linked to New World Order) triggered all sensors. The uncanny resemblance of the scenario in the report to the way Covid-19 pandemic actually panned out belatedly fed the conspiracy theory that went viral. How did Rockefeller et al knew in 2010 about Covid-19?

New World Order - my 2 cents worth:
James Bush briefly tried to link the Rockefeller name to the New World Order agenda by referencing to the eponymous book written by Ralph Epperson in 1990. The engineer did not expand on what the book was all about. For those who have not read the book, nor really understand what the New World Order is all about, let me summarise here so you get a gist of how all this ties up with the pandemic. (I am inclined to write a separate blog on this most interesting topic some time in the future).

There is a school of thought that historical events in the world never happen by chance. Instead, much of the important events have been orchestrated by unseen hands working in secrecy. Ralph Epperson conducted 27 years research to put the book together, based not on his own opinions, but on what the various actors themselves actually said and written. He culled the info from people such as 33 Degree masons like Albert Pike, Albert Mackey and Manly Hall, the founder of Illumati Adam Weishaupt, various US Presidents including George Washington, George Bush Snr, communists giants of the past Karl Marx, Lenin, etc. Very basically, the various secretive organisations seem to have congruent objective of demolishing the way we live and transforming the world into an entirely different order.

The core objectives they seek are - a Godless world where men live by Reasons only, the people owns nothing, abolishment of family structure (children to be raised by state), curtailment of rights of association, free public education (means controlled), there will be no nations, existing governments must go. All these are to be found in the literatures of Freemasons, Illumati, Soviet apparatchiks, Maoists, Communist International, World Economic Forum, Humanists and New Age organisations.

It is evident in the Judeo Western world, the actions needed to achieve these objectives have been in motion for decades if not centuries. There are attacks on Judaisn and Christianity, on our inalienable rights as individuals, on education, on national borders and the idea of patriotism and loyalty, those who disagree to be extinguished. The means to achieve the ends is by fear, chaos, control and eugenics. Covid-19 pandemic management looks like following some preconceived playbook. In the US, all these seem to culminate in the one year under the liberal Biden era. Against this backdrop, it is easy to see why the liberal left in the US and the whole western world are vemently against Donald Trump and conspired to engineer his downfall and doing everything they can to prevent his return to power.

It seems to me there is a triumvirate of protagonists. On the one hand, there is the material world of mad scientists and financial and corporate globalists out for economic capture of the world. Then there are the ultra Socialists Liberals and mad naturalist philosopher types who think by the power of man's capability to Reason alone, there is no God. By Reason alone is morality established. Man can be Gods. Finally, the occultist, esoteric group such as Freemasons who believe in moving into the Light, the attainment of real knowledge as provided in the realm of the Morning Light, ie Lucifer. There is shared objectives. In all likelihood, each group is the tiger on which the other rides. In his Farewell Speech in 1789, George Washington said : "Of all the dispositions and habits which leads to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. Let it simply be asked where is the security for prosperity, for reputation, for life if the sense of religious obligation desert? And let us indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." It was an ancient and dire warning against moving away from God. It is the reason why many see a spiritual struggle in the world today between Light and Darkness.

Video 12 - James Bush ( 42 mins)

Day 2 Video 13A & 13B Dr Sylvia Behrendt (lawyer)/ Dr Astrid Buckelberger
(Video size is too big for this blog platform. I compressed and split it into 2 parts).

I strongly recommend these 2 videos for an excellent insider info on the nefarious things going on in WHO, and not just because Sylvia is delightful to watch. Both these ladies are ex-WHO staffers who objected to nefarious developments in this UN agency and have decided to speak up bravely.

Dr Sylvia Behrendt is a legal expert in the field of pandemic management and one time legal consultant to the Secretariat of the International Health Regulations (IHR) of WHO. She lays down the background info on WHO from the regulatory perspective, which shows the organisation moving away from a medical to a health security focus.

In the 1990s the US focused concerns on the rise of bio-terrorism with particular worries on emerging infectious diseases. The 'Dark Winter' exercise used the scenario of new strains of smallpox. From lessons learnt in the exercise, came legislation. Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (HSA) was passed supposedly to address bio-terrorism issues, but was heavily criticised as an assault on the constitutional rights of Americans. It gave dictatorial powers to governors and obliterated health privacy standards. (By the way, the HSA was authored by Prof Lawrence Gostin of Geogetown University, who also sits on the WHO board.)

