
Friday, August 13, 2021

Did The Bible Warn Us Of Vaccination?

This is not a doomsday prediction, which so far has a very poor track record. This is also not quoting from Bible to prove anything. Confirmation bias and blowing up a few coincidences to establish a full narrative is difficult to pass a smell test. Liberals can take it as just something interesting to talk about. The faithful may want to take it as a warning of sorts.

Book of Revelation 18:23 (KJV) : “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

This is the eschatology that talks about the fall of Babylon. The King James version adopts the word "sorceries". In the Septaugint, the Greek word is “Pharmakeia” which means the use of drugs, poison, witchcraft, magic. I'm sure you are jumping ahead of me. Yes, the English word Pharmacy is derived from the Greek Pharmakeia.

The aphorism 'all medications are poisons' is probably something freshmen at medical schools hear on their first day in class. Medicines interfere with normal cellular processes in some ways. They poison some enzymes or molecules in our bodies. It is beneficial to disease treatment by proper management of the dosage. What goes without much scrutiny is the fact that many people die of medicinal poisoning every year. Medicinal treatment is a matter of risk-benefits analysis.

So what we have here in Revelation 18.23 is Babylonians and all nations were deceived into taking pharmakeia, which poisoned bodies and minds. The parallelism to our current situation is the covid vaccination thrust upon the entire world, under a cloud of FUD - fear, uncertainty, and doubt. And of course, suppression of information and data. That much is undeniable, however one thinks of the pros and cons of vaccination. The question for the present, is whether there is deception for pharmacy (vaccination) as there was for pharmakeia in Babylon.

In the Biblical world, deception is dealing with an ancient enemy we manifest in the being Satan. He was there from the very beginning in the Garden, as the Serpent that tempted Eve the gift of knowledge with a bite of the forbidden fruit. Today we too are tempted by knowledge, or science to take untested vaccine for emergency use with disappointing efficacy and long term effects unknown. Will the artificial spiked protein damage organs and muddle brains? The Serpent deceived Eve. Are the medical institutions deceiving all nations with the vaccine? Great is the ingratitude to suggest the medical profession, the institutions, the whole complex structure of the health services, are trying to deceive the world. Of course not. There are thousands and thousands of good folks out there saving lives. Perhaps in symbolism, there is an answer.

Aesculapius was the Greek god of medicine. He was the son of Apollo and grandson of Zeus, the uno numero in the Greecian pantheon of gods. Aesculapius carried with him a staff with a serpent coiled around it. How great the irony the god of medicine adopted a symbol that depicts the serpent, as Satan did in Eden. Today's medical symbol has two serpents in coitus and coiled around a staff, topped by a pair of wings. Perhaps a case of two snakes are better than one. This symbol is called the caduceus. It came from the Grecian god Hermes, or Jupiter to the Romans. Hermes is a messenger of the gods and is associated with commerce, eloquence, alchemy, lying and a protector of thieves and merchants. The Great Deceiver makes use of everyone at his disposal.

In the occult world, the caduceus is used in witchcraft and sorcery to cast spells and to restrain and control victims. Baphomet is the winged hermaphrodite goat-like being with horns and hooves. Right in his mid-section is the caduceus. Baphomet is the modern representation of Satan. Statutes of him has appeared in some places, the original in the Temple of Satan in Detroit, USA. The photo here shows the statute of Baphomet unveiled in the temple.

Baphomet is a mystery. Some said it started with the Crusaders. They were supposed to have found some secrets in the underground stables in Jerusalem. After which, although they continued with the task of protecting Christian pilgrims, their faith seemed to have changed. They were accused of practicing occult, desecrating the cross, and praying to a skull. Some believed they had found the skull of John the Baptist. They were arrested by King Philip IV of France, charged for heresy, and burnt at the stakes on Friday 13th, 1307. Whilst on the stakes, the last Crusade leader Jacques de Molay, cursed King Philip and his entire descendants. Some of his curses manifested and that was how the Friday 13th legend started. In the trials, some Crusaders confessed they worshiped an entity they called Baphomet. It remains a mystery who is Baphomet. Some have suggested it's old French version of Mahomet (Mohamud). The statute of Baphomet is a Hermaphrodite, which is the condition of having both male and female reproductive organs. Extreme Left liberals think Baphomet represents non-faith knowledge. Now you can see the depravity of the extreme Left Liberals in US and their gender juxtapositions.

We can see how the pandemic and vaccination is being played out. The population is controlled by FUD, and restrains are coming if not already here. Merchants, i.e. Big pharmas, are protected by non-liability sales contracts for the untested vaccines. Commerce, i.e. pharmaceutical companies, prosper by the billions. Information suppression and lying false information prevails. And who can outwit the eloquence, and the funding capabilities, of Bill Gates as he gate-crashed the WHO party and took over the world vaccine production by coalescing big pharma under his ACT-Accelerator initiative. The WHO and other world bodies had worked on the C-TAP initiative that promotes open licensing and knowledge sharing to maximize production and access thus making the vaccines cheaper to all the poorer nations. Bill Gates fought hard for the legacy rationale that intellectual property fundamentally underpins innovation. Moderna and Pfizer ends up using state research grants but retain exclusive intellectual property rights and monopoly control of the vaccines. Bill Gates' insertion into the world health pandemic handling has prevented tech-transfer to facilitate production in other countries. The consequence is a worldwide shortage of vaccine for distribution. Bill Gates seeks to address the tech-transfer question within the usual frame of monopoly rights and bilateral licensing.

What is my personal take on all these? 

The pandemic brings out a lot of end time prophecies. Here's an example. The Immunisation Action Coalition is an NGO that works with various parties like WHO, CDC etc in the area of immunisation. On 29 May 2007 they issued a publication on influenza pandemic guidance, large scale vaccination, and sharing of influenza viruses and vaccines. Did they predict the 2020 pandemic? And this May 2007 publication was article serial number 666.

Babylon is already past. Relating Revelation about Babylon to the end days for present times is an anachronism. In any case, Jesus himself said at the Mount of Olives "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father".... Matthew 24.

As for Baphomet, the statute is a present day invention. The French occultist Eliphas Levi drew the caricature not too long ago in 1886. Depraved extreme Leftist grew enamoured of the drawing. Depraved minds gyrate to works of decadence, debauchery, revulsion of which the caricature represents to most, I would think. But who knows, Levi could have received inspiration from Satan in the wee hours of the night.

There are too many coincidences in Revelation 18-23 and symbolism to the present day situation.  Albert Einstein said "Coincidences is God's way of remaining anonymous". The warnings are free. Take it or leave it.  

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