The US view of treating health as a security issue is to institutionalise state exception to handle medical events. It means the medical is replaced by the political. This approach soon got replicated in WHO which formed a new Emerging Infectious Diseases Div (which bypass an existing Communicable Disease and Control Dept). WHO in turn reformed the IHR. The IHR was just a sanitary law (ie deals with the cross-border movement of animals with disease implications). Previously IHR was a mundane affair dealing with only 2 or 3 diseases. This has now been re-constituted along the dictatorial lines as in the HSA laws of the US to deal with any outbreak of diseases that pose a global threat. These regulations override all member state legislation.

My 2 cents worth :
What has happened is the US, which has not ratified the WHO (they are not bound by WHO directives) has influenced WHO to reform its constitution which all other countries in the world must follow. Thus similar draconian steps in pandemic management are deployed all over the world. The Biological Warfare Convention which banned bio-warfare, came into force in 1975. There are only 10 countries which have not ratified it (Israel is one of them). US has ratified this treaty. Under this Convention, dual purpose biological research (civilian and military use) is illegal. In the 1990s bio-terrorism preparedness became vogue in the US. At the same time when the US was working on bio-terrorism preparedness, DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) started funding projects into emerging infectious diseases, including 'gains of function' research. WEF, Bill Gates and many other actors, started moving into this sphere and gained positions of influence. The question is, is there unseen hands driving an agenda? Is there a conspiracy?

Dr Astrid Buckelberger is a scientist, researcher, trainer, author who has served as consultant to various UN agencies including WHO. She presents insights from the operations side. Listen to her explain the web of conflicts of interest, or regulatory capture by non-science actors. Her delectable expose includes the Vaccine Alliance which is a public-private partnership called GAVI created to facilitate Bill Gates' role, and which has a non-punitive constitution which protects him from being sued; Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of WHO is basically an appointee of Bill Gates; the use of consultancy firm McKinsey which is Bill Gates goto firm for such matters; Dr Christian Dorsten (the German equivalent of Dr Fauci) has an interest in the German manufacturer of PCR kit., etc.

My two cents worth:
The WHO is not what it seems to the public - a pre-eminent UN agency on all things health that all countries must look to for advice and leadership. For years, it has been bogged down by administrative and organisational problems due mainly to funding issues. Each new Director-General comes in with promises of reform. Staff have 'reform-fatigue' and wary of management consultants and their "musical chairs", "cost-cutting" and "debunked management fads".

In stepped Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It became the 2nd biggest donor to WHO after the US government. Let's not kid ourselves. There is no free lunch. It is 'philantrocapitalism' at work. For the billions he dispenses, Bill Gates gets back billions in tax credits. He is now the vaccine czar at WHO and gets to demand intellectual rights to vaccine patents, which guarantees pharma monopoly. What is happening is the socialising of vaccine development funding and cost, but private profiteering by pharma companies in which Bill Gates has substantial interests.

WHO has worked with many management consultants. Many health workers in WHO find them pervasive and ubiquitous. Much financial resources have been spent on consultancy work which have not been transparent. Bill Gates brought in McKinsey which boasted involvement with Mers in Saudi Arabia to Zika in Brazil, 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Madhu Pai of McGill University wrote of an African colleague who has had to face ‘kids with little or no experience coming all the time to advise her government on what to do about health.

Bill Gates has an outsized role in WHO and together with other consultants and NGOs, non-science and non-state actors are now shaping public health policies. These actors are non-accountable, whose work are non-transparent, and often involve what Pai calls “global health consulting malpractice.” The consequence is great damage to the health institution, made worse by a new culture that has blanketed the world where global health workers and analysts will not speak up for fear of compromising their professional prospects.

Video 13A - Sylvia Behrendt & Dr Astrid Buckelberger ( 37 mins)

Video 13B - Sylvia Behrendt & Dr Astrid Buckelberger ( 37 mins)



  1. Another great post Pat! I was shocked by Alex Jones discovery about the global who's who cavorting around, sometimes naked in Bohemian Grove, his under cover journey into this weird and power mad secret society is disturbing. I just hope more people are willing to do the research themselves and open up their minds about the existence of such groups controlling the world and our lives. I am quite sure they are responsible for organizing the events of 911 leading to the mess we have today.

  2. FYI -


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